diff --git a/board/PlantCtrlESP32.sch b/board/PlantCtrlESP32.sch index b996daf..49c8392 100644 --- a/board/PlantCtrlESP32.sch +++ b/board/PlantCtrlESP32.sch @@ -1,3170 +1,3210 @@ -EESchema Schematic File Version 4 -EELAYER 30 0 -EELAYER END -$Descr A2 23386 16535 -encoding utf-8 -Sheet 1 1 -Title "Plant Controller" -Date "2020-12-21" -Rev "0.4a" -Comp "C3MA" -Comment1 "" -Comment2 "" -Comment3 "" -Comment4 "" -$EndDescr -Text GLabel 1150 1050 0 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT1_PUMP -Text GLabel 1150 1250 0 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT2_PUMP -Text GLabel 1150 1450 0 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT3_PUMP -Text GLabel 1150 1650 0 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT4_PUMP -Text GLabel 1150 1850 0 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT5_PUMP -Text GLabel 1150 2050 0 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT6_PUMP -Text Notes 950 550 0 50 ~ 0 -Pump Control -Text Notes 3900 9100 0 50 ~ 0 -Lipo -$Comp -L Connector_Generic:Conn_01x03 1WIRE1 -U 1 1 5F109CD6 -P 4800 1150 -F 0 "1WIRE1" H 4718 825 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "Conn_01x03" H 4718 916 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_EH_B3B-EH-A_1x03_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 4800 1150 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 4800 1150 50 0001 C CNN - 1 4800 1150 - -1 0 0 1 -$EndComp -Text GLabel 5000 1150 2 50 Input ~ 0 -Temp -$Comp -L Transistor_FET:BSS84 Q_PWR1 -U 1 1 5F765B13 -P 16300 9100 -F 0 "Q_PWR1" H 16504 9146 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "P-channel 50v 4A" H 16504 9055 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23_Handsoldering" H 16500 9025 50 0001 L CIN -F 3 "" H 16300 9100 50 0001 L CNN -F 4 "C344010" H 16300 9100 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 16300 9100 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L ESP32-DEVKITC-32D:SL2300 Q9 -U 1 1 5F781665 -P 15650 9300 -F 0 "Q9" H 15805 9346 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "N-channel 30V 5A" H 15805 9255 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23_Handsoldering" H 15650 9300 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "" H 15650 9300 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C350314" H 15650 9300 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 15650 9300 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:R R22 -U 1 1 5F7A8C30 -P 15400 9450 -F 0 "R22" H 15470 9496 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "10k" H 15470 9405 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 15330 9450 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 15400 9450 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C212284" H 15400 9450 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 15400 9450 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 15700 9500 15550 9500 -Wire Wire Line - 15550 9500 15550 9600 -Wire Wire Line - 15550 9600 15400 9600 -$Comp -L Device:R R24 -U 1 1 5F7B97DA -P 15900 9100 -F 0 "R24" V 15693 9100 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "10k" V 15784 9100 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 15830 9100 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 15900 9100 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C212284" H 15900 9100 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 15900 9100 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 16050 9100 16100 9100 -Wire Wire Line - 15750 9100 15700 9100 -Text GLabel 16200 8750 0 50 Input ~ 0 -PWR_PUMP_CONVERTER -$Comp -L Device:R R27 -U 1 1 5F7BEED8 -P 16100 9250 -F 0 "R27" H 16170 9296 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "10k" H 16170 9205 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 16030 9250 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 16100 9250 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C212284" H 16100 9250 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 16100 9250 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Connection ~ 16100 9100 -Wire Wire Line - 15300 9300 15400 9300 -Connection ~ 15400 9300 -Text GLabel 1150 850 0 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT0_PUMP -Text GLabel 1150 750 0 50 Input ~ 0 -PUMP_PWR -Text GLabel 1150 950 0 50 Input ~ 0 -PUMP_PWR -Text GLabel 1150 1150 0 50 Input ~ 0 -PUMP_PWR -Text GLabel 1150 1350 0 50 Input ~ 0 -PUMP_PWR -Text GLabel 1150 1550 0 50 Input ~ 0 -PUMP_PWR -Text GLabel 1150 1750 0 50 Input ~ 0 -PUMP_PWR -Text GLabel 1150 1950 0 50 Input ~ 0 -PUMP_PWR -$Comp -L Transistor_FET:BSS84 Q_PWR2 -U 1 1 5F819B36 -P 10200 14750 -F 0 "Q_PWR2" H 10404 14796 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "P-channel 50v 4A" H 10404 14705 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23_Handsoldering" H 10400 14675 50 0001 L CIN -F 3 "" H 10200 14750 50 0001 L CNN -F 4 "C344010" H 10200 14750 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 10200 14750 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L ESP32-DEVKITC-32D:SL2300 Q10 -U 1 1 5F819B3C -P 9550 14950 -F 0 "Q10" H 9705 14996 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "N-channel 30V 5A" H 9705 14905 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23_Handsoldering" H 9550 14950 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "" H 9550 14950 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C350314" H 9550 14950 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 9550 14950 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:R R23 -U 1 1 5F819B42 -P 9300 15100 -F 0 "R23" H 9370 15146 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "10k" H 9370 15055 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 9230 15100 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 9300 15100 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C212284" H 9300 15100 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 9300 15100 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:R R25 -U 1 1 5F819B52 -P 9800 14750 -F 0 "R25" V 9593 14750 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "10k" V 9684 14750 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 9730 14750 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 9800 14750 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C212284" H 9800 14750 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 9800 14750 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 9950 14750 10000 14750 -Wire Wire Line - 9650 14750 9600 14750 -Text GLabel 10300 14150 1 50 Input ~ 0 -PWR_SENSORS -$Comp -L Device:R R28 -U 1 1 5F819B5B -P 10000 14900 -F 0 "R28" H 10070 14946 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "10k" H 10070 14855 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 9930 14900 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 10000 14900 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C212284" H 10000 14900 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 10000 14900 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Connection ~ 10000 14750 -Text GLabel 10300 15000 3 50 Input ~ 0 -VCC -Wire Wire Line - 10300 15000 10300 14950 -Text GLabel 8850 14950 0 50 Input ~ 0 -SENSORS_ENABLE -Wire Wire Line - 9200 14950 9300 14950 -Connection ~ 9300 14950 -Wire Wire Line - 16250 9300 16250 9400 -Wire Wire Line - 16250 9400 16100 9400 -Wire Wire Line - 16250 9300 16400 9300 -Connection ~ 16400 9300 -Wire Wire Line - 10150 15050 10000 15050 -$Comp -L LP38690DT-3.3:LP38690DT-3.3 U3 -U 1 1 5F84FA14 -P 4200 9000 -F 0 "U3" H 4200 9365 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "LP38690DT-3.3" H 4200 9274 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "ESP32:DPAK457P991X255-3N" H 4200 9000 50 0001 L BNN -F 3 "IPC-7351B" H 4200 9000 50 0001 L BNN -F 4 "Texas Instruments" H 4200 9000 50 0001 L BNN "Field4" -F 5 "M" H 4200 9000 50 0001 L BNN "Field5" -F 6 "2.55mm" H 4200 9000 50 0001 L BNN "Field6" -F 7 "C109045" H 4200 9000 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 4200 9000 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Text GLabel 4900 9100 2 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 4900 8900 2 50 Input ~ 0 -3_3V -Text GLabel 3600 8900 0 50 Input ~ 0 -VCC -Wire Wire Line - 10150 14950 10300 14950 -Wire Wire Line - 10150 14950 10150 15050 -Connection ~ 10300 14950 -$Comp -L Connector:Conn_01x02_Female PUMP0 -U 1 1 5F6C304F -P 1350 750 -F 0 "PUMP0" H 1378 726 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "Conn_01x02_Female" H 1378 635 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_EH_B2B-EH-A_1x02_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 1350 750 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 1350 750 50 0001 C CNN - 1 1350 750 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Connector:Conn_01x02_Female PUMP1 -U 1 1 5F6C393A -P 1350 950 -F 0 "PUMP1" H 1378 926 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "Conn_01x02_Female" H 1378 835 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_EH_B2B-EH-A_1x02_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 1350 950 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 1350 950 50 0001 C CNN - 1 1350 950 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Connector:Conn_01x02_Female PUMP2 -U 1 1 5F6C3F83 -P 1350 1150 -F 0 "PUMP2" H 1378 1126 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "Conn_01x02_Female" H 1378 1035 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_EH_B2B-EH-A_1x02_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 1350 1150 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 1350 1150 50 0001 C CNN - 1 1350 1150 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Connector:Conn_01x02_Female PUMP3 -U 1 1 5F6C4568 -P 1350 1350 -F 0 "PUMP3" H 1378 1326 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "Conn_01x02_Female" H 1378 1235 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_EH_B2B-EH-A_1x02_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 1350 1350 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 1350 1350 50 0001 C CNN - 1 1350 1350 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Connector:Conn_01x02_Female PUMP4 -U 1 1 5F6C4B8E -P 1350 1550 -F 0 "PUMP4" H 1378 1526 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "Conn_01x02_Female" H 1378 1435 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_EH_B2B-EH-A_1x02_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 1350 1550 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 1350 1550 50 0001 C CNN - 1 1350 1550 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Connector:Conn_01x02_Female PUMP5 -U 1 1 5F6C50F5 -P 1350 1750 -F 0 "PUMP5" H 1378 1726 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "Conn_01x02_Female" H 1378 1635 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_EH_B2B-EH-A_1x02_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 1350 1750 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 1350 1750 50 0001 C CNN - 1 1350 1750 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Connector:Conn_01x02_Female PUMP6 -U 1 1 5F6C56E4 -P 1350 1950 -F 0 "PUMP6" H 1378 1926 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "Conn_01x02_Female" H 1378 1835 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_EH_B2B-EH-A_1x02_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 1350 1950 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 1350 1950 50 0001 C CNN - 1 1350 1950 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:R R30 -U 1 1 5F834B00 -P 16750 8950 -F 0 "R30" H 16820 8996 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "270" H 16820 8905 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 16680 8950 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 16750 8950 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C17590" H 16750 8950 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 16750 8950 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 16750 9450 16750 9500 -Wire Wire Line - 16750 9150 16750 9100 -Wire Wire Line - 16750 8750 16400 8750 -Wire Wire Line - 16400 8750 16400 8900 -Wire Wire Line - 16750 8750 16750 8800 -$Comp -L Device:LED Sensor1 -U 1 1 5F8539DC -P 10650 14600 -F 0 "Sensor1" V 10689 14482 50 0000 R CNN -F 1 "LED_green" V 10598 14482 50 0000 R CNN -F 2 "LED_SMD:LED_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 10650 14600 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 10650 14600 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C205442" H 10650 14600 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 10650 14600 - 0 -1 -1 0 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:R R31 -U 1 1 5F8539E2 -P 10450 14400 -F 0 "R31" H 10520 14446 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "270" H 10520 14355 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 10380 14400 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 10450 14400 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C17590" H 10450 14400 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 10450 14400 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 10650 14800 10650 14750 -Wire Wire Line - 10650 14400 10650 14450 -Connection ~ 10300 14400 -Wire Wire Line - 10300 14400 10300 14550 -Wire Wire Line - 10600 14400 10650 14400 -$Comp -L ESP32-DEVKITC-32D:SL2300 Q6 -U 1 1 5F87CA1E -P 8850 2200 -F 0 "Q6" H 9005 2246 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "N-channel 30V 5A" H 9005 2155 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23_Handsoldering" H 8850 2200 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "" H 8850 2200 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C350314" H 8850 2200 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 8850 2200 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:R R16 -U 1 1 5F8849CF -P 8500 2350 -F 0 "R16" H 8570 2396 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "10k" H 8570 2305 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 8430 2350 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 8500 2350 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C212284" H 8500 2350 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 8500 2350 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Text GLabel 8000 2200 0 50 Input ~ 0 -CUSTOM_GPIO -Wire Wire Line - 8500 2200 8600 2200 -$Comp -L Connector_Generic:Conn_01x04 CUSTOM1 -U 1 1 5F8A6800 -P 9700 1750 -F 0 "CUSTOM1" H 9780 1742 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "Conn_01x04" H 9780 1651 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_EH_B4B-EH-A_1x04_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 9700 1750 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 9700 1750 50 0001 C CNN - 1 9700 1750 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Text GLabel 9500 1650 1 50 Input ~ 0 -VCC -Wire Wire Line - 8900 1850 8900 2000 -Text GLabel 7850 1750 0 50 Input ~ 0 -CUSTOM_GPIO -Text Notes 19600 8550 0 79 ~ 0 -Protection for Lipo -Wire Wire Line - 10650 15100 10650 15150 -$Comp -L Device:LED Pumps1 -U 1 1 5F834AFA -P 16750 9300 -F 0 "Pumps1" V 16789 9182 50 0000 R CNN -F 1 "LED_red" V 16698 9182 50 0000 R CNN -F 2 "LED_SMD:LED_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 16750 9300 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 16750 9300 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C84256" H 16750 9300 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 16750 9300 - 0 -1 -1 0 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:R R50 -U 1 1 5FBA9B4B -P 15150 9300 -F 0 "R50" H 15220 9346 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "1k" H 15220 9255 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 15080 9300 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 15150 9300 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C95781" H 15150 9300 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 15150 9300 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 14950 9300 15000 9300 -$Comp -L Device:R R51 -U 1 1 5FBB5E39 -P 9050 14950 -F 0 "R51" H 9120 14996 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "1k" H 9120 14905 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 8980 14950 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 9050 14950 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C95781" H 9050 14950 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 9050 14950 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 8850 14950 8900 14950 -Text GLabel 20650 6400 2 50 Input ~ 0 -SOLAR_IN -$Comp -L Connector_Generic:Conn_01x04 SOLAR1 -U 1 1 5F7E5709 -P 20450 5950 -F 0 "SOLAR1" H 20530 5942 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "Conn_01x04" V 20600 5400 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Connector_PinSocket_2.54mm:PinSocket_1x04_P2.54mm_Vertical" H 20450 5950 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 20450 5950 50 0001 C CNN - 1 20450 5950 - 0 -1 -1 0 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:Fuse F1 -U 1 1 5F8D8528 -P 20200 6150 -F 0 "F1" V 20250 6100 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "Fuse" V 20100 6050 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Fuse:Fuseholder_Cylinder-5x20mm_Stelvio-Kontek_PTF78_Horizontal_Open" V 20130 6150 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 20200 6150 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C58066" H 20200 6150 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 20200 6150 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -Text GLabel 18900 7100 0 50 Input ~ 0 -VCC -$Comp -L Device:R R46 -U 1 1 5FC58F54 -P 8250 2200 -F 0 "R46" H 8320 2246 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "1k" H 8320 2155 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 8180 2200 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 8250 2200 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C95781" H 8250 2200 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 8250 2200 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 8000 2200 8100 2200 -Wire Wire Line - 8400 2200 8500 2200 -Connection ~ 8500 2200 -Text Notes 17850 1850 0 105 ~ 0 -External Fix Power\n5V to 9V -$Comp -L Connector_Generic:Conn_01x02 EXT_PWR1 -U 1 1 5FAFCD50 -P 18100 2250 -F 0 "EXT_PWR1" H 18018 1925 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "Conn_01x02" H 18018 2016 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_XH_B2B-XH-A_1x02_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 18100 2250 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 18100 2250 50 0001 C CNN - 1 18100 2250 - -1 0 0 1 -$EndComp -Text GLabel 18550 2600 2 50 Input ~ 0 -VCC -Wire Wire Line - 16400 9350 16400 9300 -Text GLabel 16400 9350 3 50 Input ~ 0 -VCC -Text GLabel 