/** * @file main.cpp * @author Ollo * @brief PlantControl * @version 0.1 * @date 2020-05-01 * * @copyright Copyright (c) 2020 * */ #include "PlantCtrl.h" #include "ControllerConfiguration.h" #include "HomieConfiguration.h" #include "DS18B20.h" #include #include "time.h" #include "esp_sleep.h" #include "RunningMedian.h" #include #include const unsigned long TEMPREADCYCLE = 30000; /**< Check temperature all half minutes */ #define AMOUNT_SENOR_QUERYS 8 #define SENSOR_QUERY_SHIFTS 3 #define SOLAR4SENSORS 6.0f #define TEMP_INIT_VALUE -999.0f #define TEMP_MAX_VALUE 85.0f /********************* non volatile enable after deepsleep *******************************/ RTC_DATA_ATTR long gotoMode2AfterThisTimestamp = 0; RTC_DATA_ATTR long rtcDeepSleepTime = 0; /**< Time, when the microcontroller shall be up again */ RTC_DATA_ATTR long rtcLastActive0 = 0; RTC_DATA_ATTR long rtcMoistureTrigger0 = 0; /** TEMP_INIT_VALUE) && (pFloat[0] < TEMP_MAX_VALUE) ) { sensorTemp.setProperty("control").send( String(pFloat[0])); } } else if (devices >= 2) { if ((pFloat[0] > TEMP_INIT_VALUE) && (pFloat[0] < TEMP_MAX_VALUE) ) { sensorTemp.setProperty("temp").send( String(pFloat[0])); } if ((pFloat[1] > TEMP_INIT_VALUE) && (pFloat[1] < TEMP_MAX_VALUE) ) { sensorTemp.setProperty("control").send( String(pFloat[1])); } } bool lipoTempWarning = abs(temp[0] - temp[1]) > 5; if(lipoTempWarning){ Serial.println("Lipo temp incorrect, panic mode deepsleep"); espDeepSleepFor(PANIK_MODE_DEEPSLEEP); return; } bool hasWater = true;//FIXMEmWaterGone > waterLevelMin.get(); //FIXME no water warning message lastPumpRunning = determineNextPump(); if(lastPumpRunning != -1 && !hasWater){ Serial.println("Want to pump but no water"); } if(lastPumpRunning != -1 && hasWater){ digitalWrite(OUTPUT_PUMP, HIGH); setLastActivationForPump(lastPumpRunning, getCurrentTime()); mPlants[lastPumpRunning].activatePump(); } if(lastPumpRunning == -1 || !hasWater){ if(getSolarVoltage() < SOLAR_CHARGE_MIN_VOLTAGE){ gotoMode2AfterThisTimestamp = getCurrentTime()+deepSleepNightTime.get(); Serial.println("No pumps to activate and low light, deepSleepNight"); espDeepSleepFor(deepSleepNightTime.get()); }else { gotoMode2AfterThisTimestamp = getCurrentTime()+deepSleepTime.get(); Serial.println("No pumps to activate, deepSleep"); espDeepSleepFor(deepSleepTime.get()); } }else { gotoMode2AfterThisTimestamp = 0; Serial.println("Running pump, watering deepsleep"); espDeepSleepFor(wateringDeepSleep.get()); } } void setMoistureTrigger(int plantId, long value){ if(plantId == 0){ rtcMoistureTrigger0 = value; } if(plantId == 1){ rtcMoistureTrigger1 = value; } if(plantId == 2){ rtcMoistureTrigger2 = value; } if(plantId == 3){ rtcMoistureTrigger3 = value; } if(plantId == 4){ rtcMoistureTrigger4 = value; } if(plantId == 5){ rtcMoistureTrigger5 = value; } if(plantId == 6){ rtcMoistureTrigger6 = value; } } void setLastActivationForPump(int plantId, long value){ if(plantId == 0){ rtcLastActive0 = value; } if(plantId == 1){ rtcLastActive1 = value; } if(plantId == 2){ rtcLastActive2 = value; } if(plantId == 3){ rtcLastActive3 = value; } if(plantId == 4){ rtcLastActive4 = value; } if(plantId == 5){ rtcLastActive5 = value; } if(plantId == 6){ rtcLastActive6 = value; } } long getLastActivationForPump(int plantId){ if(plantId == 0){ return rtcLastActive0; } if(plantId == 1){ return rtcLastActive1; } if(plantId == 2){ return rtcLastActive2; } if(plantId == 3){ return rtcLastActive3; } if(plantId == 4){ return rtcLastActive4; } if(plantId == 5){ return rtcLastActive5; } if(plantId == 6){ return rtcLastActive6; } return -1; } /** * @brief Sensors, that are connected to GPIOs, mandatory for WIFI. * These sensors (ADC2) can only be read when no Wifi is used. */ void readSensors() { Serial << "Read Sensors" << endl; readSystemSensors(); /* activate all sensors */ pinMode(OUTPUT_SENSOR, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(OUTPUT_SENSOR, HIGH); delay(100); /* wait before reading something */ for (int readCnt=0;readCnt < AMOUNT_SENOR_QUERYS; readCnt++) { for(int i=0; i < MAX_PLANTS; i++) { mPlants[i].addSenseValue(); } } Serial << "DS18B20" << endl; /* Read the temperature sensors once, as first time 85 degree is returned */ Serial << "DS18B20" << String(dallas.readDevices()) << endl; delay(200); /* Required to read the temperature once */ float temp[2] = {0, 0}; float* pFloat = temp; // first read returns crap, ignore result and read twice if (dallas.readAllTemperatures(pFloat, 2) > 0) { Serial << "t1: " << String(temp[0]) << endl; Serial << "t2: " << String(temp[1]) << endl; } delay(200); if (dallas.readAllTemperatures(pFloat, 2) > 0) { Serial << "t1: " << String(temp[0]) << endl; Serial << "t2: " << String(temp[1]) << endl; } temp1.add(temp[0]); temp2.add(temp[1]); /* Use the Ultrasonic sensor to measure waterLevel */ digitalWrite(SENSOR_SR04_TRIG, LOW); delayMicroseconds(2); digitalWrite(SENSOR_SR04_TRIG, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(10); digitalWrite(SENSOR_SR04_TRIG, LOW); float duration = pulseIn(SENSOR_SR04_ECHO, HIGH); waterRawSensor.add((duration*.343)/2); /* deactivate the sensors */ digitalWrite(OUTPUT_SENSOR, LOW); } //Homie.getMqttClient().disconnect(); void onHomieEvent(const HomieEvent& event) { switch(event.type) { case HomieEventType::SENDING_STATISTICS: mode2MQTT(); Homie.getLogger() << "My statistics" << endl; break; case HomieEventType::MQTT_READY: //wait for rtc sync? rtcDeepSleepTime = deepSleepTime.get(); Serial << rtcDeepSleepTime << " ms ds" << endl; //saveguard, should be overriden in mode2MQTT normally esp_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup( (rtcDeepSleepTime * 1000U) ); mode2MQTT(); Homie.getLogger() << "MQTT 1" << endl; for(int i=0; i < MAX_PLANTS; i++) { mPlants[i].postMQTTconnection(); } break; case HomieEventType::READY_TO_SLEEP: Homie.getLogger() << "rtsleep" << endl; esp_deep_sleep_start(); break; case HomieEventType::OTA_STARTED: digitalWrite(OUTPUT_SENSOR, HIGH); digitalWrite(OUTPUT_PUMP, LOW); mode3Active=true; break; case HomieEventType::OTA_SUCCESSFUL: digitalWrite(OUTPUT_SENSOR, LOW); digitalWrite(OUTPUT_PUMP, LOW); break; default: break; } } int determineNextPump(){ float solarValue = getSolarVoltage(); bool isLowLight =(solarValue > SOLAR_CHARGE_MIN_VOLTAGE || solarValue < SOLAR_CHARGE_MAX_VOLTAGE); //FIXME instead of for, use sorted by last activation index to ensure equal