/** * @file ControllerConfiguration.h * @author your name (you@domain.com) * @brief * @version 0.1 * @date 2020-05-30 * * @copyright Copyright (c) 2020 * * \mainpage Configuration of the controller * @{ * Describe the used PINs of the controller * * @subpage Controller * * @subpage Homie * * @subpage Configuration * * There are several modes in the controller * \dot * digraph Operationmode { * ranksep=.75; * poweroff [ label="off" ]; * mode1 [ label="Mode 1 - Sensor only", shape=box, width=2 ]; * mode2 [ label="Mode 2 - Wifi enabled", shape=box ]; * mode3 [ label="Mode 3 - Stay alive", shape=box ]; * mode1 -> mode2 [ label="wakeup reason", fontsize=10 ]; * mode1 -> mode2 [ label="Time duration", fontsize=10 ]; * mode2 -> mode3 [ label="Over the Air Update", fontsize=10 ]; * mode3 -> mode2 [ label="Over the Air Finished", fontsize=10 ]; * mode3 -> mode2 [ label="Mqtt Command", fontsize=10 ]; * mode2 -> mode3 [ label="Mqtt Command", fontsize=10 ]; * poweroff -> mode1 [ label="deep sleep wakeup", fontsize=10 ]; * mode1 -> poweroff [ label="enter deep sleep", fontsize=10 ]; * mode2 -> poweroff [ label="Mqtt queue empty", fontsize=10 ]; * } * \enddot * * Before entering Deep sleep the controller is configured with an wakeup time. * * @} */ #ifndef CONTROLLER_CONFIG_H #define CONTROLLER_CONFIG_H /** \addtogroup GPIO Settings * @{ */ #define SENSOR_PLANT0 GPIO_NUM_32 /**< GPIO 32 (ADC1) */ #define SENSOR_PLANT1 GPIO_NUM_33 /**< GPIO 33 (ADC1) */ #define SENSOR_PLANT2 GPIO_NUM_25 /**< GPIO 25 (ADC2) */ #define SENSOR_PLANT3 GPIO_NUM_26 /**< GPIO 26 (ADC2) */ #define SENSOR_PLANT4 GPIO_NUM_27 /**< GPIO 27 (ADC2) */ #define SENSOR_PLANT5 GPIO_NUM_39 /**< SENSOR_VIN */ #define SENSOR_PLANT6 GPIO_NUM_36 /**< SENSOR_VP */ #define OUTPUT_PUMP0 GPIO_NUM_15 /**< GPIO 15 */ #define OUTPUT_PUMP1 GPIO_NUM_5 /**< GPIO 5 */ #define OUTPUT_PUMP2 GPIO_NUM_18 /**< GPIO 18 */ #define OUTPUT_PUMP3 GPIO_NUM_19 /**< GPIO 19 */ #define OUTPUT_PUMP4 GPIO_NUM_21 /**< GPIO 21 */ #define OUTPUT_PUMP5 GPIO_NUM_22 /**< GPIO 22 */ #define OUTPUT_PUMP6 GPIO_NUM_23 /**< GPIO 23 */ #define OUTPUT_ENABLE_SENSOR GPIO_NUM_14 /**< GPIO 14 - Enable Sensors */ #define OUTPUT_ENABLE_PUMP GPIO_NUM_13 /**< GPIO 13 - Enable Pumps */ #define SENSOR_ONEWIRE GPIO_NUM_4 /**< GPIO 12 - Temperatur sensor, Battery and other cool onewire stuff */ #define SENSOR_TANK_ECHO GPIO_NUM_16 /**< GPIO 16 - echo feedback of water sensor */ #define SENSOR_TANK_TRG GPIO_NUM_17 /**< GPIO 17 - trigger for water sensor */ #define BUTTON GPIO_NUM_0 /**< GPIO 0 - Fix button of NodeMCU */ #define CUSTOM1_PIN3 GPIO_NUM_2 /**< GPIO 2 - Custom GPIO controlling a MOSFET, connected to GND */ #define CUSTOM1_PIN2 GPIO_NUM_12 /**< GPIO 4 - custom GPIO directly connected to GPIO header */ #define I2C1_PIN2 GPIO_NUM_34 /**< GPIO 34 - I2C */ #define I2C1_PIN3 GPIO_NUM_35 /**< GPIO 35 - I2C */ /* @} */ /** \addtogroup Configuration * @{ */ #define FIRMWARE_VERSION "1.1.0" #define MOIST_SENSOR_MAX_ADC (85 * 4095 / 100) #define MOIST_SENSOR_MIN_ADC (25 * 4095 / 100) #define SOLAR_VOLT_FACTOR 2 #define BATTSENSOR_INDEX_SOLAR 0 #define BATTSENSOR_INDEX_BATTERY 1 #define MQTT_TIMEOUT (1000 * 10) /**< After 10 seconds, MQTT is expected to be connected */ #define MAX_PLANTS 7 #define SOLAR_CHARGE_MIN_VOLTAGE 7 /**< Sun is rising (morning detected) */ #define SOLAR_CHARGE_MAX_VOLTAGE 9 /**< Sun is shining (noon) */ #define VOLT_MAX_BATT 4.2f #define MAX_CONFIG_SETTING_ITEMS 50 /**< Parameter, that can be configured in Homie */ #define TEMPERATUR_TIMEOUT 3000 /**< 3 Seconds timeout for the temperatur sensors */ #define DS18B20_RESOLUTION 9 /**< 9bit temperature resolution -> 0.5°C steps */ /* @} */ #endif