18300 2150 2 50 Input ~ 0 -PUMP_PWR -Text Notes 17950 3050 0 50 ~ 0 -J2, F1, IC1, Q_PWR3. R59, R58, Q12, JP1, R60, R61, Q_PWR4\nU4, J3, C11, L1, R21, R29, C12, D8, D26\nmust NOT be connected -Wire Wire Line - 16400 8750 16200 8750 -Connection ~ 16400 8750 -$Comp -L DW01:DW01 IC1 -U 1 1 5FB36987 -P 19450 9200 -F 0 "IC1" H 19950 9467 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "DW01" H 19950 9376 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "misc_footprints:SOT95P280X135-6N" H 19450 9200 50 0001 L BNN -F 3 "" H 19450 9200 50 0001 L BNN -F 4 "ic" H 19450 9200 50 0001 L BNN "DESCRIPTION" -F 5 "DW01" H 19450 9200 50 0001 L BNN "MANUFACTURER_PART_NUMBER" -F 6 "C14213" H 19450 9200 50 0001 L BNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 19450 9200 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L ESP32-DEVKITC-32D:SL2300 Q12 -U 1 1 5FB3ECD2 -P 20550 6900 -F 0 "Q12" V 20842 6900 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "N-channel 30V 5A" V 20751 6900 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23_Handsoldering" H 20550 6900 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "" H 20550 6900 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C350314" H 20550 6900 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 20550 6900 - -1 0 0 1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:R R52 -U 1 1 5FC59C43 -P 19300 9300 -F 0 "R52" V 19300 9300 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "1k" V 19150 9300 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 19230 9300 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 19300 9300 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C95781" H 19300 9300 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 19300 9300 - 0 -1 -1 0 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:R R53 -U 1 1 5FC908BA -P 20900 9300 -F 0 "R53" V 20693 9300 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "100" V 20784 9300 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 20830 9300 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 20900 9300 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C17408" H 20900 9300 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 20900 9300 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:C C10 -U 1 1 5FCD9EFE -P 20600 9150 -F 0 "C10" H 20715 9196 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "100n" H 20715 9105 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 20638 9000 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 20600 9150 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C49678" H 20600 9150 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 20600 9150 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Text GLabel 20950 7700 0 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Wire Wire Line - 20450 9300 20600 9300 -Text GLabel 20650 9000 2 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Connection ~ 20600 9300 -Wire Wire Line - 20600 9300 20750 9300 -Wire Wire Line - 20450 9200 20450 9000 -Wire Wire Line - 20450 9000 20600 9000 -Wire Wire Line - 20600 9000 20650 9000 -Connection ~ 20600 9000 -Text GLabel 21700 7600 0 50 Input ~ 0 -VCC_BATT -Text GLabel 20050 6150 0 50 Input ~ 0 -VCC_BATT -Text GLabel 19200 9400 0 50 Input ~ 0 -LIPO_OC -Wire Wire Line - 19200 9400 19450 9400 -Text GLabel 20900 6900 2 50 Input ~ 0 -LIPO_OC -Wire Wire Line - 20900 6900 20800 6900 -$Comp -L ESP32-DEVKITC-32D:SL2300 Q11 -U 1 1 5FB813FB -P 19450 8900 -F 0 "Q11" V 19649 8900 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "N-channel 30V 5A" V 19740 8900 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23_Handsoldering" H 19450 8900 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "" H 19450 8900 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C350314" H 19450 8900 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 19450 8900 - 0 -1 -1 0 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 19450 9200 19450 9150 -NoConn ~ 20450 9400 -$Comp -L Device:R R20 -U 1 1 5FC4784F -P 6550 5600 -F 0 "R20" V 6343 5600 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "10k" V 6434 5600 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 6480 5600 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 6550 5600 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C212284" H 6550 5600 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 6550 5600 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Jumper:SolderJumper_2_Open OCP1 -U 1 1 6011090E -P 21800 6900 -F 0 "OCP1" H 21800 7105 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "SolderJumper_2_Open" H 21800 7014 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Jumper:SolderJumper-2_P1.3mm_Open_Pad1.0x1.5mm" H 21800 6900 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 21800 6900 50 0001 C CNN - 1 21800 6900 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Jumper:SolderJumper_2_Open JP2 -U 1 1 60159E6D -P 8450 1750 -F 0 "JP2" H 8450 1955 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "SolderJumper_2_Open" H 8450 1864 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Jumper:SolderJumper-2_P1.3mm_Open_Pad1.0x1.5mm" H 8450 1750 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 8450 1750 50 0001 C CNN - 1 8450 1750 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Jumper:SolderJumper_2_Bridged LED_SENS1 -U 1 1 6017FFC5 -P 10650 14950 -F 0 "LED_SENS1" V 10604 15018 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "NC" V 10695 15018 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Jumper:SolderJumper-2_P1.3mm_Bridged_Pad1.0x1.5mm" H 10650 14950 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 10650 14950 50 0001 C CNN - 1 10650 14950 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Jumper:SolderJumper_2_Bridged JP5 -U 1 1 6023651A -P 6500 5700 -F 0 "JP5" H 6500 5600 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "NC" H 6500 5500 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Jumper:SolderJumper-2_P1.3mm_Bridged_Pad1.0x1.5mm" H 6500 5700 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 6500 5700 50 0001 C CNN - 1 6500 5700 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:C_Small C13 -U 1 1 603684C2 -P 4850 9000 -F 0 "C13" H 4938 9046 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "22uf" H 4938 8955 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 4850 9000 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 4850 9000 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C45783" H 4850 9000 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 4850 9000 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 4900 8900 4850 8900 -Connection ~ 4850 8900 -Wire Wire Line - 4850 8900 4800 8900 -Wire Wire Line - 4800 9100 4850 9100 -Connection ~ 4850 9100 -Wire Wire Line - 4850 9100 4900 9100 -Text GLabel 5050 1250 2 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Wire Wire Line - 5050 1250 5000 1250 -Text GLabel 8900 2450 3 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 9500 1950 3 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 15700 9500 2 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 16750 9500 3 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 10650 15150 3 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 18300 2250 2 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -$Comp -L Jumper:SolderJumper_2_Open EXT_PWR2 -U 1 1 6076B93D -P 18400 2600 -F 0 "EXT_PWR2" H 18400 2805 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "SolderJumper_2_Open" H 18400 2714 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Jumper:SolderJumper-2_P1.3mm_Open_Pad1.0x1.5mm" H 18400 2600 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 18400 2600 50 0001 C CNN - 1 18400 2600 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L SX1308:SX1308 U4 -U 1 1 5FE4C408 -P 15950 6600 -F 0 "U4" H 15600 7367 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "SX1308" H 15600 7276 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "misc_footprints:SOT-23-6" H 15950 6600 50 0001 L BNN -F 3 "" H 15950 6600 50 0001 L BNN -F 4 "C78162" H 15950 6600 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 15950 6600 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Text GLabel 3700 1650 3 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -NoConn ~ 16150 6400 -Wire Wire Line - 14750 7000 16500 7000 -Wire Wire Line - 14750 7000 14750 6800 -Connection ~ 16500 7000 -Wire Wire Line - 16800 7000 16500 7000 -Wire Wire Line - 16800 6450 16800 7000 -Wire Wire Line - 16800 5750 17050 5750 -Connection ~ 16800 5750 -Wire Wire Line - 16800 6150 16800 5750 -Wire Wire Line - 16500 5750 16800 5750 -$Comp -L Device:C C12 -U 1 1 6007356D -P 16800 6300 -F 0 "C12" H 16915 6346 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "22uf" H 16915 6255 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 16838 6150 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 16800 6300 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C45783" H 16800 6300 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 16800 6300 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Connection ~ 16500 5750 -Wire Wire Line - 16500 5750 16450 5750 -Wire Wire Line - 16500 6150 16500 5750 -Connection ~ 16500 6700 -Wire Wire Line - 16500 6450 16500 6700 -Wire Wire Line - 16150 6700 16500 6700 -$Comp -L Device:R R29 -U 1 1 600070FD -P 16500 6850 -F 0 "R29" H 16570 6896 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "1k" H 16570 6805 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 16430 6850 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 16500 6850 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C95781" H 16500 6850 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 16500 6850 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:R R21 -U 1 1 60006701 -P 16500 6300 -F 0 "R21" H 16570 6346 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "19k-19.5K" H 16570 6255 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 16430 6300 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 16500 6300 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C17506" H 16500 6300 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 16500 6300 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Text GLabel 17700 5750 2 50 Input ~ 0 -PUMP_PWR -Connection ~ 16150 5750 -$Comp -L Device:D D8 -U 1 1 60005761 -P 16300 5750 -F 0 "D8" H 16300 5533 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "40V >2A" H 16300 5624 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Diode_SMD:D_SOD-123F" H 16300 5750 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 16300 5750 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C496544" H 16300 5750 50 0000 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 16300 5750 - -1 0 0 1 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 16150 5750 16150 6100 -Wire Wire Line - 15500 5750 16150 5750 -Wire Wire Line - 15050 5750 15050 6100 -Wire Wire Line - 15200 5750 15050 5750 -$Comp -L Device:L L1 -U 1 1 5FF33B77 -P 15350 5750 -F 0 "L1" V 15540 5750 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "4A 5-22uH min DCR" V 15449 5750 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Inductor_SMD:L_12x12mm_H4.5mm" H 15350 5750 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 15350 5750 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C439398" H 15350 5750 50 0000 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 15350 5750 - 0 -1 -1 0 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 14750 6800 14700 6800 -Connection ~ 14750 6800 -Wire Wire Line - 14750 6600 14750 6800 -Wire Wire Line - 14750 6100 15050 6100 -Connection ~ 14750 6100 -Wire Wire Line - 14750 6300 14750 6100 -$Comp -L Device:C C11 -U 1 1 5FF0BD1A -P 14750 6450 -F 0 "C11" H 14865 6496 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "22uf" H 14865 6405 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 14788 6300 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 14750 6450 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C45783" H 14750 6450 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 14750 6450 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 15050 6800 14750 6800 -Connection ~ 15050 6100 -Wire Wire Line - 14700 6100 14750 6100 -Text GLabel 14700 6800 0 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 14700 6100 0 50 Input ~ 0 -PWR_PUMP_CONVERTER -$Comp -L Connector_Generic:Conn_01x04 DCDC1 -U 1 1 5F837F50 -P 16000 7400 -F 0 "DCDC1" H 16080 7392 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "Conn_01x04" H 16080 7301 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Connector_PinSocket_2.54mm:PinSocket_1x04_P2.54mm_Vertical" H 16000 7400 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 16000 7400 50 0001 C CNN - 1 16000 7400 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 15050 6500 15050 6100 -Text Notes 5050 750 0 105 ~ 0 -One Wire -Wire Wire Line - 4150 900 4150 1050 -Wire Wire Line - 3700 900 3700 1050 -Wire Wire Line - 3650 900 3700 900 -$Comp -L Sensor_Temperature:DS18B20 U1 -U 1 1 5F02FBC0 -P 3700 1350 -F 0 "U1" H 3470 1396 50 0000 R CNN -F 1 "DS18B20" H 3470 1305 50 0000 R CNN -F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_THT:TO-92_Inline" H 2700 1100 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "http://datasheets.maximintegrated.com/en/ds/DS18B20.pdf" H 3550 1600 50 0001 C CNN - 1 3700 1350 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Text Notes 15150 7200 0 50 ~ 0 -Pump Voltage Converter (Fallback for circuit above) -Text GLabel 15800 7600 0 50 Input ~ 0 -PUMP_PWR -Text GLabel 15800 7500 0 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 15800 7400 0 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Connection ~ 4150 1350 -Wire Wire Line - 4150 1350 4250 1350 -Wire Wire Line - 4000 1350 4150 1350 -$Comp -L Device:R R26 -U 1 1 5EE03137 -P 4150 1200 -F 0 "R26" H 4220 1246 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "4k7" H 4220 1155 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 4080 1200 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 4150 1200 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C17673" H 4150 1200 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 4150 1200 - -1 0 0 1 -$EndComp -Text Notes 3200 750 0 105 ~ 0 -Temp Sensor -Text GLabel 4250 1350 2 50 Input ~ 0 -Temp -$Comp -L Device:R R18 -U 1 1 5F7DC6B1 -P 9500 11100 -F 0 "R18" H 9570 11146 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "270" H 9570 11055 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 9430 11100 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 9500 11100 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C17590" H 9500 11100 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 9500 11100 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:R R13 -U 1 1 5F79751F -P 7900 11100 -F 0 "R13" H 7970 11146 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "270" H 7970 11055 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 7830 11100 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 7900 11100 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C17590" H 7900 11100 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 7900 11100 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 2150 14500 2150 14850 -Connection ~ 2150 14500 -Wire Wire Line - 2900 14500 2900 14850 -Connection ~ 2900 14500 -Wire Wire Line - 5250 14500 5250 14850 -Connection ~ 5250 14500 -Wire Wire Line - 3700 14500 3700 14850 -Connection ~ 3700 14500 -Wire Wire Line - 4500 14500 4500 14850 -Connection ~ 4500 14500 -Wire Wire Line - 6050 14500 6050 14850 -Connection ~ 6050 14500 -Wire Wire Line - 6850 14500 6850 14850 -Connection ~ 6850 14500 -Wire Wire Line - 7050 14150 7050 14200 -Wire Wire Line - 7050 14800 7050 14850 -$Comp -L Diode:BAS40-04 D19 -U 1 1 6071534B -P 6950 14500 -F 0 "D19" H 6950 14825 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "BAS40-04" H 6950 14734 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23" H 6700 14800 50 0001 L CNN -F 3 "http://www.vishay.com/docs/85701/bas40v.pdf" H 6830 14600 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C397601" H 6950 14500 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 6950 14500 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -Text GLabel 7050 14150 2 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 7050 14850 2 50 Input ~ 0 -3_3V -Wire Wire Line - 6250 14150 6250 14200 -Wire Wire Line - 6250 14800 6250 14850 -$Comp -L Diode:BAS40-04 D15 -U 1 1 606FC204 -P 6150 14500 -F 0 "D15" H 6150 14825 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "BAS40-04" H 6150 14734 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23" H 5900 14800 50 0001 L CNN -F 3 "http://www.vishay.com/docs/85701/bas40v.pdf" H 6030 14600 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C397601" H 6150 14500 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 6150 14500 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -Text GLabel 6250 14150 2 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 6250 14850 2 50 Input ~ 0 -3_3V -Wire Wire Line - 5450 14150 5450 14200 -Wire Wire Line - 5450 14800 5450 14850 -$Comp -L Diode:BAS40-04 D13 -U 1 1 606E1639 -P 5350 14500 -F 0 "D13" H 5350 14825 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "BAS40-04" H 5350 14734 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23" H 5100 14800 50 0001 L CNN -F 3 "http://www.vishay.com/docs/85701/bas40v.pdf" H 5230 14600 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C397601" H 5350 14500 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 5350 14500 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -Text GLabel 5450 14150 2 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 5450 14850 2 50 Input ~ 0 -3_3V -Wire Wire Line - 4700 14150 4700 14200 -Wire Wire Line - 4700 14800 4700 14850 -$Comp -L Diode:BAS40-04 D12 -U 1 1 606C8B56 -P 4600 14500 -F 0 "D12" H 4600 14825 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "BAS40-04" H 4600 14734 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23" H 4350 14800 50 0001 L CNN -F 3 "http://www.vishay.com/docs/85701/bas40v.pdf" H 4480 14600 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C397601" H 4600 14500 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 4600 14500 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -Text GLabel 4700 14150 2 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 4700 14850 2 50 Input ~ 0 -3_3V -Wire Wire Line - 3900 14800 3900 14850 -$Comp -L Diode:BAS40-04 D11 -U 1 1 606B065D -P 3800 14500 -F 0 "D11" H 3800 14825 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "BAS40-04" H 3800 14734 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23" H 3550 14800 50 0001 L CNN -F 3 "http://www.vishay.com/docs/85701/bas40v.pdf" H 3680 14600 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C397601" H 3800 14500 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 3800 14500 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -Text GLabel 3900 14150 2 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 3900 14850 2 50 Input ~ 0 -3_3V -Wire Wire Line - 6850 14100 6850 14500 -Wire Wire Line - 6050 14100 6050 14500 -Wire Wire Line - 5250 14100 5250 14500 -Wire Wire Line - 4500 14100 4500 14500 -Wire Wire Line - 3700 14100 3700 14500 -Wire Wire Line - 3100 14150 3100 14200 -Wire Wire Line - 3100 14800 3100 14850 -$Comp -L Diode:BAS40-04 D10 -U 1 1 6068A851 -P 3000 14500 -F 0 "D10" H 3000 14825 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "BAS40-04" H 3000 14734 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23" H 2750 14800 50 0001 L CNN -F 3 "http://www.vishay.com/docs/85701/bas40v.pdf" H 2880 14600 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C397601" H 3000 14500 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 3000 14500 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -Text GLabel 3100 14150 2 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 3100 14850 2 50 Input ~ 0 -3_3V -Wire Wire Line - 2350 14150 2350 14200 -Wire Wire Line - 2350 14800 2350 14850 -$Comp -L Diode:BAS40-04 D9 -U 1 1 6066FB98 -P 2250 14500 -F 0 "D9" H 2250 14825 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "BAS40-04" H 2250 14734 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23" H 2000 14800 50 0001 L CNN -F 3 "http://www.vishay.com/docs/85701/bas40v.pdf" H 2130 14600 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C397601" H 2250 14500 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 2250 14500 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -Text GLabel 2350 14150 2 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 2350 14850 2 50 Input ~ 0 -3_3V -Wire Wire Line - 2900 14100 2900 14500 -Wire Wire Line - 2150 14100 2150 14500 -Text GLabel 6950 15150 3 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 6150 15150 3 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 5350 15150 3 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 4600 15150 3 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 3800 15150 3 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 3000 15150 3 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 2250 15150 3 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 6950 13800 3 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 6150 13800 3 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 5350 13800 3 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 4600 13800 3 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 3800 13800 3 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 3000 13800 3 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 2250 13800 3 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 9250 12100 3 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 7650 12100 3 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 6350 12100 3 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 5050 12100 3 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 3800 12050 3 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 2600 12050 3 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 1450 12050 3 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text Notes 5100 13050 2 207 ~ 0 -Sensors -Text GLabel 2900 15000 3 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT1_MOIST -Text GLabel 2050 15000 3 50 Input ~ 0 -PWR_SENSORS -Text GLabel 3700 15000 3 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT2_MOIST -Text GLabel 4500 15000 3 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT3_MOIST -Text GLabel 5250 15000 3 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT4_MOIST -Text GLabel 6050 15000 3 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT5_MOIST -Text GLabel 6850 15000 3 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT6_MOIST -Text GLabel 2150 15000 3 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT0_MOIST -Text GLabel 2800 15000 3 50 Input ~ 0 -PWR_SENSORS -Text GLabel 3600 15000 3 50 Input ~ 0 -PWR_SENSORS -Text GLabel 4400 15000 3 50 Input ~ 0 -PWR_SENSORS -Text GLabel 5150 15000 3 50 Input ~ 0 -PWR_SENSORS -Text GLabel 5950 15000 3 50 Input ~ 0 -PWR_SENSORS -$Comp -L Connector:Conn_01x03_Male S0 -U 1 1 5F6785CE -P 2150 13550 -F 0 "S0" H 2122 13482 50 0000 R CNN -F 1 "Conn_01x03_Male" H 2750 13350 50 0000 R CNN -F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_EH_B3B-EH-A_1x03_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 2150 13550 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 2150 13550 50 0001 C CNN - 1 2150 13550 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Connector:Conn_01x03_Male S1 -U 1 1 5F6870CB -P 2900 13550 -F 0 "S1" H 2872 13482 50 0000 R CNN -F 1 "Conn_01x03_Male" H 3500 13350 50 0000 R CNN -F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_EH_B3B-EH-A_1x03_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 2900 13550 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 2900 13550 50 0001 C CNN - 1 2900 13550 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Connector:Conn_01x03_Male S2 -U 1 1 5F68A563 -P 3700 13550 -F 0 "S2" H 3672 13482 50 0000 R CNN -F 1 "Conn_01x03_Male" H 4300 13350 50 0000 R CNN -F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_EH_B3B-EH-A_1x03_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 3700 13550 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 3700 13550 50 0001 C CNN - 1 3700 13550 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Connector:Conn_01x03_Male S3 -U 1 1 5F68ACC2 -P 4500 13550 -F 0 "S3" H 4472 13482 50 0000 R CNN -F 1 "Conn_01x03_Male" H 5100 13350 50 0000 R CNN -F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_EH_B3B-EH-A_1x03_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 4500 13550 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 4500 13550 50 0001 C CNN - 1 4500 13550 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Connector:Conn_01x03_Male S4 -U 1 1 5F695628 -P 5250 13550 -F 0 "S4" H 5222 13482 50 0000 R CNN -F 1 "Conn_01x03_Male" H 5850 13350 50 0000 R CNN -F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_EH_B3B-EH-A_1x03_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 5250 13550 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 5250 13550 50 0001 C CNN - 1 5250 13550 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Connector:Conn_01x03_Male S5 -U 1 1 5F6A0EA1 -P 6050 13550 -F 0 "S5" H 6022 13482 50 0000 R CNN -F 1 "Conn_01x03_Male" H 6650 13350 50 0000 R CNN -F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_EH_B3B-EH-A_1x03_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 6050 13550 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 6050 13550 50 0001 C CNN - 1 6050 13550 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -Text GLabel 6750 15000 3 50 Input ~ 0 -PWR_SENSORS -$Comp -L Connector:Conn_01x03_Male S6 -U 1 1 5F6A8678 -P 6850 13550 -F 0 "S6" H 6822 13482 50 0000 R CNN -F 1 "Conn_01x03_Male" H 7450 13350 50 0000 R CNN -F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_EH_B3B-EH-A_1x03_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 6850 13550 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 6850 13550 50 0001 C CNN - 1 6850 13550 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 2800 13750 2800 15000 -Wire Wire Line - 3600 13750 3600 15000 -Wire Wire Line - 4400 13750 4400 15000 -Wire Wire Line - 5150 13750 5150 15000 -Wire Wire Line - 5950 13750 5950 15000 -Wire Wire Line - 6750 13750 6750 15000 -$Comp -L Device:R R41 -U 1 1 5F99C5A6 -P 4500 13950 -F 0 "R41" H 4570 13996 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "1k" H 4570 13905 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 4430 13950 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 4500 13950 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C95781" H 4500 13950 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 4500 13950 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:R R43 -U 1 1 5F99C828 -P 5250 13950 -F 0 "R43" H 5320 13996 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "1k" H 5320 13905 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 5180 13950 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 5250 13950 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C95781" H 5250 13950 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 5250 13950 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:R R45 -U 1 1 5F99CBD3 -P 6050 13950 -F 0 "R45" H 6120 13996 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "1k" H 6120 13905 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 5980 13950 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 6050 13950 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C95781" H 6050 13950 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 6050 13950 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:R R49 -U 1 1 5F99CEF5 -P 6850 13950 -F 0 "R49" H 6920 13996 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "1k" H 6920 13905 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 6780 13950 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 6850 13950 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C95781" H 6850 13950 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 6850 13950 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:C C3 -U 1 1 5F9A17B3 -P 2250 15000 -F 0 "C3" H 2135 14954 50 0000 R CNN -F 1 "100n" H 2135 15045 50 0000 R CNN -F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 2288 14850 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 2250 15000 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C49678" H 2250 15000 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 2250 15000 - -1 0 0 1 -$EndComp -Connection ~ 2150 14850 -Wire Wire Line - 2150 14850 2150 15000 -Wire Wire Line - 2150 14850 2250 14850 -Wire Wire Line - 2150 13750 2150 13800 -Wire Wire Line - 2250 13750 2250 13800 -Wire Wire Line - 2050 13750 2050 15000 -Wire Wire Line - 2900 13750 2900 13800 -Wire Wire Line - 3700 13750 3700 13800 -Wire Wire Line - 4500 13750 4500 13800 -Wire Wire Line - 5250 13750 5250 13800 -Wire Wire Line - 6050 13750 6050 13800 -Wire Wire Line - 6850 13750 6850 13800 -Wire Wire Line - 3000 13750 3000 13800 -Wire Wire Line - 3800 13750 3800 13800 -Wire Wire Line - 4600 13750 4600 13800 -Wire Wire Line - 5350 13750 5350 13800 -Wire Wire Line - 6950 13750 6950 13800 -Wire Wire Line - 6150 13750 6150 13800 -$Comp -L Device:C C4 -U 1 1 5FAEAFAD -P 3000 15000 -F 0 "C4" H 2885 14954 50 0000 R CNN -F 1 "100n" H 2885 15045 50 0000 R CNN -F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 3038 14850 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 3000 15000 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C49678" H 3000 15000 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 3000 15000 - -1 0 0 1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:C C5 -U 1 1 5FAEB37F -P 3800 15000 -F 0 "C5" H 3685 14954 50 0000 R CNN -F 1 "100n" H 3685 15045 50 0000 R CNN -F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 3838 14850 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 3800 15000 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C49678" H 3800 15000 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 3800 15000 - -1 0 0 1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:C C6 -U 1 1 5FAEB847 -P 4600 15000 -F 0 "C6" H 4485 14954 50 0000 R CNN -F 1 "100n" H 4485 15045 50 0000 R CNN -F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 4638 14850 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 4600 15000 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C49678" H 4600 15000 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 4600 15000 - -1 0 0 1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:C C7 -U 1 1 5FAEBD5A -P 5350 15000 -F 0 "C7" H 5235 14954 50 0000 R CNN -F 1 "100n" H 5235 15045 50 0000 R CNN -F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 5388 14850 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 5350 15000 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C49678" H 5350 15000 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 5350 15000 - -1 0 0 1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:C C8 -U 1 1 5FAEC21A -P 6150 15000 -F 0 "C8" H 6035 14954 50 0000 R CNN -F 1 "100n" H 6035 15045 50 0000 R CNN -F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 6188 14850 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 6150 15000 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C49678" H 6150 15000 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 6150 15000 - -1 0 0 1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:C C9 -U 1 1 5FAEC671 -P 6950 15000 -F 0 "C9" H 6835 14954 50 0000 R CNN -F 1 "100n" H 6835 15045 50 0000 R CNN -F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 6988 14850 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 6950 15000 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C49678" H 6950 15000 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 6950 15000 - -1 0 0 1 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 2900 14850 3000 14850 -Connection ~ 2900 14850 -Wire Wire Line - 2900 14850 2900 15000 -Wire Wire Line - 3700 14850 3800 14850 -Connection ~ 3700 14850 -Wire Wire Line - 3700 14850 3700 15000 -Wire Wire Line - 4500 14850 4600 14850 -Connection ~ 4500 14850 -Wire Wire Line - 4500 14850 4500 15000 -Wire Wire Line - 5250 14850 5350 14850 -Connection ~ 5250 14850 -Wire Wire Line - 5250 14850 5250 15000 -Wire Wire Line - 6050 14850 6150 14850 -Connection ~ 6050 14850 -Wire Wire Line - 6050 14850 6050 15000 -Wire Wire Line - 6950 14850 6850 14850 -Connection ~ 6850 14850 -Wire Wire Line - 6850 14850 6850 15000 -$Comp -L Device:R R39 -U 1 1 5F99C2BC -P 3700 13950 -F 0 "R39" H 3770 13996 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "1k" H 3770 13905 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 3630 13950 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 3700 13950 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C95781" H 3700 13950 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 3700 13950 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:R R37 -U 1 1 5F99BE26 -P 2900 13950 -F 0 "R37" H 2970 13996 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "1k" H 2970 13905 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 2830 13950 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 2900 13950 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C95781" H 2900 13950 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 2900 13950 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:R R35 -U 1 1 5F993C00 -P 2150 13950 -F 0 "R35" H 2220 13996 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "1k" H 2220 13905 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 2080 13950 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 2150 13950 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C95781" H 2150 13950 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 2150 13950 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 2600 12050 2450 12050 -Wire Wire Line - 6350 12100 6150 12100 -Wire Wire Line - 7650 12100 7450 12100 -Wire Wire Line - 9250 12100 9050 12100 -Wire Wire Line - 1450 12050 1250 12050 -Wire Wire Line - 3800 12050 3600 12050 -Wire Wire Line - 5050 12100 4850 12100 -Text GLabel 15800 7300 0 50 Input ~ 0 -PWR_PUMP_CONVERTER -Connection ~ 9350 11600 -Wire Wire Line - 9350 11600 9350 11550 -Wire Wire Line - 9350 11600 9500 11600 -Connection ~ 7750 11600 -Wire Wire Line - 7900 11600 7750 11600 -Wire Wire Line - 7750 11550 7750 11600 -Connection ~ 6450 11600 -Wire Wire Line - 6450 11600 6600 11600 -Wire Wire Line - 6450 11550 6450 11600 -Connection ~ 5150 11600 -Wire Wire Line - 5150 11600 5300 11600 -Wire Wire Line - 5150 11550 5150 11600 -Connection ~ 3900 11550 -Wire Wire Line - 4050 11550 3900 11550 -Wire Wire Line - 3900 11500 3900 11550 -Connection ~ 2750 11550 -Wire Wire Line - 2750 11550 2750 11500 -Wire Wire Line - 2900 11550 2750 11550 -Connection ~ 1550 11550 -Wire Wire Line - 1550 11500 1550 11550 -Wire Wire Line - 5300 10950 5300 10900 -Wire Wire Line - 5300 11300 5300 11250 -$Comp -L Device:R R15 -U 1 1 5F81F9EF -P 5300 11100 -F 0 "R15" H 5370 11146 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "270" H 5370 11055 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 5230 11100 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 5300 11100 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C17590" H 5300 11100 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 5300 11100 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:LED D6 -U 1 1 5F81F9E9 -P 5300 11450 -F 0 "D6" V 5339 11332 50 0000 R CNN -F 1 "LED" V 5248 11332 50 0000 R CNN -F 2 "LED_SMD:LED_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 5300 11450 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 5300 11450 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C375452" H 5300 11450 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 5300 11450 - 0 -1 -1 0 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 4050 10900 4050 10850 -Wire Wire Line - 4050 11250 4050 11200 -$Comp -L Device:R R11 -U 1 1 5F811EA0 -P 4050 11050 -F 0 "R11" H 4120 11096 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "270" H 4120 11005 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 3980 11050 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 4050 11050 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C17590" H 4050 11050 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 4050 11050 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:LED D4 -U 1 1 5F811E9A -P 4050 11400 -F 0 "D4" V 4089 11282 50 0000 R CNN -F 1 "LED_Blue" V 3998 11282 50 0000 R CNN -F 2 "LED_SMD:LED_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 4050 11400 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 4050 11400 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C205441" H 4050 11400 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 4050 11400 - 0 -1 -1 0 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 2900 10900 2900 10850 -Wire Wire Line - 2900 11250 2900 11200 -$Comp -L Device:R R7 -U 1 1 5F7FA2F0 -P 2900 11050 -F 0 "R7" H 2970 11096 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "270" H 2970 11005 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 2830 11050 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 2900 11050 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C17590" H 2900 11050 