use chrono::Utc; use embedded_hal::digital::v1_compat::OldOutputPin; use esp_idf_hal::adc::config::Config; use esp_idf_hal::adc::{AdcDriver, AdcChannelDriver, attenuation}; use esp_idf_hal::reset::ResetReason; use shift_register_driver::sipo::{ShiftRegister24, ShiftRegisterPin}; use esp_idf_hal::gpio::PinDriver; use esp_idf_hal::prelude::Peripherals; const PLANT_COUNT:usize = 8; #[link_section = ""] static mut LAST_WATERING_TIMESTAMP: [u64; PLANT_COUNT] = [0; PLANT_COUNT]; #[link_section = ""] static mut CONSECUTIVE_WATERING_PLANT: [u64; PLANT_COUNT] = [0; PLANT_COUNT]; #[link_section = ""] static mut LOW_VOLTAGE_DETECTED:bool = false; struct BatteryState { state_charge_percent: u8, max_error_percent: u8, remaining_milli_ampere_hour: u32, max_milli_ampere_hour: u32, design_milli_ampere_hour:u32, voltage_milli_volt: u16, average_current_milli_ampere: u16, temperature_tenth_kelvin: u32, average_time_to_empty_minute: u16, average_time_to_full_minute: u16, average_discharge_power_cycle_milli_watt: u16, cycle_count: u16, state_health_percent: u8 } trait PlantCtrlBoardInteraction{ fn battery_state(&self,) -> BatteryState; fn is_day(&self,) -> bool; fn water_temperature_c(&self,) -> u16; fn tank_sensor_mv(&self,) -> u16; fn set_low_voltage_in_cycle(&self,); fn clear_low_voltage_in_cycle(&self,); fn low_voltage_in_cycle(&self) -> bool; fn any_pump(&self, enabled:bool); //keep state during deepsleep fn light(&self,enable:bool); fn plant_count(&self,) -> i8; fn measure_moisture_b_hz(&self,plant:i8) -> i16; fn measure_moisture_a_hz(&self,plant:i8) -> i16; fn measure_moisture_p_hz(&self,plant:i8) -> i16; fn pump(&self,plant:i8, enable:bool); fn last_pump_time(&self,plant:i8) -> chrono::DateTime; fn store_last_pump_time(&self,plant:i8, time: chrono::DateTime); fn store_consecutive_pump_count(&self,plant:i8, count:i16); fn consecutive_pump_count(&self,plant:i8) -> i16; //keep state during deepsleep fn fault(&self,plant:i8, enable:bool); fn default() -> Self; } trait Plant{ fn setPump(pump:bool); } struct PlantHal<'d>{ pump:ShiftRegisterPin<'d> } struct PlantCtrlBoard{ dummy:i32 } impl PlantCtrlBoardInteraction for PlantCtrlBoard { fn default() -> Self { let peripherals = Peripherals::take().unwrap(); let mut adc = AdcDriver::new(peripherals.adc1, &Config::new().calibration(true)).unwrap(); let mut adc_pin: esp_idf_hal::adc::AdcChannelDriver<{ attenuation::DB_11 }, _> = AdcChannelDriver::new(peripherals.pins.gpio39).unwrap(); let analog_value = adc_pin); let clock = OldOutputPin::from(PinDriver::output(peripherals.pins.gpio21).unwrap()); let latch = OldOutputPin::from(PinDriver::output(peripherals.pins.gpio22).unwrap()); let data = OldOutputPin::from(PinDriver::output(peripherals.pins.gpio19).unwrap()); let shift_register = ShiftRegister24::new(clock, latch, data); let registerOutput = shift_register.decompose(); Self { dummy: 12 } } fn battery_state(&self,) -> BatteryState { todo!() } fn is_day(&self,) -> bool { todo!() } fn water_temperature_c(&self,) -> u16 { todo!() } fn tank_sensor_mv(&self,) -> u16 { todo!() } fn set_low_voltage_in_cycle(&self,) { unsafe { LOW_VOLTAGE_DETECTED = true; } } fn clear_low_voltage_in_cycle(&self,) { unsafe { LOW_VOLTAGE_DETECTED = false; } } fn light(&self,enable:bool) { todo!() } fn plant_count(&self,) -> i8 { todo!() } fn measure_moisture_b_hz(&self,plant:i8) -> i16 { todo!() } fn measure_moisture_a_hz(&self,plant:i8) -> i16 { todo!() } fn measure_moisture_p_hz(&self,plant:i8) -> i16 { todo!() } fn pump(&self,plant:i8, enable:bool) { todo!() } fn last_pump_time(&self,plant:i8) -> chrono::DateTime { todo!() } fn store_last_pump_time(&self,plant:i8, time: chrono::DateTime) { todo!() } fn store_consecutive_pump_count(&self,plant:i8, count:i16) { todo!() } fn consecutive_pump_count(&self,plant:i8) -> i16 { todo!() } fn fault(&self,plant:i8, enable:bool) { todo!() } fn low_voltage_in_cycle(&self) -> bool { unsafe { return LOW_VOLTAGE_DETECTED; } } } fn main() { // It is necessary to call this function once. Otherwise some patches to the runtime // implemented by esp-idf-sys might not link properly. See esp_idf_svc::sys::link_patches(); // Bind the log crate to the ESP Logging facilities esp_idf_svc::log::EspLogger::initialize_default(); log::info!("Hello, world!"); let reasons = ResetReason::get(); //init,reset rtc memory depending on cause let board = PlantCtrlBoard::default(); //check if we know the time current > 2020 //if failed assume its 1.1.1970 //12:00 if solar reports day //00:00 if solar repors night //check if we have a config file // if not found or parsing error -> error very fast blink general fault //if this happens after a firmeware upgrade (check image state), mark as invalid //blink general fault error_reading_config_after_upgrade, reboot after // open accesspoint with webserver for wlan mqtt setup //blink general fault error_no_config_after_upgrade //once config is set store it and reboot //is tank sensor enabled in config? //measure tank level (without wifi due to interference) //if not possible value, blink general fault error_tank_sensor_fault //set general fault persistent //set tank sensor state to fault //try connect wifi and do mqtt roundtrip // if no wifi, set general fault persistent //if no mqtt, set general fault persistent //measure each plant moisture //check which plants need to be watered //() //if tank sensor is enabled //if tank sensor fault abort if config require is set //check if water is > minimum allowed || fault //if not, set all plants requiring water to persistent fault // pump water for first plant update last water timestamp // wait for config time per plant // } //error codes //error_reading_config_after_upgrade //error_no_config_after_upgrade //error_tank_sensor_fault