/* Fuses: avrdude -c avrispmkii -p atmega8 -U lfuse:w:0xee:m -U hfuse:w:0xd9:m -U efuse:w:0xfc:m Arduino Settings: Board: Arduino NG / or older Processor: Atmega8 */ #include /****************** LED output ***********************/ #define LED_PIN 3 // Information about the LED strip itself #define NUM_LEDS 45 /* aka 75cm at 60LEDs per 100cm */ #define CHIPSET WS2812 #define COLOR_ORDER GRB CRGB leds[NUM_LEDS]; CRGBSet ledset(leds, NUM_LEDS); #define BRIGHTNESS 128 /** Average brightness, that shall not exeeded */ #define FADEBLACK -2 /****************** Command line ***********************/ int CMD_MAX = 128; char myCmd[128]; void setup() { // start serial port at 9600 bps: Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println("Sideboard LED running..."); // It's important to set the color correction for your LED strip here, // so that colors can be more accurately rendered through the 'temperature' profiles FastLED.addLeds(leds, NUM_LEDS); //TODO: Can this line be removed? //FastLED.setBrightness( BRIGHTNESS ); // Turn the LED on, then pause leds[0] = CRGB::Red; FastLED.show(); delay(500); // Now turn the LED off, then pause leds[0] = CRGB::Black; FastLED.show(); delay(500); } void clearCmdArray(){ //clear the cmd array for (int i = 0; i < CMD_MAX; i++){ myCmd[i] = '\0'; } } //returns number of read bytes int readFromSerialIntoCmdArray(){ //read from the serial buffer and flush int inputSize = Serial.available(); //give serial a chance to receive all bytes if(inputSize > 0){ delay(100); inputSize = Serial.available(); } if(inputSize > 0 && inputSize < CMD_MAX){ Serial.print("inputSize: "); Serial.println(inputSize); for (int i = 0; i < inputSize; i++){ myCmd[i] = Serial.read(); } }else if(inputSize >= CMD_MAX){ Serial.flush(); Serial.println("too much data, flush"); } return inputSize; } //check if command has the required prefix int checkCmdArrayForPrefix(){ if (myCmd[0] == 'o' && myCmd[1] == 'l' && myCmd[2] == 'l' && myCmd[3] == 'p' && myCmd[4] == 'e'){ return 1; } return 0; } void sendAckOverSerial(){ Serial.println(F("ACK")); } void sendNackOverSerial(){ Serial.println(F("NACK")); } void sendPingAckOverSerial(){ Serial.println(F("PACK")); } void loop() { /* spcial rainbow mode */ static long rainbowIndex = -1; static CRGB color; if (rainbowIndex < 0) { //delay needed to have a chance to get the whole message delay(200); clearCmdArray(); if (rainbowIndex == FADEBLACK) { ledset.fadeToBlackBy(40); } FastLED.show(); } else { if (rainbowIndex >= 255) { /* one byte used -> simulate overflow */ rainbowIndex=0; } ledset.fill_rainbow(rainbowIndex++); ledset.fadeLightBy( 64 ); FastLED.delay(30); } int inputSize = readFromSerialIntoCmdArray(); if (inputSize > 0) { rainbowIndex=-1; /* command -> deactivate rainbow */ int checkCmd = checkCmdArrayForPrefix(); if(checkCmd == 0){ Serial.println(F("if you dont know what to do type \"ollpehelp\"")); sendNackOverSerial(); return; } else if(myCmd[5] == 'p' && myCmd[6] == 'i' && myCmd[7] == 'n' && myCmd[8] == 'g') { sendPingAckOverSerial(); } else if(myCmd[5] == 'h' && myCmd[6] == 'e' && myCmd[7] == 'l' && myCmd[8] == 'p') { sendHelpOverSerial(); } else if(myCmd[5] == 'a') { parseColor(myCmd+6, &color); Serial.print("RGB:"); Serial.print(color.r); Serial.print(";"); Serial.print(color.g); Serial.print(";"); Serial.println(color.b); ledset.fill_solid(color); sendAckOverSerial(); } else if(myCmd[5] == 'c') { rainbowIndex = FADEBLACK; sendAckOverSerial(); } else if(myCmd[5] == 'm') { rainbowIndex=0; /* activate rainbow */ Serial.println(F("Rainbow started")); sendAckOverSerial(); } else if(myCmd[5] == 'w') { int index = (myCmd[6]-'0') * 10 + (myCmd[7]-'0'); if (index > NUM_LEDS) { Serial.println(F("Index too large")); sendNackOverSerial(); } else { parseColor(myCmd+8, &color); leds[index] = color; sendAckOverSerial(); } } else if(myCmd[5] == 'r') { int index = (myCmd[6]-'0') * 10 + (myCmd[7]-'0'); if (index > NUM_LEDS) { Serial.println(F("Index too large")); sendNackOverSerial(); } else { Serial.println(leds[index]); } } } } /** * Extract the color from the given LED command */ void parseColor(char* pCmd, CRGB *pColor) { unsigned int colorParts[3]; /* 0: red, 1: green, 2: blue */ unsigned long colorSum = 0; for(int i=0; i < (2*3); i+= 2) { Serial.print(pCmd[i]);Serial.print(" and "); Serial.println(pCmd[i+1]); colorParts[i/2] = (pCmd[i] <= '9') ? ((pCmd[i]-'0') << 4) : (((pCmd[i]-'A')+10) << 4); if (colorParts[i/2] < 0) { Serial.print("calcErr:"); Serial.println(colorParts[i/2]); } colorParts[i/2] += (pCmd[i+1] <= '9') ? ((pCmd[i+1]-'0')) : (((pCmd[i+1]-'A')+10)); } pColor->r = colorParts[0]; /* fill red */ pColor->g = colorParts[1]; /* fill green */ pColor->b = colorParts[2]; /* fill blue */ colorSum = pColor->r; colorSum += pColor->g; colorSum += pColor->b; /* Generate the average brightness */ colorSum = (colorSum / 3); Serial.print("sum:"); Serial.println(colorSum); if (colorSum > BRIGHTNESS) { /* scale the brightness, if the values are too high */ pColor->r = pColor->r * BRIGHTNESS / colorSum; pColor->g = pColor->g * BRIGHTNESS / colorSum; pColor->b = pColor->b * BRIGHTNESS / colorSum; } } /* * Give the user some helpfull advice. * (Text is stored in the flash to save RAM of the Arduino) */ void sendHelpOverSerial() { Serial.println(F("----help is coming----")); Serial.println(F("all commands must be prefixed with \"ollpe\"")); Serial.println(F("----commands----")); Serial.println(F("axxxxxx\t set all leds to RRGGBB (hex: 0-9A-F)")); Serial.println(F("w00xxxxxx\t set led 0 (first) to RRGGBB (hex: 0-9A-F)")); Serial.println(F("r00\t returns state of led 0 (first)")); Serial.println(F("c\t clear all leds (000000h)")); Serial.println(F("m\t magic rainbow for all leds until next command is received")); Serial.println(F("ping\t returns \"PACK\"")); Serial.println(F("help\t prints this help")); Serial.println(F("----help end----")); }