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 2900 11050 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:LED D2 -U 1 1 5F7FA2EA -P 2900 11400 -F 0 "D2" V 2939 11282 50 0000 R CNN -F 1 "LED" V 2848 11282 50 0000 R CNN -F 2 "LED_SMD:LED_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 2900 11400 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 2900 11400 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C375452" H 2900 11400 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 2900 11400 - 0 -1 -1 0 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 9500 10950 9500 10900 -Wire Wire Line - 9500 11300 9500 11250 -$Comp -L Device:LED D7 -U 1 1 5F7DC6AB -P 9500 11450 -F 0 "D7" V 9539 11332 50 0000 R CNN -F 1 "LED_Blue" V 9448 11332 50 0000 R CNN -F 2 "LED_SMD:LED_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 9500 11450 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 9500 11450 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C205441" H 9500 11450 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 9500 11450 - 0 -1 -1 0 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 6600 10950 6600 10900 -Wire Wire Line - 6600 11300 6600 11250 -$Comp -L Device:R R9 -U 1 1 5F7D9405 -P 6600 11100 -F 0 "R9" H 6670 11146 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "270" H 6670 11055 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 6530 11100 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 6600 11100 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C17590" H 6600 11100 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 6600 11100 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:LED D3 -U 1 1 5F7D93FF -P 6600 11450 -F 0 "D3" V 6639 11332 50 0000 R CNN -F 1 "LED_Blue" V 6548 11332 50 0000 R CNN -F 2 "LED_SMD:LED_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 6600 11450 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 6600 11450 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C205441" H 6600 11450 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 6600 11450 - 0 -1 -1 0 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 7900 10950 7900 10900 -Wire Wire Line - 7900 11300 7900 11250 -$Comp -L Device:LED D5 -U 1 1 5F795029 -P 7900 11450 -F 0 "D5" V 7939 11332 50 0000 R CNN -F 1 "LED" V 7848 11332 50 0000 R CNN -F 2 "LED_SMD:LED_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 7900 11450 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 7900 11450 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C375452" H 7900 11450 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 7900 11450 - 0 -1 -1 0 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 5050 12000 5050 12100 -Wire Wire Line - 5150 12000 5050 12000 -Wire Wire Line - 3800 11950 3800 12050 -Wire Wire Line - 3900 11950 3800 11950 -Wire Wire Line - 1450 11950 1450 12050 -Wire Wire Line - 1550 11950 1450 11950 -Wire Wire Line - 9250 12000 9250 12100 -Wire Wire Line - 9350 12000 9250 12000 -Wire Wire Line - 7650 12000 7650 12100 -Wire Wire Line - 7750 12000 7650 12000 -Wire Wire Line - 6350 12000 6350 12100 -Wire Wire Line - 6450 12000 6350 12000 -$Comp -L Device:R R19 -U 1 1 5F79B18E -P 9050 11950 -F 0 "R19" H 9120 11996 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "10k" H 9120 11905 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 8980 11950 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 9050 11950 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C212284" H 9050 11950 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 9050 11950 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:R R14 -U 1 1 5F79ABE6 -P 7450 11950 -F 0 "R14" H 7520 11996 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "10k" H 7520 11905 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 7380 11950 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 7450 11950 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C212284" H 7450 11950 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 7450 11950 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:R R10 -U 1 1 5F79A87D -P 6150 11950 -F 0 "R10" H 6220 11996 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "10K" H 6220 11905 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 6080 11950 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 6150 11950 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C212284" H 6150 11950 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 6150 11950 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:R R17 -U 1 1 5F7960A3 -P 4850 11950 -F 0 "R17" H 4920 11996 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "10K" H 4920 11905 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 4780 11950 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 4850 11950 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C212284" H 4850 11950 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 4850 11950 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:R R12 -U 1 1 5F79593C -P 3600 11900 -F 0 "R12" H 3670 11946 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "10k" H 3670 11855 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 3530 11900 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 3600 11900 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C212284" H 3600 11900 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 3600 11900 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L ESP32-DEVKITC-32D:SL2300 Q3 -U 1 1 5F77CB3F -P 6400 11800 -F 0 "Q3" H 6555 11846 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "N-channel 30V 5A" H 6555 11755 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23_Handsoldering" H 6400 11800 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "" H 6400 11800 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C350314" H 6400 11800 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 6400 11800 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Connection ~ 1250 11750 -$Comp -L Device:R R6 -U 1 1 5F795254 -P 1250 11900 -F 0 "R6" H 1320 11946 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "10k" H 1320 11855 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 1180 11900 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 1250 11900 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C212284" H 1250 11900 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 1250 11900 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 2600 11950 2600 12050 -Wire Wire Line - 2750 11950 2600 11950 -$Comp -L Device:R R8 -U 1 1 5F791D01 -P 2450 11900 -F 0 "R8" H 2380 11854 50 0000 R CNN -F 1 "10k" H 2380 11945 50 0000 R CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 2380 11900 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 2450 11900 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C212284" H 2450 11900 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 2450 11900 - -1 0 0 1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L ESP32-DEVKITC-32D:SL2300 Q8 -U 1 1 5F77EC00 -P 9300 11800 -F 0 "Q8" H 9455 11846 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "N-channel 30V 5A" H 9455 11755 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23_Handsoldering" H 9300 11800 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "" H 9300 11800 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C350314" H 9300 11800 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 9300 11800 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L ESP32-DEVKITC-32D:SL2300 Q5 -U 1 1 5F77DFF6 -P 7700 11800 -F 0 "Q5" H 7855 11846 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "N-channel 30V 5A" H 7855 11755 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23_Handsoldering" H 7700 11800 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "" H 7700 11800 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C350314" H 7700 11800 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 7700 11800 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L ESP32-DEVKITC-32D:SL2300 Q1 -U 1 1 5F77AFC2 -P 1500 11750 -F 0 "Q1" H 1655 11796 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "N-channel 30V 5A" H 1655 11705 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23_Handsoldering" H 1500 11750 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "" H 1500 11750 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C350314" H 1500 11750 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 1500 11750 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L ESP32-DEVKITC-32D:SL2300 Q2 -U 1 1 5F77A216 -P 2700 11750 -F 0 "Q2" H 2855 11796 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "N-channel 30V 5A" H 2855 11705 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23_Handsoldering" H 2700 11750 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "" H 2700 11750 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C350314" H 2700 11750 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 2700 11750 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L ESP32-DEVKITC-32D:SL2300 Q4 -U 1 1 5F779588 -P 3850 11750 -F 0 "Q4" H 4005 11796 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "N-channel 30V 5A" H 4005 11705 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23_Handsoldering" H 3850 11750 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "" H 3850 11750 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C350314" H 3850 11750 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 3850 11750 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L ESP32-DEVKITC-32D:SL2300 Q7 -U 1 1 5F7702AA -P 5100 11800 -F 0 "Q7" H 5255 11846 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "N-channel 30V 5A" H 5255 11755 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23_Handsoldering" H 5100 11800 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "" H 5100 11800 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C350314" H 5100 11800 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 5100 11800 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Text GLabel 4850 11450 1 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT_CTRL_PUMP_3 -Text GLabel 5150 11550 1 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT3_PUMP -Text GLabel 3600 11400 1 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT_CTRL_PUMP_2 -Text GLabel 3900 11500 1 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT2_PUMP -Text GLabel 2450 11400 1 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT_CTRL_PUMP_1 -Text GLabel 2750 11500 1 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT1_PUMP -Text GLabel 1550 11500 1 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT0_PUMP -Text GLabel 9050 11450 1 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT_CTRL_PUMP_6 -Text GLabel 9350 11550 1 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT6_PUMP -Text GLabel 7450 11450 1 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT_CTRL_PUMP_5 -Text GLabel 7750 11550 1 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT5_PUMP -Text GLabel 6150 11450 1 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT_CTRL_PUMP_4 -Text GLabel 6450 11550 1 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT4_PUMP -$Comp -L Device:R R34 -U 1 1 5FB60540 -P 1250 11550 -F 0 "R34" H 1320 11596 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "1k" H 1320 11505 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 1180 11550 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 1250 11550 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C95781" H 1250 11550 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 1250 11550 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 1250 11700 1250 11750 -$Comp -L Device:R R36 -U 1 1 5FB62566 -P 2450 11550 -F 0 "R36" H 2520 11596 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "1k" H 2520 11505 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 2380 11550 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 2450 11550 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C95781" H 2450 11550 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 2450 11550 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:R R38 -U 1 1 5FB62A85 -P 3600 11550 -F 0 "R38" H 3670 11596 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "1k" H 3670 11505 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 3530 11550 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 3600 11550 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C95781" H 3600 11550 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 3600 11550 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:R R40 -U 1 1 5FB62F27 -P 4850 11600 -F 0 "R40" H 4920 11646 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "1k" H 4920 11555 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 4780 11600 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 4850 11600 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C95781" H 4850 11600 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 4850 11600 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:R R42 -U 1 1 5FB634A6 -P 6150 11600 -F 0 "R42" H 6220 11646 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "1k" H 6220 11555 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 6080 11600 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 6150 11600 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C95781" H 6150 11600 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 6150 11600 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:R R44 -U 1 1 5FB64320 -P 7450 11600 -F 0 "R44" H 7520 11646 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "1k" H 7520 11555 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 7380 11600 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 7450 11600 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C95781" H 7450 11600 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 7450 11600 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:R R47 -U 1 1 5FB647E5 -P 9050 11600 -F 0 "R47" H 9120 11646 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "1k" H 9120 11555 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 8980 11600 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 9050 11600 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C95781" H 9050 11600 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 9050 11600 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 2450 11700 2450 11750 -Connection ~ 2450 11750 -Wire Wire Line - 3600 11700 3600 11750 -Connection ~ 3600 11750 -Wire Wire Line - 4850 11750 4850 11800 -Connection ~ 4850 11800 -Wire Wire Line - 6150 11750 6150 11800 -Connection ~ 6150 11800 -Wire Wire Line - 7450 11750 7450 11800 -Connection ~ 7450 11800 -Wire Wire Line - 9050 11750 9050 11800 -Connection ~ 9050 11800 -Wire Wire Line - 9500 11600 9600 11600 -Connection ~ 9500 11600 -Wire Wire Line - 7900 11600 8000 11600 -Connection ~ 7900 11600 -Wire Wire Line - 6600 11600 6700 11600 -Connection ~ 6600 11600 -Wire Wire Line - 5300 11600 5400 11600 -Connection ~ 5300 11600 -Wire Wire Line - 4050 11550 4150 11550 -Connection ~ 4050 11550 -Wire Wire Line - 2900 11550 3000 11550 -Connection ~ 2900 11550 -Text GLabel 14950 9300 0 50 Input ~ 0 -PUMP_ENABLE -Text Notes 5300 10200 2 207 ~ 0 -Pumps -Text GLabel 2000 11250 1 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text Notes 16600 8500 2 207 ~ 0 -Power for Pumps -Text Notes 11050 13550 2 207 ~ 0 -Power for Sensors -Text Notes 17050 5450 2 207 ~ 0 -DC / DC Converter -Text GLabel 2000 11850 3 50 Input ~ 0 -PUMP_PWR -$Comp -L Diode:BAS40-04 D17 -U 1 1 6026C1A4 -P 3100 11550 -F 0 "D17" H 3100 11875 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "BAS40-04" H 3100 11784 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23" H 2850 11850 50 0001 L CNN -F 3 "http://www.vishay.com/docs/85701/bas40v.pdf" H 2980 11650 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C397601" H 3100 11550 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 3100 11550 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -Text GLabel 3200 11250 1 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 3200 11850 3 50 Input ~ 0 -PUMP_PWR -$Comp -L Diode:BAS40-04 D20 -U 1 1 602A20F5 -P 4250 11550 -F 0 "D20" H 4250 11875 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "BAS40-04" H 4250 11784 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23" H 4000 11850 50 0001 L CNN -F 3 "http://www.vishay.com/docs/85701/bas40v.pdf" H 4130 11650 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C397601" H 4250 11550 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 4250 11550 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -Text GLabel 4350 11250 1 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 4350 11850 3 50 Input ~ 0 -PUMP_PWR -Text Notes 6350 13150 2 207 ~ 0 -Sensors -$Comp -L Diode:BAS40-04 D21 -U 1 1 602C1348 -P 5500 11600 -F 0 "D21" H 5500 11925 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "BAS40-04" H 5500 11834 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23" H 5250 11900 50 0001 L CNN -F 3 "http://www.vishay.com/docs/85701/bas40v.pdf" H 5380 11700 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C397601" H 5500 11600 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 5500 11600 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -Text GLabel 5600 11300 1 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 5600 11900 3 50 Input ~ 0 -PUMP_PWR -$Comp -L Diode:BAS40-04 D22 -U 1 1 60303415 -P 6800 11600 -F 0 "D22" H 6800 11925 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "BAS40-04" H 6800 11834 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23" H 6550 11900 50 0001 L CNN -F 3 "http://www.vishay.com/docs/85701/bas40v.pdf" H 6680 11700 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C397601" H 6800 11600 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 6800 11600 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -Text GLabel 6900 11300 1 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 6900 11900 3 50 Input ~ 0 -PUMP_PWR -$Comp -L Diode:BAS40-04 D23 -U 1 1 603230D8 -P 8100 11600 -F 0 "D23" H 8100 11925 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "BAS40-04" H 8100 11834 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23" H 7850 11900 50 0001 L CNN -F 3 "http://www.vishay.com/docs/85701/bas40v.pdf" H 7980 11700 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C397601" H 8100 11600 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 8100 11600 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -Text GLabel 8200 11300 1 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 8200 11900 3 50 Input ~ 0 -PUMP_PWR -$Comp -L Diode:BAS40-04 D24 -U 1 1 603441E6 -P 9700 11600 -F 0 "D24" H 9700 11925 