-- Global variable local m=nil local mqttConnected = false -- Temp: local t=nil function handleSingleCommand(client, topic, data) if (data == "ON") then briPer=100 m:publish(mqttPrefix .. "/clock", "ON", 0, 0) elseif (data == "OFF") then briPer=0 m:publish(mqttPrefix .. "/clock", "OFF", 0, 0) elseif ((data:sub(1,1) == "#" and data:len() == 7) or (string.match(data, "%d+,%d+,%d+"))) then local red=0 local green=0 local blue=0 if (data:sub(1,1) == "#") then red = tonumber(data:sub(2,3), 16) green = tonumber(data:sub(4,5), 16) blue = tonumber(data:sub(6,7), 16) else red, green, blue = string.match(data, "(%d+),(%d+),(%d+)") end colorBg=string.char(green * briPer / 100, red * briPer / 100, blue * briPer / 100) print("Updated BG: " .. tostring(red) .. "," .. tostring(green) .. "," .. tostring(blue) ) m:publish(mqttPrefix .. "/background", tostring(red) .. "," .. tostring(green) .. "," .. tostring(blue), 0, 0) if (displayTime~= nil) then displayTime() end else if (tonumber(data) >= 0 and tonumber(data) <= 100) then briPer=tonumber(data) m:publish(mqttPrefix .. "/clock", tostring(data), 0, 0) else print "Unknown MQTT command" end end end -- Parse MQTT data and extract color -- @param data MQTT information -- @param row string of the row e.g. "row1" used to publish current state function parseBgColor(data, row) local red=nil local green=nil local blue=nil if (data:sub(1,1) == "#") then red = tonumber(data:sub(2,3), 16) green = tonumber(data:sub(4,5), 16) blue = tonumber(data:sub(6,7), 16) else red, green, blue = string.match(data, "(%d+),(%d+),(%d+)") end if ((red ~= nil) and (green ~= nil) and (blue ~= nil) ) then m:publish(mqttPrefix .. "/"..row, tostring(red) .. "," .. tostring(green) .. "," .. tostring(blue), 0, 0) return string.char(green * briPer / 100, red * briPer / 100, blue * briPer / 100) else return nil end end function readTemp() if (t ~= nil) then addrs=t.addrs() -- Total DS18B20 numbers sensors=table.getn(addrs) local temp1=0 if (sensors >= 1) then temp1=t.read(addrs[0]) end return temp1 else return nil end end -- MQTT extension function registerMqtt() m = mqtt.Client("wordclock", 120) -- on publish message receive event m:on("message", function(client, topic, data) print(topic .. ":" ) if data ~= nil then print(data) if (topic == (mqttPrefix .. "/cmd/single")) then handleSingleCommand(client, topic, data) else -- Handle here the /cmd/# sublevel if (string.match(topic, "telnet$")) then client:publish(mqttPrefix .. "/telnet", tostring(wifi.sta.getip()), 0, 0) ws2812.write(string.char(0,0,0):rep(114)) print("Stop Mqtt and Temp") m=nil t=nil mqttConnected = false if (mlt ~= nil) then mlt:unregister() else print("main loop unstoppable") end collectgarbage() mydofile("telnet") if (startTelnetServer ~= nil) then startTelnetServer() end else for i=1,10,1 do if (string.match(topic, "row".. tostring(i) .."$")) then rowbgColor[i] = parseBgColor(data, "row" .. tostring(i)) print("Updated row" .. tostring(i) ) return end end end end end end) m:on("offline", function(client) print("MQTT Disconnected") mqttConnected = false end ) m:connect(mqttServer, 1883, false, function(client) print("MQTT is connected") mqttConnected = true -- subscribe topic with qos = 0 client:subscribe(mqttPrefix .. "/cmd/#", 0) local mytimer = tmr.create() mytimer:register(1000, tmr.ALARM_SINGLE, function (t) -- publish a message with data = hello, QoS = 0, retain = 0 client:publish(mqttPrefix .. "/ip", tostring(wifi.sta.getip()), 0, 0) local red = string.byte(colorBg,2) local green = string.byte(colorBg,1) local blue = string.byte(colorBg,3) client:publish(mqttPrefix .. "/background", tostring(red) .. "," .. tostring(green) .. "," .. tostring(blue), 0, 0) t:unregister() end) mytimer:start() end, function(client, reason) print("failed reason: " .. reason) mqttConnected = false end) end function connectedMqtt() return mqttConnected end function startMqttClient() if (mqttServer ~= nil and mqttPrefix ~= nil) then registerMqtt() print "Started MQTT client" if (file.open("ds18b20.lc")) then t=require("ds18b20") t.setup(2) -- GPIO4 readTemp() -- read once, to setup chip print "Setup temperature" end local oldBrightness=0 oldTemp=0 local mqtttimer = tmr.create() mqtttimer:register(5001, tmr.ALARM_AUTO, function (t) if (mqttConnected) then local temp = nil if (t ~= nil) then temp=readTemp() end if (oldBrightness ~= briPer) then m:publish(mqttPrefix .. "/brightness", tostring(briPer), 0, 0) elseif (temp ~= nil and temp ~= oldTemp) then oldTemp = temp m:publish(mqttPrefix .. "/temp", tostring(temp/100).."."..tostring(temp%100), 0, 0) else m:publish(mqttPrefix .. "/heap", tostring(node.heap()), 0, 0) end oldBrightness = briPer end end) mqtttimer:start() end end