-- Main Module mlt = tmr.create() -- Main loop timer rowbgColor= {} -- Buffer of the clock rgbBuffer = ws2812.newBuffer(114, 3) -- 110 Character plus one LED for each minute, -- that cannot be displayed, as the clock as only a resolution of 5 minutes function syncTimeFromInternet() if (syncRunning == nil) then syncRunning=true sntp.sync(sntpserverhostname, function(sec,usec,server) syncRunning=nil end, function() print('NTP failed!') syncRunning=nil end ) end end function displayTime() collectgarbage() local sec, usec = rtctime.get() -- Handle lazy programmer: if (timezoneoffset == nil) then timezoneoffset=0 end local tc = require("timecore_diet") if (tc == nil) then return end local time = tc.getTime(sec, timezoneoffset) tc = nil timecore_diet=nil package.loaded["timecore_diet"]=nil collectgarbage() local wc = require("wordclock_diet") if (wc ~= nil) then words = wc.timestat(time.hour, time.minute) if ((dim ~= nil) and (dim == "on")) then words.briPer=briPer if (words.briPer ~= nil and words.briPer < 3) then words.briPer=3 end else words.briPer=nil end end wc = nil wordclock_diet=nil package.loaded["wordclock_diet"]=nil collectgarbage() print("wc: " .. tostring(node.heap())) local dw = require("displayword_diet") if (dw ~= nil) then --if lines 4 to 6 are inverted due to hardware-fuckup, unfuck it here local invertRows=false if ((inv46 ~= nil) and (inv46 == "on")) then invertRows=true end local c = dw.countChars(words) dw.generateLEDs(rgbBuffer, words, colorBg, color, color1, color2, color3, color4, invertRows, c) end if ( (tw ~= nil) and (tcol ~= nil) ) then local c1 = dw.countChars(tw) dw.generateLEDs(rgbBuffer, tw, nil, tcol, nil, nil, nil, nil, invertRows, c1) print("Show number") end dw = nil displayword_diet=nil package.loaded["displayword_diet"]=nil collectgarbage() -- cleanup i=nil briPer=words.briPer words=nil time=nil collectgarbage() end function normalOperation() -- use default color, if nothing is defined if (color == nil) then -- Color is defined as GREEN, RED, BLUE color=string.char(0,0,250) end print("start: " , node.heap()) ------------------------------------------------------------- -- Define the main loop local setupCounter=5 local alive=0 mlt:register(1000, tmr.ALARM_AUTO, function (lt) if (setupCounter > 4) then if (colorBg ~= nil) then rgbBuffer:fill(string.byte(colorBg,1), string.byte(colorBg,2), string.byte(colorBg,3)) -- disable all LEDs else rgbBuffer:fill(0,0,0) -- disable all LEDs end syncTimeFromInternet() setupCounter=setupCounter-1 alive = 1 rgbBuffer:set(19, color) -- N rgbBuffer:set(31, color) -- T if ((inv46 ~= nil) and (inv46 == "on")) then rgbBuffer:set(45, color) -- P else rgbBuffer:set(55, color) -- P end elseif (setupCounter > 3) then -- Here the WLAN is found, and something is done mydofile("mqtt") rgbBuffer:fill(0,0,0) -- disable all LEDs if (startMqttClient ~= nil) then if ((inv46 ~= nil) and (inv46 == "on")) then rgbBuffer:set(34, color) -- M else rgbBuffer:set(44, color) -- M end rgbBuffer:set(82, color) -- T startMqttClient() else print("NO Mqtt found") mydofile("telnet") end setupCounter=setupCounter-1 elseif (setupCounter > 2) then if (startTelnetServer ~= nil) then startTelnetServer() else displayTime() end setupCounter=setupCounter-1 elseif ( (alive % 120) == 0) then -- sync the time every 5 minutes local heapusage = node.heap() if (heapusage > 12000) then syncTimeFromInternet() end heapusage=nil alive = alive + 1 else displayTime() alive = alive + 1 end if (rgbBuffer ~= nil) then -- show Mqtt status if (startMqttClient ~= nil) then if (not connectedMqtt()) then rgbBuffer:set(103, 0, 64,0) -- check every thirty seconds, if reconnecting is necessary if (((tmr.now() / 1000000) % 100) == 30) then print("MQTT reconnecting... ") reConnectMqtt() end end end ws2812.write(rgbBuffer) else -- set FG to fix value: RED local color = string.char(255,0,0) rgbBuffer:fill(0,0,0) -- disable all LEDs for i=108,110, 1 do rgbBuffer:set(i, color) end ws2812.write(rgbBuffer) print("Fallback no time displayed") end collectgarbage() -- Feed the system watchdog. tmr.wdclr() end) ------------------------------------------------------------- -- Connect to Wifi local connect_counter=0 -- Wait to be connect to the WiFi access point. local wifitimer = tmr.create() wifitimer:register(500, tmr.ALARM_AUTO, function (timer) connect_counter=connect_counter+1 if wifi.sta.status() ~= 5 then print(connect_counter .. "/60 Connecting to AP...") rgbBuffer:fill(0,0,0) -- clear all LEDs if (connect_counter % 5 ~= 4) then local wlanColor=string.char((connect_counter % 6)*20,(connect_counter % 5)*20,(connect_counter % 3)*20) if ((connect_counter % 5) >= 1) then rgbBuffer:set(7, wlanColor) end if ((connect_counter % 5) >= 3) then rgbBuffer:set(15, wlanColor) end if ((connect_counter % 5) >= 2) then rgbBuffer:set(16, wlanColor) end if ((connect_counter % 5) >= 0) then rgbBuffer:set(17, wlanColor) end end ws2812.write(rgbBuffer) else wifitimer:unregister() wifitimer=nil connect_counter=nil print('IP: ',wifi.sta.getip(), " heap: ", node.heap()) rgbBuffer:fill(0,0,0) -- clear all LEDs rgbBuffer:set(13, color) -- I if ((inv46 ~= nil) and (inv46 == "on")) then rgbBuffer:set(45, color) -- P else rgbBuffer:set(55, color) -- P end ws2812.write(rgbBuffer) mlt:start() end end) wifitimer:start() end -------------------main program ----------------------------- briPer = 50 -- Default brightness is set to 50% ws2812.init() -- WS2812 LEDs initialized on GPIO2 ----------- button --------- gpio.mode(3, gpio.INPUT) local btnCounter=0 -- Start the time Thread handling the button local btntimer = tmr.create() btntimer:register(5000, tmr.ALARM_AUTO, function (t) if (gpio.read(3) == 0) then mlt:unregister() print("Button pressed " .. tostring(btnCounter)) btnCounter = btnCounter + 5 for i=1,btnCounter do rgbBuffer:set(i, 128, 0, 0) end ws2812.write(rgbBuffer) if (btnCounter >= 110) then file.remove("config.lua") file.remove("config.lc") node.restart() end end end) btntimer:start()