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "BAS40-04" H 9700 11834 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23" H 9450 11900 50 0001 L CNN -F 3 "http://www.vishay.com/docs/85701/bas40v.pdf" H 9580 11700 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C397601" H 9700 11600 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 9700 11600 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -Text GLabel 9800 11300 1 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 9800 11900 3 50 Input ~ 0 -PUMP_PWR -$Comp -L Diode:BAS40-04 D14 -U 1 1 6017AD7A -P 1900 11550 -F 0 "D14" H 1900 11875 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "BAS40-04" H 1900 11784 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23" H 1650 11850 50 0001 L CNN -F 3 "http://www.vishay.com/docs/85701/bas40v.pdf" H 1780 11650 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C397601" H 1900 11550 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 1900 11550 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 8600 1750 9500 1750 -Connection ~ 8250 1750 -Wire Wire Line - 7850 1750 8250 1750 -Wire Wire Line - 8300 1750 8250 1750 -Wire Wire Line - 8550 1550 8600 1550 -$Comp -L Diode:BAS40-04 D16 -U 1 1 605F7078 -P 8250 1650 -F 0 "D16" H 8250 1975 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "BAS40-04" H 8250 1884 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23" H 8000 1950 50 0001 L CNN -F 3 "http://www.vishay.com/docs/85701/bas40v.pdf" H 8130 1750 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C397601" H 8250 1650 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 8250 1650 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Text GLabel 7900 1550 0 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 8600 1550 1 50 Input ~ 0 -3_3V -Wire Wire Line - 10600 13900 10650 13900 -$Comp -L Diode:BAS40-04 D25 -U 1 1 5FC8E1C3 -P 10950 14000 -F 0 "D25" H 10950 14325 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "BAS40-04" H 10950 14234 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23" H 10700 14300 50 0001 L CNN -F 3 "http://www.vishay.com/docs/85701/bas40v.pdf" H 10830 14100 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C397601" H 10950 14000 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 10950 14000 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Text GLabel 10600 13900 0 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Wire Wire Line - 10300 14150 10300 14250 -Text GLabel 11250 13900 3 50 Input ~ 0 -VCC -Wire Wire Line - 10950 14100 10650 14100 -Wire Wire Line - 10650 14100 10650 14250 -Wire Wire Line - 10650 14250 10300 14250 -Connection ~ 10300 14250 -Wire Wire Line - 10300 14250 10300 14400 -Wire Notes Line - 13500 1000 22550 1000 -Wire Notes Line - 22550 1000 22550 10500 -Wire Notes Line - 22600 12950 13550 12950 -Wire Notes Line - 13500 4000 22550 4000 -Wire Notes Line - 13500 1000 13500 10500 -Text GLabel 1500 5650 1 50 Input ~ 0 -3_3V -Text GLabel 1500 5950 3 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -$Comp -L Device:D D26 -U 1 1 5FE69CB9 -P 17200 5750 -F 0 "D26" H 17200 5533 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "40V >2A" H 17200 5624 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Diode_SMD:D_SOD-123F" H 17200 5750 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 17200 5750 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C496544" H 17200 5750 50 0000 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 17200 5750 - -1 0 0 1 -$EndComp -Text Notes 7600 1100 0 105 ~ 0 -Custom extension connector -$Comp -L Transistor_FET:BSS84 Q_PWR3 -U 1 1 5FFD58C5 -P 18900 7400 -F 0 "Q_PWR3" H 19104 7446 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "P-channel 50v 4A" H 19104 7355 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23_Handsoldering" H 19100 7325 50 0001 L CIN -F 3 "" H 18900 7400 50 0001 L CNN -F 4 "C344010" H 18900 7400 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 18900 7400 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:R R58 -U 1 1 5FFD69D9 -P 18450 7400 -F 0 "R58" V 18243 7400 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "10k" V 18334 7400 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 18380 7400 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 18450 7400 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C212284" H 18450 7400 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 18450 7400 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:R R59 -U 1 1 5FFD6F58 -P 18650 7550 -F 0 "R59" H 18720 7596 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "10k" H 18720 7505 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 18580 7550 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 18650 7550 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C212284" H 18650 7550 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 18650 7550 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 18600 7400 18650 7400 -Connection ~ 18650 7400 -Wire Wire Line - 18650 7400 18700 7400 -Wire Wire Line - 18900 7100 19000 7100 -Wire Wire Line - 19000 7100 19000 7200 -Text GLabel 18100 7400 0 50 Input ~ 0 -enable_all -Wire Wire Line - 18100 7400 18300 7400 -Text GLabel 19200 8850 0 50 Input ~ 0 -enable_all -Wire Wire Line - 19200 8850 19250 8850 -Wire Wire Line - 20450 6700 20500 6700 -Wire Wire Line - 20500 6700 20550 6700 -Connection ~ 20500 6700 -Text GLabel 20500 7100 3 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Wire Wire Line - 20550 6700 21500 6700 -Wire Wire Line - 21500 6700 21500 6900 -Wire Wire Line - 21500 6900 21650 6900 -Connection ~ 20550 6700 -Text GLabel 21950 6900 2 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text Notes 21350 6600 0 50 ~ 0 -Overloading protection -Text Notes 18000 7000 0 50 ~ 0 -activate VCC everywhere \nonly when lipo is charged enough -Text Notes 22000 5550 2 207 ~ 0 -Solar Charger\nLipo Protection -Wire Wire Line - 20450 6150 20450 6700 -Wire Wire Line - 20550 6150 20550 6700 -Wire Wire Line - 20650 6150 20650 6400 -Text GLabel 750 2700 1 50 Input ~ 0 -PUMP_PWR -Text GLabel 750 3000 3 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -$Comp -L Device:C C14 -U 1 1 60378F84 -P 750 2850 -F 0 "C14" H 865 2896 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "22uf" H 865 2805 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 788 2700 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 750 2850 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C45783" H 750 2850 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 750 2850 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Text GLabel 1150 2700 1 50 Input ~ 0 -PUMP_PWR -Text GLabel 1150 3000 3 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -$Comp -L Device:C C16 -U 1 1 60397250 -P 1150 2850 -F 0 "C16" H 1265 2896 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "22uf" H 1265 2805 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 1188 2700 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 1150 2850 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C45783" H 1150 2850 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 1150 2850 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:C C15 -U 1 1 603B01EC -P 1000 5800 -F 0 "C15" H 1115 5846 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "22uf" H 1115 5755 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 1038 5650 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 1000 5800 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C45783" H 1000 5800 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 1000 5800 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Text GLabel 1000 5650 1 50 Input ~ 0 -3_3V -Text GLabel 1000 5950 3 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -$Comp -L Device:C C17 -U 1 1 603D3402 -P 1500 5800 -F 0 "C17" H 1385 5754 50 0000 R CNN -F 1 "100n" H 1385 5845 50 0000 R CNN -F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 1538 5650 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 1500 5800 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C49678" H 1500 5800 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 1500 5800 - -1 0 0 1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L RF_Module:ESP32-WROOM-32D U5 -U 1 1 603DC366 -P 4700 6500 -F 0 "U5" H 4700 8081 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "ESP32-WROOM-32D" H 4700 7990 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "RF_Module:ESP32-WROOM-32" H 4700 5000 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "https://www.espressif.com/sites/default/files/documentation/esp32-wroom-32d_esp32-wroom-32u_datasheet_en.pdf" H 4400 6550 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C529578" H 4700 6500 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 4700 6500 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Switch:SW_Push SW1 -U 1 1 603DF238 -P 2950 5300 -F 0 "SW1" H 2950 5585 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "SW_Push" H 2950 5494 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Button_Switch_SMD:SW_Push_1P1T_NO_CK_KMR2" H 2950 5500 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 2950 5500 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C72443" H 2950 5300 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 2950 5300 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:R R32 -U 1 1 603DFA42 -P 3600 5300 -F 0 "R32" V 3393 5300 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "1k" V 3484 5300 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 3530 5300 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 3600 5300 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C95781" H 3600 5300 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 3600 5300 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:C C18 -U 1 1 603E007D -P 2950 5450 -F 0 "C18" H 2835 5404 50 0000 R CNN -F 1 "100n" H 2835 5495 50 0000 R CNN -F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 2988 5300 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 2950 5450 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C49678" H 2950 5450 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 2950 5450 - 0 -1 -1 0 -$EndComp -Text GLabel 2550 5300 0 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Wire Wire Line - 4700 5100 4700 4950 -Wire Wire Line - 3150 5300 3250 5300 -Wire Wire Line - 3100 5450 3250 5450 -Wire Wire Line - 3250 5450 3250 5300 -Connection ~ 3250 5300 -Wire Wire Line - 3250 5300 3450 5300 -Wire Wire Line - 2550 5300 2700 5300 -Wire Wire Line - 2800 5450 2700 5450 -Wire Wire Line - 2700 5450 2700 5300 -Connection ~ 2700 5300 -Wire Wire Line - 2700 5300 2750 5300 -Text GLabel 4700 8000 3 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Wire Wire Line - 4700 8000 4700 7900 -$Comp -L Device:C C19 -U 1 1 6053DAD5 -P 3800 5450 -F 0 "C19" H 3915 5496 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "22uf" H 3915 5405 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 3838 5300 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 3800 5450 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C45783" H 3800 5450 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 3800 5450 - -1 0 0 1 -$EndComp -Text GLabel 3800 5600 3 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Wire Wire Line - 6750 5400 6750 5500 -Wire Wire Line - 6750 5800 6750 6000 -Text GLabel 6750 6000 2 50 Input ~ 0 -PWR_SENSORS -$Comp -L Connector_Generic:Conn_01x04 Hall1 -U 1 1 5F9D6D22 -P 6950 5600 -F 0 "Hall1" H 7030 5592 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "Conn_01x04" H 6750 5300 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "ESP32:SR04M-2PinHeader_1x04_P2.54mm_Vertical" H 6950 5600 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 6950 5600 50 0001 C CNN - 1 6950 5600 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Text GLabel 6750 5400 1 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Wire Wire Line - 5300 5600 6400 5600 -Wire Wire Line - 6700 5600 6750 5600 -Wire Wire Line - 6650 5700 6750 5700 -Wire Wire Line - 5300 5400 6300 5400 -Wire Wire Line - 6300 5400 6300 5700 -Wire Wire Line - 6300 5700 6350 5700 -Text Notes 6900 5350 0 102 ~ 0 -or Flashing -$Comp -L Device:R R33 -U 1 1 606EF146 -P 3800 5150 -F 0 "R33" V 3593 5150 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "10k" V 3684 5150 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 3730 5150 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 3800 5150 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C212284" H 3800 5150 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 3800 5150 - -1 0 0 1 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 3750 5300 3800 5300 -Connection ~ 3800 5300 -Wire Wire Line - 3800 5300 4100 5300 -Wire Wire Line - 3800 5000 3800 4900 -Text GLabel 5400 5900 2 50 Input ~ 0 -Temp -Text GLabel 5400 5700 2 50 Input ~ 0 -CUSTOM_GPIO -Text GLabel 5400 5800 2 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT_CTRL_PUMP_1 -Text GLabel 3950 5500 3 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT6_MOIST -Text GLabel 5400 6000 2 50 Input ~ 0 -PUMP_ENABLE -Text GLabel 4100 5700 3 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT5_MOIST -Text GLabel 5400 6400 2 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT_CTRL_PUMP_0 -Text GLabel 5400 6300 2 50 Input ~ 0 -SENSORS_ENABLE -Text GLabel 7700 6200 0 50 Input ~ 0 -PWR_SENSORS -$Comp -L Connector:Conn_01x05_Female GPIO1 -U 1 1 6079FFD7 -P 7900 6400 -F 0 "GPIO1" H 7928 6426 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "Conn_01x05_Female" H 7928 6335 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_EH_B5B-EH-A_1x05_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 7900 6400 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 7900 6400 50 0001 C CNN - 1 7900 6400 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Text GLabel 5400 6500 2 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT_CTRL_PUMP_2 -Text GLabel 5400 6600 2 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT_CTRL_PUMP_3 -Text GLabel 5400 6700 2 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT_CTRL_PUMP_4 -Text GLabel 5400 6800 2 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT_CTRL_PUMP_5 -Text GLabel 5400 6900 2 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT_CTRL_PUMP_6 -Text GLabel 5400 7000 2 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT2_MOIST -Text GLabel 5400 7100 2 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT3_MOIST -Text GLabel 5400 7200 2 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT4_MOIST -Text GLabel 5400 7300 2 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT0_MOIST -Text GLabel 5400 7400 2 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT1_MOIST -Text GLabel 18950 11100 0 50 Input ~ 0 -SOLAR_IN -Text GLabel 4700 4950 1 50 Input ~ 0 -3_3V -Text GLabel 3800 4900 1 50 Input ~ 0 -3_3V -$Comp -L Switch:SW_Push SW2 -U 1 1 60983DAC -P 5650 4150 -F 0 "SW2" H 5650 4435 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "SW_Push" H 5650 4344 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Button_Switch_SMD:SW_Push_1P1T_NO_CK_KMR2" H 5650 4350 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 5650 4350 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C72443" H 5650 4150 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 5650 4150 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:R R1 -U 1 1 60983DB3 -P 5650 4800 -F 0 "R1" V 5443 4800 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "1k" V 5534 4800 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 5580 4800 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 5650 4800 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C95781" H 5650 4800 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 5650 4800 - -1 0 0 1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:C C1 -U 1 1 60983DBA -P 5500 4150 -F 0 "C1" H 5385 4104 50 0000 R CNN -F 1 "100n" H 5385 4195 50 0000 R CNN -F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 5538 4000 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 5500 4150 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C49678" H 5500 4150 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 5500 4150 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Text GLabel 5650 3750 1 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Wire Wire Line - 5650 4350 5650 4450 -Wire Wire Line - 5500 4300 5500 4450 -Wire Wire Line - 5500 4450 5650 4450 -Connection ~ 5650 4450 -Wire Wire Line - 5650 4450 5650 4650 -Wire Wire Line - 5650 3750 5650 3900 -Wire Wire Line - 5500 4000 5500 3900 -Wire Wire Line - 5500 3900 5650 3900 -Connection ~ 5650 3900 -Wire Wire Line - 5650 3900 5650 3950 -$Comp -L Device:C C2 -U 1 1 60983DCC -P 5500 5000 -F 0 "C2" H 5615 5046 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "22uf" H 5615 4955 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 5538 4850 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 5500 5000 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C45783" H 5500 5000 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 5500 5000 - 0 -1 -1 0 -$EndComp -Text GLabel 5350 5000 0 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -$Comp -L Device:R R2 -U 1 1 60983DD4 -P 5800 5000 -F 0 "R2" V 5593 5000 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "10k" V 5684 5000 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 5730 5000 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 5800 5000 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C212284" H 5800 5000 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 5800 5000 - 0 -1 -1 0 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 5650 4950 5650 5000 -Connection ~ 5650 5000 -Wire Wire Line - 5650 5000 5650 5300 -Wire Wire Line - 5950 5000 6050 5000 -Text GLabel 6050 5000 2 50 Input ~ 0 -3_3V -NoConn ~ 4100 6700 -NoConn ~ 4100 6800 -NoConn ~ 4100 7000 -NoConn ~ 4100 6600 -NoConn ~ 4100 6500 -NoConn ~ 4100 6900 -Wire Wire Line - 5300 5700 5400 5700 -Wire Wire Line - 5300 5800 5400 5800 -Wire Wire Line - 5300 6000 5400 6000 -Wire Wire Line - 5300 6300 5400 6300 -Wire Wire Line - 5300 6500 5400 6500 -Wire Wire Line - 5300 6600 5400 6600 -Wire Wire Line - 5300 6700 5400 6700 -Wire Wire Line - 5300 6800 5400 6800 -Wire Wire Line - 5300 6900 5400 6900 -Wire Wire Line - 5300 7000 5400 7000 -Wire Wire Line - 5300 7100 5400 7100 -Wire Wire Line - 5300 7200 5400 7200 -Wire Wire Line - 5300 7300 5400 7300 -Wire Wire Line - 5300 7400 5400 7400 -Wire Wire Line - 5300 6400 5400 6400 -Wire Wire Line - 5300 6200 6450 6200 -Wire Wire Line - 21150 9300 21050 9300 -$Comp -L Connector:Conn_01x02_Female LIPO1 -U 1 1 5F8D742C -P 22050 7600 -F 0 "LIPO1" H 22078 7576 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "Conn_01x02_Female" H 21450 