uart.setup(0, 115200, 8, 0, 1, 1 ) print("Autostart in 5 seconds...") ws2812.init() -- WS2812 LEDs initialized on GPIO2 MAXLEDS=110 counter1=0 ws2812.write(string.char(0,0,0):rep(114)) local bootledtimer = tmr.create() bootledtimer:register(500, tmr.ALARM_AUTO, function (t) counter1=counter1+1 spaceLeds = math.max(MAXLEDS - (counter1*2), 0) ws2812.write(string.char(128,0,0):rep(counter1) .. string.char(0,0,0):rep(spaceLeds) .. string.char(0,0,64):rep(counter1)) end) bootledtimer:start() local blacklistfile="init.lua config.lua webpage.html" function recompileAll() -- 3, discard Local, Upvalue and line-number debug info node.stripdebug(3) -- compile all files l = file.list(); for k,_ in pairs(l) do if (string.find(k, ".lc", -3)) then print ("Skipping " .. k) elseif (string.find(blacklistfile, k) == nil) then -- Only look at lua files if (string.find(k, ".lua") ~= nil) then print("Compiling and deleting " .. k) node.compile(k) -- remove the lua file file.remove(k) node.restart() else print("No code: " .. k) end end end end function mydofile(mod) if ( .. ".lua")) then dofile( mod .. ".lua") elseif ( .. ".lc")) then dofile(mod .. ".lc") elseif ( then dofile(mod) else print("Error: " .. mod) end end initTimer = tmr.create() initTimer:register(5000, tmr.ALARM_SINGLE, function (t) bootledtimer:unregister() t:unregister() collectgarbage() if ( ("main.lua")) or ("timecore.lua")) or ("wordclock.lua")) or ("displayword.lua")) or ("mqtt.lua")) or ("ds18b20.lua")) or ("telnet.lua")) ) then c = string.char(0,128,0) w = string.char(0,0,0) ws2812.write(w:rep(4) .. c .. w:rep(15) .. c .. w:rep(9) .. c .. w:rep(30) .. c .. w:rep(41) .. c ) recompileAll() print("Rebooting ...") -- reboot repairs everything node.restart() else if ("config.lua") ) then --- Normal operation print("Starting main") dofile("") wifi.setmode(wifi.STATION) dofile("config.lua") normalOperation() else mydofile("websrv_diet") -- Logic for inital setup startSetupMode() end end end) initTimer:start()