/** * @file PlantCtrl.h * @author your name (you@domain.com) * @brief Abstraction to handle the Sensors * @version 0.1 * @date 2020-05-27 * * @copyright Copyright (c) 2020 * */ #ifndef PLANT_CTRL_H #define PLANT_CTRL_H #include "HomieTypes.h" #include "ControllerConfiguration.h" #include "RunningMedian.h" #include "MathUtils.h" class Plant { private: RunningMedian moistureRaw = RunningMedian(5); HomieNode *mPlant = NULL; int mPinSensor = 0; /**< Pin of the moist sensor */ int mPinPump = 0; /**< Pin of the pump */ bool mConnected = false; int mPlantId = -1; public: PlantSettings_t *mSetting; /** * @brief Construct a new Plant object * * @param pinSensor Pin of the Sensor to use to measure moist * @param pinPump Pin of the Pump to use */ Plant(int pinSensor, int pinPump, int plantId, HomieNode *plant, PlantSettings_t *setting); void postMQTTconnection(void); void advertise(void); /** * @brief Measure a new analog moister value * */ void addSenseValue(void); void clearMoisture(void); void deactivatePump(void); void activatePump(void); /** * @brief Check if a plant is too dry and needs some water. * * @return true * @return false */ bool isPumpRequired() { bool isDry = getCurrentMoisture() > getSetting2Moisture(); bool isActive = isPumpTriggerActive(); return isDry && isActive; } bool isPumpTriggerActive() { long current = this->mSetting->pSensorDry->get(); return !equalish(current,DEACTIVATED_PLANT); } float getCurrentMoisture() { if(moistureRaw.getCount()==0){ return MISSING_SENSOR; } return this->moistureRaw.getMedian(); } long getSetting2Moisture() { if (this->mSetting->pSensorDry != NULL) { float percent = (this->mSetting->pSensorDry->get()); return MOIST_SENSOR_MIN_ADC + ((MOIST_SENSOR_MAX_ADC - MOIST_SENSOR_MIN_ADC) * percent); } else { return DEACTIVATED_PLANT; } } HomieInternals::SendingPromise &setProperty(const String &property) const { return mPlant->setProperty(property); } bool switchHandler(const HomieRange &range, const String &value); void init(void); long getCooldownInSeconds() { return this->mSetting->pPumpCooldownInHours->get()*60*60; } /** * @brief Get the Hours when pumping should start * * @return hour */ int getHoursStart() { return this->mSetting->pPumpAllowedHourRangeStart->get(); } /** * @brief Get the Hours when pumping should end * * @return hour */ int getHoursEnd() { return this->mSetting->pPumpAllowedHourRangeEnd->get(); } bool isAllowedOnlyAtLowLight(void) { return this->mSetting->pPumpOnlyWhenLowLight->get(); } void publishState(String state); }; #endif