7400 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "misc_footprints:BatteryHolder_Keystone_1042_1x18650" H 22050 7600 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 22050 7600 50 0001 C CNN - 1 22050 7600 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Text Notes 21500 7500 0 50 ~ 0 -LIPO mount -Text GLabel 18250 2600 0 50 Input ~ 0 -PUMP_PWR -Text Notes 17150 4650 0 1012 ~ 202 -XOR -Wire Wire Line - 8900 1850 9500 1850 -Text GLabel 17650 6400 3 50 Input ~ 0 -SOLAR_IN -$Comp -L Device:D D18 -U 1 1 60026D9A -P 17650 5900 -F 0 "D18" H 17650 5683 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "40V >2A" H 17650 5774 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Diode_SMD:D_SOD-123F" H 17650 5900 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 17650 5900 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C496544" H 17650 5800 50 0000 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 17650 5900 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 17650 6400 17650 6350 -Text GLabel 1250 11400 1 50 Input ~ 0 -PLANT_CTRL_PUMP_0 -Connection ~ 1700 11550 -Wire Wire Line - 1700 11550 1800 11550 -Wire Wire Line - 1550 11550 1700 11550 -$Comp -L Device:LED D1 -U 1 1 5F7E5EE6 -P 1700 11400 -F 0 "D1" V 1739 11282 50 0000 R CNN -F 1 "LED_Blue" V 1648 11282 50 0000 R CNN -F 2 "LED_SMD:LED_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 1700 11400 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 1700 11400 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C205441" H 1700 11400 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 1700 11400 - 0 -1 -1 0 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:R R5 -U 1 1 5F7E5EEC -P 1700 11050 -F 0 "R5" H 1770 11096 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "270" H 1770 11005 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 1630 11050 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 1700 11050 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C17590" H 1700 11050 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 1700 11050 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 1700 11250 1700 11200 -Wire Wire Line - 1700 10900 1700 10850 -Wire Wire Line - 17350 5750 17650 5750 -Connection ~ 17650 5750 -Wire Wire Line - 17650 5750 17700 5750 -Text GLabel 20350 6200 3 50 Input ~ 0 -VCC_BAT_FUSED -Text GLabel 19050 7650 2 50 Input ~ 0 -VCC_BAT_FUSED -Wire Wire Line - 18650 7700 19000 7700 -Wire Wire Line - 19000 7700 19000 7650 -Text GLabel 21150 9300 2 50 Input ~ 0 -VCC_BAT_FUSED -Wire Wire Line - 19050 7650 19000 7650 -Connection ~ 19000 7650 -Wire Wire Line - 19000 7650 19000 7600 -Wire Wire Line - 20350 6200 20350 6150 -Wire Wire Line - 20450 8850 20450 9000 -Wire Wire Line - 19650 8850 20450 8850 -Connection ~ 20450 9000 -Text GLabel 22000 10800 2 50 Input ~ 0 -VCC -Text GLabel 22000 10500 2 50 Input ~ 0 -Temp -$Comp -L Device:R Shunt1 -U 1 1 602ABE39 -P 21150 7700 -F 0 "Shunt1" V 20943 7700 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "0.100" V 21034 7700 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_2512_6332Metric" V 21080 7700 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 21150 7700 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C163067" H 21150 7700 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 21150 7700 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -Text GLabel 21300 7750 3 50 Input ~ 0 -Rsense+ -Text GLabel 21000 7750 3 50 Input ~ 0 -Rsense- -Text GLabel 19000 10500 0 50 Input ~ 0 -Rsense+ -Text GLabel 19000 10800 0 50 Input ~ 0 -Rsense- -Connection ~ 20350 6150 -Wire Wire Line - 21300 7750 21300 7700 -Connection ~ 21300 7700 -Wire Wire Line - 21000 7750 21000 7700 -Wire Wire Line - 21000 7700 20950 7700 -Connection ~ 21000 7700 -Text GLabel 19150 9300 0 50 Input ~ 0 -SOLAR_GND -Text GLabel 20550 6600 2 50 Input ~ 0 -SOLAR_GND -Text GLabel 19450 10300 0 50 Input ~ 0 -Rsense- -Wire Wire Line - 19450 10550 19400 10550 -Wire Wire Line - 19400 10550 19400 10500 -$Comp -L Device:R R3 -U 1 1 6056B7D1 -P 19150 10800 -F 0 "R3" H 19080 10754 50 0000 R CNN -F 1 "100k" H 19080 10845 50 0000 R CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 19080 10800 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 19150 10800 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C702859" H 19150 10800 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 19150 10800 - 0 -1 -1 0 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 19000 10500 19350 10500 -$Comp -L Device:C C20 -U 1 1 6056CF4C -P 19350 10650 -F 0 "C20" H 19235 10604 50 0000 R CNN -F 1 "100n" H 19235 10695 50 0000 R CNN -F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 19388 10500 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 19350 10650 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C49678" H 19350 10650 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 19350 10650 - -1 0 0 1 -$EndComp -Connection ~ 19350 10800 -Wire Wire Line - 19350 10800 19300 10800 -Connection ~ 19350 10500 -Wire Wire Line - 19350 10500 19400 10500 -Text GLabel 3650 900 0 50 Input ~ 0 -3_3V -Text GLabel 5000 1050 2 50 Input ~ 0 -3_3V -$Comp -L Device:R R4 -U 1 1 60591E82 -P 19000 11250 -F 0 "R4" V 18793 11250 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "10k" V 18884 11250 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 18930 11250 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 19000 11250 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C212284" H 19000 11250 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 19000 11250 - -1 0 0 1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:R R48 -U 1 1 60592B8B -P 19000 11550 -F 0 "R48" V 18793 11550 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "10k" V 18884 11550 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 18930 11550 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 19000 11550 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C212284" H 19000 11550 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 19000 11550 - -1 0 0 1 -$EndComp -Text GLabel 18950 11700 0 50 Input ~ 0 -Rsense+ -Wire Wire Line - 18950 11100 19000 11100 -Wire Wire Line - 18950 11700 19000 11700 -Wire Wire Line - 3950 5500 4100 5500 -Wire Wire Line - 4100 5600 4100 5700 -Wire Wire Line - 5300 5300 5650 5300 -$Comp -L Connector:Conn_01x04_Female I2C1 -U 1 1 607BAC29 -P 6550 7500 -F 0 "I2C1" H 6578 7476 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "Conn_01x04_Female" H 6578 7385 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_EH_B4B-EH-A_1x04_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 6550 7500 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 6550 7500 50 0001 C CNN - 1 6550 7500 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Text GLabel 6350 7400 0 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Text GLabel 6350 7700 0 50 Input ~ 0 -3_3V -Wire Wire Line - 5300 7500 6350 7500 -Wire Wire Line - 6350 7600 5300 7600 -Text GLabel 7050 6600 0 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Wire Wire Line - 7700 6500 6450 6500 -Wire Wire Line - 6450 6200 6450 6500 -Wire Wire Line - 5300 6100 6500 6100 -Wire Wire Line - 6500 6100 6500 6400 -Wire Wire Line - 6500 6400 7700 6400 -Wire Wire Line - 9300 15250 9600 15250 -Wire Wire Line - 9600 15250 9600 15150 -Text GLabel 9600 15300 3 50 Input ~ 0 -GND -Wire Wire Line - 9600 15250 9600 15300 -Connection ~ 9600 15250 -Wire Wire Line - 3900 14200 3900 14150 -Wire Wire Line - 7950 1550 7900 1550 -Wire Wire Line - 8500 2500 8800 2500 -Wire Wire Line - 8800 2500 8800 2400 -Wire Wire Line - 8800 2400 8900 2400 -Wire Wire Line - 8900 2450 8900 2400 -Connection ~ 8900 2400 -$Comp -L ds2438:ds2438az+ U2 -U 1 1 609FCF0F -P 19600 10500 -F 0 "U2" H 20800 10887 60 0000 C CNN -F 1 "ds2438az+" H 20800 10781 60 0000 C CNN -F 2 "misc_footprints:ds2438az&plus_" H 20800 10740 60 0001 C CNN -F 3 "" H 19600 10500 60 0000 C CNN - 1 19600 10500 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 19600 10600 19450 10600 -Wire Wire Line - 19450 10600 19450 10550 -Wire Wire Line - 19500 10800 19500 10700 -Wire Wire Line - 19500 10700 19600 10700 -Wire Wire Line - 19350 10800 19500 10800 -Wire Wire Line - 19600 10500 19500 10500 -Wire Wire Line - 19500 10500 19500 10300 -Wire Wire Line - 19500 10300 19450 10300 -$Comp -L Device:R R54 -U 1 1 60B3E4F0 -P 19300 11400 -F 0 "R54" H 19230 11354 50 0000 R CNN -F 1 "100k" H 19230 11445 50 0000 R CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 19230 11400 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 19300 11400 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C702859" H 19300 11400 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 19300 11400 - 0 -1 -1 0 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Device:C C21 -U 1 1 60B3E4F7 -P 19750 11150 -F 0 "C21" H 19635 11104 50 0000 R CNN -F 1 "100n" H 19635 11195 50 0000 R CNN -F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 19788 11000 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 19750 11150 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C49678" H 19750 11150 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 19750 11150 - 0 -1 -1 0 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 19000 11400 19150 11400 -Connection ~ 19000 11400 -Wire Wire Line - 19450 11400 19600 11400 -Wire Wire Line - 19600 11400 19600 11150 -Wire Wire Line - 19600 11150 19600 10800 -Connection ~ 19600 11150 -Text GLabel 19900 11150 2 50 Input ~ 0 -Rsense- -$Comp -L Jumper:SolderJumper_2_Bridged SOLAR_PWR1 -U 1 1 60C8802B -P 17650 6200 -F 0 "SOLAR_PWR1" H 17650 6350 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "NC" H 17650 6000 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Jumper:SolderJumper-2_P1.3mm_Bridged_Pad1.0x1.5mm" H 17650 6200 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 17650 6200 50 0001 C CNN - 1 17650 6200 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -$Comp -L Connector:Conn_01x02_Female LIPO2 -U 1 1 60014214 -P 22100 7250 -F 0 "LIPO2" H 22128 7226 50 0000 L CNN -F 1 "Conn_01x02_Female" H 22128 7135 50 0000 L CNN -F 2 "Connector_Wire:SolderWirePad_1x02_P5.08mm_Drill1.5mm" H 22100 7250 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 22100 7250 50 0001 C CNN - 1 22100 7250 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Wire Wire Line - 21700 7600 21850 7600 -Wire Wire Line - 21300 7700 21850 7700 -Wire Wire Line - 21850 7600 21850 7250 -Wire Wire Line - 21850 7250 21900 7250 -Connection ~ 21850 7600 -Wire Wire Line - 21900 7350 21900 7700 -Wire Wire Line - 21900 7700 21850 7700 -Connection ~ 21850 7700 -Text Notes 4900 1400 0 50 ~ 0 -todo: Add DIODEs for onewire -Wire Wire Line - 5300 5900 5400 5900 -Wire Wire Line - 7700 6300 7300 6300 -Wire Wire Line - 6600 6300 6600 6000 -Wire Wire Line - 6600 6000 6250 6000 -Wire Wire Line - 6250 6000 6250 5500 -Wire Wire Line - 5300 5500 6250 5500 -$Comp -L Device:R R55 -U 1 1 60231A96 -P 7300 6450 -F 0 "R55" V 7093 6450 50 0000 C CNN -F 1 "10k" V 7184 6450 50 0000 C CNN -F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 7230 6450 50 0001 C CNN -F 3 "~" H 7300 6450 50 0001 C CNN -F 4 "C212284" H 7300 6450 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" - 1 7300 6450 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -Connection ~ 7300 6300 -Wire Wire Line - 7300 6300 6600 6300 -Wire Wire Line - 7050 6600 7300 6600 -Connection ~ 7300 6600 -Wire Wire Line - 7300 6600 7700 6600 -Connection ~ 3700 900 -Wire Wire Line - 3700 900 4150 900 -Text GLabel 1700 10850 1 50 Input ~ 0 -PWR_PUMP_CONVERTER -Text GLabel 2900 10850 1 50 Input ~ 0 -PWR_PUMP_CONVERTER -Text GLabel 4050 10850 1 50 Input ~ 0 -PWR_PUMP_CONVERTER -Text GLabel 5300 10900 1 50 Input ~ 0 -PWR_PUMP_CONVERTER -Text GLabel 6600 10900 1 50 Input ~ 0 -PWR_PUMP_CONVERTER -Text GLabel 7900 10900 1 50 Input ~ 0 -PWR_PUMP_CONVERTER -Text GLabel 9500 10900 1 50 Input ~ 0 -PWR_PUMP_CONVERTER -$EndSCHEMATC +EESchema Schematic File Version 4 +EELAYER 30 0 +EELAYER END +$Descr A2 23386 16535 +encoding utf-8 +Sheet 1 1 +Title "Plant Controller" +Date "2020-12-21" +Rev "0.4a" +Comp "C3MA" +Comment1 "" +Comment2 "" +Comment3 "" +Comment4 "" +$EndDescr +Text GLabel 1150 1050 0 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT1_PUMP +Text GLabel 1150 1250 0 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT2_PUMP +Text GLabel 1150 1450 0 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT3_PUMP +Text GLabel 1150 1650 0 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT4_PUMP +Text GLabel 1150 1850 0 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT5_PUMP +Text GLabel 1150 2050 0 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT6_PUMP +Text Notes 950 550 0 50 ~ 0 +Pump Control +Text Notes 3900 9100 0 50 ~ 0 +Lipo +$Comp +L Connector_Generic:Conn_01x03 1WIRE1 +U 1 1 5F109CD6 +P 4800 1150 +F 0 "1WIRE1" H 4718 825 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "Conn_01x03" H 4718 916 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_EH_B3B-EH-A_1x03_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 4800 1150 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 4800 1150 50 0001 C CNN + 1 4800 1150 + -1 0 0 1 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 5000 1150 2 50 Input ~ 0 +Temp +$Comp +L Transistor_FET:BSS84 Q_PWR1 +U 1 1 5F765B13 +P 16300 9100 +F 0 "Q_PWR1" H 16504 9146 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "P-channel 50v 4A" H 16504 9055 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23_Handsoldering" H 16500 9025 50 0001 L CIN +F 3 "" H 16300 9100 50 0001 L CNN +F 4 "C344010" H 16300 9100 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 16300 9100 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L ESP32-DEVKITC-32D:SL2300 Q9 +U 1 1 5F781665 +P 15650 9300 +F 0 "Q9" H 15805 9346 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "N-channel 30V 5A" H 15805 9255 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23_Handsoldering" H 15650 9300 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 15650 9300 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C350314" H 15650 9300 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 15650 9300 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:R R22 +U 1 1 5F7A8C30 +P 15400 9450 +F 0 "R22" H 15470 9496 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "10k" H 15470 9405 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 15330 9450 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 15400 9450 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C212284" H 15400 9450 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 15400 9450 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 15700 9500 15550 9500 +Wire Wire Line + 15550 9500 15550 9600 +Wire Wire Line + 15550 9600 15400 9600 +$Comp +L Device:R R24 +U 1 1 5F7B97DA +P 15900 9100 +F 0 "R24" V 15693 9100 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "10k" V 15784 9100 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 15830 9100 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 15900 9100 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C212284" H 15900 9100 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 15900 9100 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 16050 9100 16100 9100 +Wire Wire Line + 15750 9100 15700 9100 +Text GLabel 16200 8750 0 50 Input ~ 0 +PWR_PUMP_CONVERTER +$Comp +L Device:R R27 +U 1 1 5F7BEED8 +P 16100 9250 +F 0 "R27" H 16170 9296 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "10k" H 16170 9205 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 16030 9250 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 16100 9250 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C212284" H 16100 9250 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 16100 9250 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Connection ~ 16100 9100 +Wire Wire Line + 15300 9300 15400 9300 +Connection ~ 15400 9300 +Text GLabel 1150 850 0 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT0_PUMP +Text GLabel 1150 750 0 50 Input ~ 0 +PUMP_PWR +Text GLabel 1150 950 0 50 Input ~ 0 +PUMP_PWR +Text GLabel 1150 1150 0 50 Input ~ 0 +PUMP_PWR +Text GLabel 1150 1350 0 50 Input ~ 0 +PUMP_PWR +Text GLabel 1150 1550 0 50 Input ~ 0 +PUMP_PWR +Text GLabel 1150 1750 0 50 Input ~ 0 +PUMP_PWR +Text GLabel 1150 1950 0 50 Input ~ 0 +PUMP_PWR +$Comp +L Transistor_FET:BSS84 Q_PWR2 +U 1 1 5F819B36 +P 10200 14750 +F 0 "Q_PWR2" H 10404 14796 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "P-channel 50v 4A" H 10404 14705 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23_Handsoldering" H 10400 14675 50 0001 L CIN +F 3 "" H 10200 14750 50 0001 L CNN +F 4 "C344010" H 10200 14750 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 10200 14750 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L ESP32-DEVKITC-32D:SL2300 Q10 +U 1 1 5F819B3C +P 9550 14950 +F 0 "Q10" H 9705 14996 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "N-channel 30V 5A" H 9705 14905 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23_Handsoldering" H 9550 14950 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 9550 14950 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C350314" H 9550 14950 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 9550 14950 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:R R23 +U 1 1 5F819B42 +P 9300 15100 +F 0 "R23" H 9370 15146 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "10k" H 9370 15055 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 9230 15100 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 9300 15100 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C212284" H 9300 15100 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 9300 15100 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:R R25 +U 1 1 5F819B52 +P 9800 14750 +F 0 "R25" V 9593 14750 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "10k" V 9684 14750 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 9730 14750 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 9800 14750 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C212284" H 9800 14750 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 9800 14750 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 9950 14750 10000 14750 +Wire Wire Line + 9650 14750 9600 14750 +Text GLabel 10300 14150 1 50 Input ~ 0 +PWR_SENSORS +$Comp +L Device:R R28 +U 1 1 5F819B5B +P 10000 14900 +F 0 "R28" H 10070 14946 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "10k" H 10070 14855 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 9930 14900 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 10000 14900 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C212284" H 10000 14900 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 10000 