runtime? for(int i=0; i < MAX_PLANTS; i++) { long lastActivation = getLastActivationForPump(i); long sinceLastActivation = getCurrentTime()-lastActivation; //this pump is in cooldown skip it and disable low power mode trigger for it if(mPlants[i].isInCooldown(sinceLastActivation) ){ Serial.printf("%d Skipping due to cooldown\r\n", i); setMoistureTrigger(i, DEACTIVATED_PLANT); continue; } //skip as it is not low light if(!isLowLight && mPlants[i].isAllowedOnlyAtLowLight()){ Serial.println("Skipping due to light"); continue; } if(mPlants->isPumpRequired()){ Serial.printf("%d Requested pumping\r\n", i); return i; } Serial.println("No pump required"); } return -1; } /** * @brief Handle Mqtt commands to keep controller alive * * @param range multiple transmitted values (not used for this function) * @param value single value * @return true when the command was parsed and executed succuessfully * @return false on errors when parsing the request */ bool aliveHandler(const HomieRange& range, const String& value) { if (range.isRange) return false; // only one controller is present Serial << value << endl; if (value.equals("ON") || value.equals("On") || value.equals("1")) { mode3Active=true; } else { mode3Active=false; } return true; } void homieLoop(){ } void systemInit(){ WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); Homie_setFirmware("PlantControl", FIRMWARE_VERSION); // Set default values //in seconds deepSleepTime.setDefaultValue(10); deepSleepNightTime.setDefaultValue(30); wateringDeepSleep.setDefaultValue(5); waterLevelMax.setDefaultValue(1000); /* 100cm in mm */ waterLevelMin.setDefaultValue(50); /* 5cm in mm */ waterLevelWarn.setDefaultValue(500); /* 50cm in mm */ waterLevelVol.setDefaultValue(5000); /* 5l in ml */ Homie.setLoopFunction(homieLoop); Homie.onEvent(onHomieEvent); Homie.setup(); mConfigured = Homie.isConfigured(); if (mConfigured) { for(int i=0; i < MAX_PLANTS; i++) { mPlants[i].advertise(); } sensorTemp.advertise("control") .setName("Temperature") .setDatatype("number") .setUnit("°C"); sensorTemp.advertise("temp") .setName("Temperature") .setDatatype("number") .setUnit("°C"); sensorLipo.advertise("percent") .setName("Percent") .setDatatype("number") .setUnit("%"); sensorLipo.advertise("volt") .setName("Volt") .setDatatype("number") .setUnit("V"); sensorSolar.advertise("percent") .setName("Percent") .setDatatype("number") .setUnit("%"); sensorSolar.advertise("volt") .setName("Volt") .setDatatype("number") .setUnit("V"); sensorWater.advertise("remaining").setDatatype("number").setUnit("%"); } stayAlive.advertise("alive").setName("Alive").setDatatype("number").settable(aliveHandler); } bool mode1(){ Serial.println("m1"); Serial << getCurrentTime() << " curtime" << endl; if(rtcDeepSleepTime > 0){ esp_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup( (rtcDeepSleepTime * 1000U) ); } readSensors(); //queue sensor values for if ((rtcDeepSleepTime == 0) || (rtcMoistureTrigger0 == 0) || (rtcMoistureTrigger1 == 0) || (rtcMoistureTrigger2 == 0) || (rtcMoistureTrigger3 == 0) || (rtcMoistureTrigger4 == 0) || (rtcMoistureTrigger5 == 0) || (rtcMoistureTrigger6 == 0) ) { Serial.println("RTCm2"); return true; } if ((rtcMoistureTrigger0 != DEACTIVATED_PLANT) && (mPlants[0].getSensorValue() < rtcMoistureTrigger0) ) { Serial.println("mt0"); return true; } if ((rtcMoistureTrigger1 != DEACTIVATED_PLANT) && (mPlants[1].getSensorValue() < rtcMoistureTrigger1) ) { Serial.println("mt1"); return true; } if ((rtcMoistureTrigger2 != DEACTIVATED_PLANT) && (mPlants[2].getSensorValue() < rtcMoistureTrigger2) ) { Serial.println("mt2"); return true; } if ((rtcMoistureTrigger3 != DEACTIVATED_PLANT) && (mPlants[3].getSensorValue() < rtcMoistureTrigger3) ) { Serial.println("mt3"); return true; } if ((rtcMoistureTrigger4 != DEACTIVATED_PLANT) && (mPlants[4].getSensorValue() < rtcMoistureTrigger4) ) { Serial.println("mt4"); return true; } if ((rtcMoistureTrigger5 != DEACTIVATED_PLANT) && (mPlants[5].getSensorValue() < rtcMoistureTrigger5) ) { Serial.println("mt5"); return true; } if ((rtcMoistureTrigger6 != DEACTIVATED_PLANT) && (mPlants[6].getSensorValue() < rtcMoistureTrigger6) ) { Serial.println("mt6"); return true; } //check how long it was already in mode1 if to long goto mode2 long cTime = getCurrentTime(); if(cTime < 100000){ Serial.println("Starting mode 2 due to missing ntp"); //missing ntp time boot to mode3 return true; } if(gotoMode2AfterThisTimestamp < cTime){ Serial.println("Starting mode 2 after specified mode1 time"); return true; } return false; } void mode2(){ Serial.println("m2"); systemInit(); /* Jump into Mode 3, if not configured */ if (!mConfigured) { Serial.println("m3"); mode3Active = true; } } /** * @brief Startup function * Is called once, the controller is started */ void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.setTimeout(1000); // Set timeout of 1 second Serial << endl << endl; /* Intialize Plant */ for(int i=0; i < MAX_PLANTS; i++) { mPlants[i].init(); } /* Intialize inputs and outputs */ pinMode(SENSOR_LIPO, ANALOG); pinMode(SENSOR_SOLAR, ANALOG); /* read button */ pinMode(BUTTON, INPUT); /* Power pins */ pinMode(OUTPUT_PUMP, OUTPUT); /* Disable Wifi and bluetooth */ WiFi.mode(WIFI_OFF); if (HomieInternals::MAX_CONFIG_SETTING_SIZE < MAX_CONFIG_SETTING_ITEMS) { //increase the config settings to 50 and the json to 3000 Serial << "Limits.hpp" << endl; } esp_sleep_pd_config(ESP_PD_DOMAIN_RTC_PERIPH, ESP_PD_OPTION_OFF); esp_sleep_pd_config(ESP_PD_DOMAIN_RTC_SLOW_MEM, ESP_PD_OPTION_ON); esp_sleep_pd_config(ESP_PD_DOMAIN_RTC_FAST_MEM, ESP_PD_OPTION_OFF); esp_sleep_pd_config(ESP_PD_DOMAIN_XTAL,ESP_PD_OPTION_ON); // Big TODO use here the settings in RTC_Memory //Panik mode, the Lipo is empty, sleep a long long time: if ((getBatteryVoltage() < MINIMUM_LIPO_VOLT) && (getBatteryVoltage() > NO_LIPO_VOLT)) { Serial << PANIK_MODE_DEEPSLEEP << " s lipo " << getBatteryVoltage() << "V" << endl; esp_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup(PANIK_MODE_DEEPSLEEP_US); esp_deep_sleep_start(); } if(mode1()){ mode2(); } else { Serial.println("nop"); Serial.flush(); esp_deep_sleep_start(); } } /** * @brief Cyclic call * Executs the Homie base functionallity or triggers sleeping, if requested. */ void loop() { Homie.loop(); if(millis() > 30000 && !mode3Active){ Serial << (millis()/ 1000) << "s alive" << endl; Serial.flush(); esp_deep_sleep_start(); } }