-- Global Variables -- Display other numbers, e.g. Temperatur tw=nil tcol=nil function parseMqttSub(client, topic, data) if (topic == (mqttPrefix .. "/cmd/num/val")) then if (( data == "" ) or (data == nil)) then tw=nil print("MQTT | wordclock failed") else -- generate the temperatur to display, once as it will not change local dispTemp = tonumber(data) collectgarbage() mydofile("wordclock") if (wc ~= nil) then tw = wc.showText(dw, rgbBuffer, invertRows, dispTemp) wc = nil print("MQTT | generated words for: " .. tostring(dispTemp)) else print("MQTT | wordclock failed") end end elseif (topic == (mqttPrefix .. "/cmd/num/col")) then -- Set number of the color to display if (( data ~= "" ) and (data ~= nil)) then tcol = parseBgColor(data, "num/col") else tcol = nil print("MQTT | Hide number") end end end