14900 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Connection ~ 10000 14750 +Text GLabel 10300 15000 3 50 Input ~ 0 +VCC +Wire Wire Line + 10300 15000 10300 14950 +Text GLabel 8850 14950 0 50 Input ~ 0 +SENSORS_ENABLE +Wire Wire Line + 9200 14950 9300 14950 +Connection ~ 9300 14950 +Wire Wire Line + 16250 9300 16250 9400 +Wire Wire Line + 16250 9400 16100 9400 +Wire Wire Line + 16250 9300 16400 9300 +Connection ~ 16400 9300 +Wire Wire Line + 10150 15050 10000 15050 +$Comp +L LP38690DT-3.3:LP38690DT-3.3 U3 +U 1 1 5F84FA14 +P 4200 9000 +F 0 "U3" H 4200 9365 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "LP38690DT-3.3" H 4200 9274 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "ESP32:DPAK457P991X255-3N" H 4200 9000 50 0001 L BNN +F 3 "IPC-7351B" H 4200 9000 50 0001 L BNN +F 4 "Texas Instruments" H 4200 9000 50 0001 L BNN "Field4" +F 5 "M" H 4200 9000 50 0001 L BNN "Field5" +F 6 "2.55mm" H 4200 9000 50 0001 L BNN "Field6" +F 7 "C109045" H 4200 9000 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 4200 9000 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 4900 9100 2 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 4900 8900 2 50 Input ~ 0 +3_3V +Text GLabel 3600 8900 0 50 Input ~ 0 +VCC +Wire Wire Line + 10150 14950 10300 14950 +Wire Wire Line + 10150 14950 10150 15050 +Connection ~ 10300 14950 +$Comp +L Connector:Conn_01x02_Female PUMP0 +U 1 1 5F6C304F +P 1350 750 +F 0 "PUMP0" H 1378 726 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "Conn_01x02_Female" H 1378 635 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_EH_B2B-EH-A_1x02_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 1350 750 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 1350 750 50 0001 C CNN + 1 1350 750 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Connector:Conn_01x02_Female PUMP1 +U 1 1 5F6C393A +P 1350 950 +F 0 "PUMP1" H 1378 926 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "Conn_01x02_Female" H 1378 835 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_EH_B2B-EH-A_1x02_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 1350 950 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 1350 950 50 0001 C CNN + 1 1350 950 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Connector:Conn_01x02_Female PUMP2 +U 1 1 5F6C3F83 +P 1350 1150 +F 0 "PUMP2" H 1378 1126 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "Conn_01x02_Female" H 1378 1035 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_EH_B2B-EH-A_1x02_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 1350 1150 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 1350 1150 50 0001 C CNN + 1 1350 1150 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Connector:Conn_01x02_Female PUMP3 +U 1 1 5F6C4568 +P 1350 1350 +F 0 "PUMP3" H 1378 1326 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "Conn_01x02_Female" H 1378 1235 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_EH_B2B-EH-A_1x02_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 1350 1350 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 1350 1350 50 0001 C CNN + 1 1350 1350 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Connector:Conn_01x02_Female PUMP4 +U 1 1 5F6C4B8E +P 1350 1550 +F 0 "PUMP4" H 1378 1526 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "Conn_01x02_Female" H 1378 1435 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_EH_B2B-EH-A_1x02_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 1350 1550 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 1350 1550 50 0001 C CNN + 1 1350 1550 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Connector:Conn_01x02_Female PUMP5 +U 1 1 5F6C50F5 +P 1350 1750 +F 0 "PUMP5" H 1378 1726 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "Conn_01x02_Female" H 1378 1635 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_EH_B2B-EH-A_1x02_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 1350 1750 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 1350 1750 50 0001 C CNN + 1 1350 1750 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Connector:Conn_01x02_Female PUMP6 +U 1 1 5F6C56E4 +P 1350 1950 +F 0 "PUMP6" H 1378 1926 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "Conn_01x02_Female" H 1378 1835 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_EH_B2B-EH-A_1x02_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 1350 1950 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 1350 1950 50 0001 C CNN + 1 1350 1950 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:R R30 +U 1 1 5F834B00 +P 16750 8950 +F 0 "R30" H 16820 8996 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "270" H 16820 8905 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 16680 8950 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 16750 8950 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C17590" H 16750 8950 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 16750 8950 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 16750 9450 16750 9500 +Wire Wire Line + 16750 9150 16750 9100 +Wire Wire Line + 16750 8750 16400 8750 +Wire Wire Line + 16400 8750 16400 8900 +Wire Wire Line + 16750 8750 16750 8800 +$Comp +L Device:LED Sensor1 +U 1 1 5F8539DC +P 10650 14600 +F 0 "Sensor1" V 10689 14482 50 0000 R CNN +F 1 "LED_green" V 10598 14482 50 0000 R CNN +F 2 "LED_SMD:LED_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 10650 14600 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 10650 14600 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C205442" H 10650 14600 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 10650 14600 + 0 -1 -1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:R R31 +U 1 1 5F8539E2 +P 10450 14400 +F 0 "R31" H 10520 14446 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "270" H 10520 14355 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 10380 14400 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 10450 14400 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C17590" H 10450 14400 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 10450 14400 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 10650 14800 10650 14750 +Wire Wire Line + 10650 14400 10650 14450 +Connection ~ 10300 14400 +Wire Wire Line + 10300 14400 10300 14550 +Wire Wire Line + 10600 14400 10650 14400 +$Comp +L ESP32-DEVKITC-32D:SL2300 Q6 +U 1 1 5F87CA1E +P 8850 2200 +F 0 "Q6" H 9005 2246 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "N-channel 30V 5A" H 9005 2155 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23_Handsoldering" H 8850 2200 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 8850 2200 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C350314" H 8850 2200 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 8850 2200 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:R R16 +U 1 1 5F8849CF +P 8500 2350 +F 0 "R16" H 8570 2396 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "10k" H 8570 2305 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 8430 2350 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 8500 2350 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C212284" H 8500 2350 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 8500 2350 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 8000 2200 0 50 Input ~ 0 +CUSTOM_GPIO +Wire Wire Line + 8500 2200 8600 2200 +$Comp +L Connector_Generic:Conn_01x04 CUSTOM1 +U 1 1 5F8A6800 +P 9700 1750 +F 0 "CUSTOM1" H 9780 1742 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "Conn_01x04" H 9780 1651 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_EH_B4B-EH-A_1x04_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 9700 1750 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 9700 1750 50 0001 C CNN + 1 9700 1750 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 9500 1650 1 50 Input ~ 0 +VCC +Wire Wire Line + 8900 1850 8900 2000 +Text GLabel 7850 1750 0 50 Input ~ 0 +CUSTOM_GPIO +Text Notes 19600 8550 0 79 ~ 0 +Protection for Lipo +Wire Wire Line + 10650 15100 10650 15150 +$Comp +L Device:LED Pumps1 +U 1 1 5F834AFA +P 16750 9300 +F 0 "Pumps1" V 16789 9182 50 0000 R CNN +F 1 "LED_red" V 16698 9182 50 0000 R CNN +F 2 "LED_SMD:LED_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 16750 9300 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 16750 9300 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C84256" H 16750 9300 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 16750 9300 + 0 -1 -1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:R R50 +U 1 1 5FBA9B4B +P 15150 9300 +F 0 "R50" H 15220 9346 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "1k" H 15220 9255 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 15080 9300 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 15150 9300 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C95781" H 15150 9300 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 15150 9300 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 14950 9300 15000 9300 +$Comp +L Device:R R51 +U 1 1 5FBB5E39 +P 9050 14950 +F 0 "R51" H 9120 14996 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "1k" H 9120 14905 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 8980 14950 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 9050 14950 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C95781" H 9050 14950 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 9050 14950 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 8850 14950 8900 14950 +Text GLabel 20650 6400 2 50 Input ~ 0 +SOLAR_IN +$Comp +L Connector_Generic:Conn_01x04 SOLAR1 +U 1 1 5F7E5709 +P 20450 5950 +F 0 "SOLAR1" H 20530 5942 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "Conn_01x04" V 20600 5400 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Connector_PinSocket_2.54mm:PinSocket_1x04_P2.54mm_Vertical" H 20450 5950 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 20450 5950 50 0001 C CNN + 1 20450 5950 + 0 -1 -1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:Fuse F1 +U 1 1 5F8D8528 +P 20200 6150 +F 0 "F1" V 20250 6100 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "Fuse" V 20100 6050 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Fuse:Fuseholder_Cylinder-5x20mm_Stelvio-Kontek_PTF78_Horizontal_Open" V 20130 6150 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 20200 6150 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C58066" H 20200 6150 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 20200 6150 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 18900 7100 0 50 Input ~ 0 +VCC +$Comp +L Device:R R46 +U 1 1 5FC58F54 +P 8250 2200 +F 0 "R46" H 8320 2246 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "1k" H 8320 2155 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 8180 2200 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 8250 2200 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C95781" H 8250 2200 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 8250 2200 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 8000 2200 8100 2200 +Wire Wire Line + 8400 2200 8500 2200 +Connection ~ 8500 2200 +Text Notes 17850 1850 0 105 ~ 0 +External Fix Power\n5V to 9V +$Comp +L Connector_Generic:Conn_01x02 EXT_PWR1 +U 1 1 5FAFCD50 +P 18100 2250 +F 0 "EXT_PWR1" H 18018 1925 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "Conn_01x02" H 18018 2016 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_XH_B2B-XH-A_1x02_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 18100 2250 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 18100 2250 50 0001 C CNN + 1 18100 2250 + -1 0 0 1 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 18550 2600 2 50 Input ~ 0 +VCC +Wire Wire Line + 16400 9350 16400 9300 +Text GLabel 16400 9350 3 50 Input ~ 0 +VCC +Text GLabel 18300 2150 2 50 Input ~ 0 +PUMP_PWR +Text Notes 17950 3050 0 50 ~ 0 +J2, F1, IC1, Q_PWR3. R59, R58, Q12, JP1, R60, R61, Q_PWR4\nU4, J3, C11, L1, R21, R29, C12, D8, D26\nmust NOT be connected +Wire Wire Line + 16400 8750 16200 8750 +Connection ~ 16400 8750 +$Comp +L DW01:DW01 IC1 +U 1 1 5FB36987 +P 19450 9200 +F 0 "IC1" H 19950 9467 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "DW01" H 19950 9376 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "misc_footprints:SOT95P280X135-6N" H 19450 9200 50 0001 L BNN +F 3 "" H 19450 9200 50 0001 L BNN +F 4 "ic" H 19450 9200 50 0001 L BNN "DESCRIPTION" +F 5 "DW01" H 19450 9200 50 0001 L BNN "MANUFACTURER_PART_NUMBER" +F 6 "C14213" H 19450 9200 50 0001 L BNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 19450 9200 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L ESP32-DEVKITC-32D:SL2300 Q12 +U 1 1 5FB3ECD2 +P 20550 6900 +F 0 "Q12" V 20842 6900 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "N-channel 30V 5A" V 20751 6900 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23_Handsoldering" H 20550 6900 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 20550 6900 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C350314" H 20550 6900 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 20550 6900 + -1 0 0 1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:R R52 +U 1 1 5FC59C43 +P 19300 9300 +F 0 "R52" V 19300 9300 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "1k" V 19150 9300 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 19230 9300 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 19300 9300 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C95781" H 19300 9300 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 19300 9300 + 0 -1 -1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:R R53 +U 1 1 5FC908BA +P 20900 9300 +F 0 "R53" V 20693 9300 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "100" V 20784 9300 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 20830 9300 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 20900 9300 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C17408" H 20900 9300 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 20900 9300 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:C C10 +U 1 1 5FCD9EFE +P 20600 9150 +F 0 "C10" H 20715 9196 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "100n" H 20715 9105 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 20638 9000 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 20600 9150 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C49678" H 20600 9150 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 20600 9150 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 20950 7700 0 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Wire Wire Line + 20450 9300 20600 9300 +Text GLabel 20650 9000 2 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Connection ~ 20600 9300 +Wire Wire Line + 20600 9300 20750 9300 +Wire Wire Line + 20450 9200 20450 9000 +Wire Wire Line + 20450 9000 20600 9000 +Wire Wire Line + 20600 9000 20650 9000 +Connection ~ 20600 9000 +Text GLabel 21700 7600 0 50 Input ~ 0 +VCC_BATT +Text GLabel 20050 6150 0 50 Input ~ 0 +VCC_BATT +Text GLabel 19200 9400 0 50 Input ~ 0 +LIPO_OC +Wire Wire Line + 19200 9400 19450 9400 +Text GLabel 20900 6900 2 50 Input ~ 0 +LIPO_OC +Wire Wire Line + 20900 6900 20800 6900 +$Comp +L ESP32-DEVKITC-32D:SL2300 Q11 +U 1 1 5FB813FB +P 19450 8900 +F 0 "Q11" V 19649 8900 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "N-channel 30V 5A" V 19740 8900 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23_Handsoldering" H 19450 8900 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 19450 8900 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C350314" H 19450 8900 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 19450 8900 + 0 -1 -1 0 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 19450 9200 19450 9150 +NoConn ~ 20450 9400 +$Comp +L Device:R R20 +U 1 1 5FC4784F +P 6550 5600 +F 0 "R20" V 6343 5600 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "10k" V 6434 5600 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 6480 5600 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 6550 5600 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C212284" H 6550 5600 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 6550 5600 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Jumper:SolderJumper_2_Open OCP1 +U 1 1 6011090E +P 21800 6900 +F 0 "OCP1" H 21800 7105 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "SolderJumper_2_Open" H 21800 7014 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Jumper:SolderJumper-2_P1.3mm_Open_Pad1.0x1.5mm" H 21800 6900 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 21800 6900 50 0001 C CNN + 1 21800 6900 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Jumper:SolderJumper_2_Open JP2 +U 1 1 60159E6D +P 8450 1750 +F 0 "JP2" H 8450 1955 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "SolderJumper_2_Open" H 8450 1864 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Jumper:SolderJumper-2_P1.3mm_Open_Pad1.0x1.5mm" H 8450 1750 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 8450 1750 50 0001 C CNN + 1 8450 1750 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Jumper:SolderJumper_2_Bridged LED_SENS1 +U 1 1 6017FFC5 +P 10650 14950 +F 0 "LED_SENS1" V 10604 15018 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "NC" V 10695 15018 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Jumper:SolderJumper-2_P1.3mm_Bridged_Pad1.0x1.5mm" H 10650 14950 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 10650 14950 50 0001 C CNN + 1 10650 14950 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Jumper:SolderJumper_2_Bridged JP5 +U 1 1 6023651A +P 6500 5700 +F 0 "JP5" H 6500 5600 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "NC" H 6500 5500 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Jumper:SolderJumper-2_P1.3mm_Bridged_Pad1.0x1.5mm" H 6500 5700 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 6500 5700 50 0001 C CNN + 1 6500 5700 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:C_Small C13 +U 1 1 603684C2 +P 4850 9000 +F 0 "C13" H 4938 9046 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "22uf" H 4938 8955 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 4850 9000 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 4850 9000 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C45783" H 4850 9000 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 4850 9000 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 4900 8900 4850 8900 +Connection ~ 4850 8900 +Wire Wire Line + 4850 8900 4800 8900 +Wire Wire Line + 4800 9100 4850 9100 +Connection ~ 4850 9100 +Wire Wire Line + 4850 9100 4900 9100 +Text GLabel 5050 1250 2 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Wire Wire Line + 5050 1250 5000 1250 +Text GLabel 8900 2450 3 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 9500 1950 3 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 