Export Gerber
The exported gerber files can be used to convert it into gcode for a mill
Export settings
Open the board in KiCad and select: File | Plot
Plot format: Gerber
Include Layer
Include the Layer B.Cu and Edge.Cuts [ ] Plot border and title block [x] Plot footprint values [x] Plot footprint reference [ ] Force plotting of invisible values / refs [x] Exclude PCB edge layer from other layers [x] Exclude pads from silk screen [ ] Do not tent vias [x] Use auxilary axis as origin Drill marks: None Scaling: 1:1 Plot mode: Filled Default line width: 0.1mm [ ] Mirrored plot [ ] Negated plot
Gerber Options
[ ] Use Protel filename extensions [ ] Generate Geber job file [ ] Substract soldermask from silkscreen Coordinate format: 4.6, unit mm [ ] Use extended X2 format [ ] Include netlist attributes
- Plot
- Generate Drill Files ...
- PTH and NPTH in a single file
- Map File Format: DXF
- Drill Units: mm
- Drill Origin: Auxilary axis