-- Example usage of the word clock dofile("../wordclock.lua") print "------- Manual test ----" -- Manually set something leds=display_timestat(15,30) for k,v in pairs(leds) do if (v == 1) then print(k) end end print "---------------------" function checkWords(leds, expected, hour, min) for k, v in pairs(leds) do if (v == 1) then local found=false for kexp, vexp in pairs(expected) do if (k == kexp) then found=true end end if not found then print(k .. " was not found") os.exit(1) end else local found=false for kexp, vexp in pairs(expected) do if (k == kexp) then found=true end end if found then print(k .. " should not be found") os.exit(1) end end end print(hour .. ":" .. min) end function checkCharacter(words, expected) if (words == nil or expected == nil) then print("Not all parameter set to checkCharacter") os.exit(1) end if (words ~= expected) then print("Not all character found. Expected " .. expected .. ", but found " .. words) os.exit(1) end end print "" print "----------- Unit tests -------------" -- Unit tests leds=display_timestat(1,0) expected={} expected.itis=1 expected.one=1 expected.clock=1 checkWords(leds, expected, 1, 0) checkCharacter(display_countwords_de(leds), 12) leds=display_timestat(2,5) expected={} expected.two=1 expected.fiveMin=1 expected.after=1 checkWords(leds, expected, 2 , 5) checkCharacter(display_countwords_de(leds), 12) leds=display_timestat(3,10) expected={} expected.three=1 expected.tenMin=1 expected.after=1 checkWords(leds, expected, 3 , 10) checkCharacter(display_countwords_de(leds), 12) leds=display_timestat(4,15) expected={} expected.four=1 expected.after=1 expected.quater=1 checkWords(leds, expected, 4 , 15) checkCharacter(display_countwords_de(leds), 15) leds=display_timestat(5,20) expected={} expected.five=1 expected.twenty=1 expected.after=1 checkWords(leds, expected, 5 , 20) checkCharacter(display_countwords_de(leds), 15) leds=display_timestat(6,25) expected={} expected.seven=1 expected.fiveMin=1 expected.before=1 expected.half=1 checkWords(leds, expected, 6 , 25) checkCharacter(display_countwords_de(leds), 17) leds=display_timestat(7,30) expected={} expected.itis=1 expected.eight=1 expected.half=1 checkWords(leds, expected, 7 , 30) checkCharacter(display_countwords_de(leds), 13) leds=display_timestat(8,35) expected={} expected.nine=1 expected.half=1 expected.fiveMin=1 expected.after=1 checkWords(leds, expected, 8 , 35) checkCharacter(display_countwords_de(leds), 16) leds=display_timestat(9,40) expected={} expected.ten=1 expected.twenty=1 expected.before=1 checkWords(leds, expected, 9 , 40) checkCharacter(display_countwords_de(leds), 14) leds=display_timestat(10,45) expected={} expected.eleven=1 expected.quater=1 expected.before=1 checkWords(leds, expected, 10 , 45) checkCharacter(display_countwords_de(leds), 13) leds=display_timestat(11,50) expected={} expected.twelve=1 expected.tenMin=1 expected.before=1 checkWords(leds, expected, 11 , 50) checkCharacter(display_countwords_de(leds), 12) leds=display_timestat(12,55) expected={} expected.one=1 expected.fiveMin=1 expected.before=1 checkWords(leds, expected, 12 , 55) checkCharacter(display_countwords_de(leds), 11) leds=display_timestat(13,00) expected={} expected.itis=1 expected.one=1 expected.clock=1 checkWords(leds, expected, 13 , 00) checkCharacter(display_countwords_de(leds), 11) -- test the minutes inbetween leds=display_timestat(14,01) expected={} expected.itis=1 expected.two=1 expected.min1=1 expected.clock=1 checkWords(leds, expected, 14 , 01) leds=display_timestat(15,02) expected={} expected.itis=1 expected.three=1 expected.min2=1 expected.clock=1 checkWords(leds, expected, 15 , 02) leds=display_timestat(16,03) expected={} expected.itis=1 expected.four=1 expected.min3=1 expected.clock=1 checkWords(leds, expected, 16 , 03) leds=display_timestat(17,04) expected={} expected.itis=1 expected.five=1 expected.min4=1 expected.clock=1 checkWords(leds, expected, 17 , 04) leds=display_timestat(18,06) expected={} expected.fiveMin=1 expected.after=1 expected.min1=1 expected.six=1 checkWords(leds, expected, 18 , 06) leds=display_timestat(19,09) expected={} expected.fiveMin=1 expected.after=1 expected.min4=1 expected.seven=1 checkWords(leds, expected, 19 , 09) leds=display_timestat(20,17) expected={} expected.quater=1 expected.after=1 expected.min2=1 expected.eight=1 checkWords(leds, expected, 20 , 17)