15700 9500 2 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 16750 9500 3 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 10650 15150 3 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 18300 2250 2 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +$Comp +L Jumper:SolderJumper_2_Open EXT_PWR2 +U 1 1 6076B93D +P 18400 2600 +F 0 "EXT_PWR2" H 18400 2805 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "SolderJumper_2_Open" H 18400 2714 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Jumper:SolderJumper-2_P1.3mm_Open_Pad1.0x1.5mm" H 18400 2600 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 18400 2600 50 0001 C CNN + 1 18400 2600 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L SX1308:SX1308 U4 +U 1 1 5FE4C408 +P 15950 6600 +F 0 "U4" H 15600 7367 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "SX1308" H 15600 7276 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "misc_footprints:SOT-23-6" H 15950 6600 50 0001 L BNN +F 3 "" H 15950 6600 50 0001 L BNN +F 4 "C78162" H 15950 6600 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 15950 6600 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 3700 1650 3 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +NoConn ~ 16150 6400 +Wire Wire Line + 14750 7000 16500 7000 +Wire Wire Line + 14750 7000 14750 6800 +Connection ~ 16500 7000 +Wire Wire Line + 16800 7000 16500 7000 +Wire Wire Line + 16800 6450 16800 7000 +Wire Wire Line + 16800 5750 17000 5750 +Connection ~ 16800 5750 +Wire Wire Line + 16800 6150 16800 5750 +Wire Wire Line + 16500 5750 16800 5750 +$Comp +L Device:C C12 +U 1 1 6007356D +P 16800 6300 +F 0 "C12" H 16915 6346 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "22uf" H 16915 6255 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 16838 6150 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 16800 6300 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C45783" H 16800 6300 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 16800 6300 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Connection ~ 16500 5750 +Wire Wire Line + 16500 5750 16450 5750 +Wire Wire Line + 16500 6150 16500 5750 +Connection ~ 16500 6700 +Wire Wire Line + 16500 6450 16500 6700 +Wire Wire Line + 16150 6700 16500 6700 +$Comp +L Device:R R29 +U 1 1 600070FD +P 16500 6850 +F 0 "R29" H 16570 6896 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "1k" H 16570 6805 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 16430 6850 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 16500 6850 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C95781" H 16500 6850 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 16500 6850 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:R R21 +U 1 1 60006701 +P 16500 6300 +F 0 "R21" H 16570 6346 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "19k-19.5K" H 16570 6255 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 16430 6300 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 16500 6300 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C17506" H 16500 6300 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 16500 6300 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 17700 5750 2 50 Input ~ 0 +PUMP_PWR +Connection ~ 16150 5750 +$Comp +L Device:D D8 +U 1 1 60005761 +P 16300 5750 +F 0 "D8" H 16300 5533 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "40V >2A" H 16300 5624 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Diode_SMD:D_SOD-123F" H 16300 5750 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 16300 5750 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C496544" H 16300 5750 50 0000 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 16300 5750 + -1 0 0 1 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 16150 5750 16150 6100 +Wire Wire Line + 15500 5750 16150 5750 +Wire Wire Line + 15050 5750 15050 6100 +Wire Wire Line + 15200 5750 15050 5750 +$Comp +L Device:L L1 +U 1 1 5FF33B77 +P 15350 5750 +F 0 "L1" V 15540 5750 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "4A 5-22uH min DCR" V 15449 5750 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Inductor_SMD:L_12x12mm_H4.5mm" H 15350 5750 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 15350 5750 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C439398" H 15350 5750 50 0000 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 15350 5750 + 0 -1 -1 0 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 14750 6800 14700 6800 +Connection ~ 14750 6800 +Wire Wire Line + 14750 6600 14750 6800 +Wire Wire Line + 14750 6100 15050 6100 +Connection ~ 14750 6100 +Wire Wire Line + 14750 6300 14750 6100 +$Comp +L Device:C C11 +U 1 1 5FF0BD1A +P 14750 6450 +F 0 "C11" H 14865 6496 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "22uf" H 14865 6405 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 14788 6300 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 14750 6450 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C45783" H 14750 6450 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 14750 6450 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 15050 6800 14750 6800 +Connection ~ 15050 6100 +Wire Wire Line + 14700 6100 14750 6100 +Text GLabel 14700 6800 0 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 14700 6100 0 50 Input ~ 0 +PWR_PUMP_CONVERTER +$Comp +L Connector_Generic:Conn_01x04 DCDC1 +U 1 1 5F837F50 +P 16000 7400 +F 0 "DCDC1" H 16080 7392 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "Conn_01x04" H 16080 7301 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Connector_PinSocket_2.54mm:PinSocket_1x04_P2.54mm_Vertical" H 16000 7400 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 16000 7400 50 0001 C CNN + 1 16000 7400 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 15050 6500 15050 6100 +Text Notes 5050 750 0 105 ~ 0 +One Wire +Wire Wire Line + 4150 900 4150 1050 +Wire Wire Line + 3700 900 3700 1050 +Wire Wire Line + 3650 900 3700 900 +$Comp +L Sensor_Temperature:DS18B20 U1 +U 1 1 5F02FBC0 +P 3700 1350 +F 0 "U1" H 3470 1396 50 0000 R CNN +F 1 "DS18B20" H 3470 1305 50 0000 R CNN +F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_THT:TO-92_Inline" H 2700 1100 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "http://datasheets.maximintegrated.com/en/ds/DS18B20.pdf" H 3550 1600 50 0001 C CNN + 1 3700 1350 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Text Notes 15150 7200 0 50 ~ 0 +Pump Voltage Converter (Fallback for circuit above) +Text GLabel 15800 7600 0 50 Input ~ 0 +PUMP_PWR +Text GLabel 15800 7500 0 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 15800 7400 0 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Connection ~ 4150 1350 +Wire Wire Line + 4150 1350 4250 1350 +Wire Wire Line + 4000 1350 4150 1350 +$Comp +L Device:R R26 +U 1 1 5EE03137 +P 4150 1200 +F 0 "R26" H 4220 1246 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "4k7" H 4220 1155 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 4080 1200 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 4150 1200 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C17673" H 4150 1200 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 4150 1200 + -1 0 0 1 +$EndComp +Text Notes 3200 750 0 105 ~ 0 +Temp Sensor +Text GLabel 4250 1350 2 50 Input ~ 0 +Temp +$Comp +L Device:R R18 +U 1 1 5F7DC6B1 +P 9500 11100 +F 0 "R18" H 9570 11146 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "270" H 9570 11055 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 9430 11100 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 9500 11100 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C17590" H 9500 11100 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 9500 11100 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:R R13 +U 1 1 5F79751F +P 7900 11100 +F 0 "R13" H 7970 11146 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "270" H 7970 11055 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 7830 11100 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 7900 11100 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C17590" H 7900 11100 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 7900 11100 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 2150 14500 2150 14850 +Connection ~ 2150 14500 +Wire Wire Line + 2900 14500 2900 14850 +Connection ~ 2900 14500 +Wire Wire Line + 5250 14500 5250 14850 +Connection ~ 5250 14500 +Wire Wire Line + 3700 14500 3700 14850 +Connection ~ 3700 14500 +Wire Wire Line + 4500 14500 4500 14850 +Connection ~ 4500 14500 +Wire Wire Line + 6050 14500 6050 14850 +Connection ~ 6050 14500 +Wire Wire Line + 6850 14500 6850 14850 +Connection ~ 6850 14500 +Wire Wire Line + 7050 14150 7050 14200 +Wire Wire Line + 7050 14800 7050 14850 +$Comp +L Diode:BAS40-04 D19 +U 1 1 6071534B +P 6950 14500 +F 0 "D19" H 6950 14825 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "BAS40-04" H 6950 14734 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23" H 6700 14800 50 0001 L CNN +F 3 "http://www.vishay.com/docs/85701/bas40v.pdf" H 6830 14600 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C397601" H 6950 14500 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 6950 14500 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 7050 14150 2 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 7050 14850 2 50 Input ~ 0 +3_3V +Wire Wire Line + 6250 14150 6250 14200 +Wire Wire Line + 6250 14800 6250 14850 +$Comp +L Diode:BAS40-04 D15 +U 1 1 606FC204 +P 6150 14500 +F 0 "D15" H 6150 14825 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "BAS40-04" H 6150 14734 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23" H 5900 14800 50 0001 L CNN +F 3 "http://www.vishay.com/docs/85701/bas40v.pdf" H 6030 14600 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C397601" H 6150 14500 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 6150 14500 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 6250 14150 2 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 6250 14850 2 50 Input ~ 0 +3_3V +Wire Wire Line + 5450 14150 5450 14200 +Wire Wire Line + 5450 14800 5450 14850 +$Comp +L Diode:BAS40-04 D13 +U 1 1 606E1639 +P 5350 14500 +F 0 "D13" H 5350 14825 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "BAS40-04" H 5350 14734 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23" H 5100 14800 50 0001 L CNN +F 3 "http://www.vishay.com/docs/85701/bas40v.pdf" H 5230 14600 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C397601" H 5350 14500 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 5350 14500 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 5450 14150 2 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 5450 14850 2 50 Input ~ 0 +3_3V +Wire Wire Line + 4700 14150 4700 14200 +Wire Wire Line + 4700 14800 4700 14850 +$Comp +L Diode:BAS40-04 D12 +U 1 1 606C8B56 +P 4600 14500 +F 0 "D12" H 4600 14825 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "BAS40-04" H 4600 14734 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23" H 4350 14800 50 0001 L CNN +F 3 "http://www.vishay.com/docs/85701/bas40v.pdf" H 4480 14600 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C397601" H 4600 14500 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 4600 14500 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 4700 14150 2 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 4700 14850 2 50 Input ~ 0 +3_3V +Wire Wire Line + 3900 14800 3900 14850 +$Comp +L Diode:BAS40-04 D11 +U 1 1 606B065D +P 3800 14500 +F 0 "D11" H 3800 14825 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "BAS40-04" H 3800 14734 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23" H 3550 14800 50 0001 L CNN +F 3 "http://www.vishay.com/docs/85701/bas40v.pdf" H 3680 14600 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C397601" H 3800 14500 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 3800 14500 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 3900 14150 2 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 3900 14850 2 50 Input ~ 0 +3_3V +Wire Wire Line + 6850 14100 6850 14500 +Wire Wire Line + 6050 14100 6050 14500 +Wire Wire Line + 5250 14100 5250 14500 +Wire Wire Line + 4500 14100 4500 14500 +Wire Wire Line + 3700 14100 3700 14500 +Wire Wire Line + 3100 14150 3100 14200 +Wire Wire Line + 3100 14800 3100 14850 +$Comp +L Diode:BAS40-04 D10 +U 1 1 6068A851 +P 3000 14500 +F 0 "D10" H 3000 14825 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "BAS40-04" H 3000 14734 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23" H 2750 14800 50 0001 L CNN +F 3 "http://www.vishay.com/docs/85701/bas40v.pdf" H 2880 14600 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C397601" H 3000 14500 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 3000 14500 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 3100 14150 2 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 3100 14850 2 50 Input ~ 0 +3_3V +Wire Wire Line + 2350 14150 2350 14200 +Wire Wire Line + 2350 14800 2350 14850 +$Comp +L Diode:BAS40-04 D9 +U 1 1 6066FB98 +P 2250 14500 +F 0 "D9" H 2250 14825 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "BAS40-04" H 2250 14734 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23" H 2000 14800 50 0001 L CNN +F 3 "http://www.vishay.com/docs/85701/bas40v.pdf" H 2130 14600 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C397601" H 2250 14500 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 2250 14500 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 2350 14150 2 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 2350 14850 2 50 Input ~ 0 +3_3V +Wire Wire Line + 2900 14100 2900 14500 +Wire Wire Line + 2150 14100 2150 14500 +Text GLabel 6950 15150 3 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 6150 15150 3 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 5350 15150 3 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 4600 15150 3 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 3800 15150 3 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 3000 15150 3 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 2250 15150 3 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 6950 13800 3 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 6150 13800 3 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 5350 13800 3 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 4600 13800 3 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 3800 13800 3 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 3000 13800 3 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 2250 13800 3 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 9250 12100 3 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 7650 12100 3 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 6350 12100 3 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 5050 12100 3 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 3800 12050 3 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 2600 12050 3 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 1450 12050 3 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text Notes 5100 13050 2 207 ~ 0 +Sensors +Text GLabel 2900 15000 3 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT1_MOIST +Text GLabel 2050 15000 3 50 Input ~ 0 +PWR_SENSORS +Text GLabel 3700 15000 3 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT2_MOIST +Text GLabel 4500 15000 3 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT3_MOIST +Text GLabel 5250 15000 3 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT4_MOIST +Text GLabel 6050 15000 3 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT5_MOIST +Text GLabel 6850 15000 3 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT6_MOIST +Text GLabel 2150 15000 3 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT0_MOIST +Text GLabel 2800 15000 3 50 Input ~ 0 +PWR_SENSORS +Text GLabel 3600 15000 3 50 Input ~ 0 +PWR_SENSORS +Text GLabel 4400 15000 3 50 Input ~ 0 +PWR_SENSORS +Text GLabel 5150 15000 3 50 Input ~ 0 +PWR_SENSORS +Text GLabel 5950 15000 3 50 Input ~ 0 +PWR_SENSORS +$Comp +L Connector:Conn_01x03_Male S0 +U 1 1 5F6785CE +P 2150 13550 +F 0 "S0" H 2122 13482 50 0000 R CNN +F 1 "Conn_01x03_Male" H 2750 13350 50 0000 R CNN +F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_EH_B3B-EH-A_1x03_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 2150 13550 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 2150 13550 50 0001 C CNN + 1 2150 13550 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Connector:Conn_01x03_Male S1 +U 1 1 5F6870CB +P 2900 13550 +F 0 "S1" H 2872 13482 50 0000 R CNN +F 1 "Conn_01x03_Male" H 3500 13350 50 0000 R CNN +F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_EH_B3B-EH-A_1x03_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 2900 13550 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 2900 13550 50 0001 C CNN + 1 2900 13550 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Connector:Conn_01x03_Male S2 +U 1 1 5F68A563 +P 3700 13550 +F 0 "S2" H 3672 13482 50 0000 R CNN +F 1 "Conn_01x03_Male" H 4300 13350 50 0000 R CNN +F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_EH_B3B-EH-A_1x03_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 3700 13550 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 3700 13550 50 0001 C CNN + 1 3700 13550 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Connector:Conn_01x03_Male S3 +U 1 1 5F68ACC2 +P 4500 13550 +F 0 "S3" H 4472 13482 50 0000 R CNN +F 1 "Conn_01x03_Male" H 5100 13350 50 0000 R CNN +F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_EH_B3B-EH-A_1x03_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 4500 13550 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 4500 13550 50 0001 C CNN + 1 4500 13550 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Connector:Conn_01x03_Male S4 +U 1 1 5F695628 +P 5250 13550 +F 0 "S4" H 5222 13482 50 0000 R CNN +F 1 "Conn_01x03_Male" H 5850 13350 50 0000 R CNN +F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_EH_B3B-EH-A_1x03_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 5250 13550 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 5250 13550 50 0001 C CNN + 1 5250 13550 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Connector:Conn_01x03_Male S5 +U 1 1 5F6A0EA1 +P 6050 13550 +F 0 "S5" H 6022 13482 50 0000 R CNN +F 1 "Conn_01x03_Male" H 6650 13350 50 0000 R CNN +F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_EH_B3B-EH-A_1x03_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 6050 13550 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 6050 13550 50 0001 C CNN + 1 6050 13550 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 6750 15000 3 50 Input ~ 0 +PWR_SENSORS +$Comp +L Connector:Conn_01x03_Male S6 +U 1 1 5F6A8678 +P 6850 13550 +F 0 "S6" H 6822 13482 50 0000 R CNN +F 1 "Conn_01x03_Male" H 7450 13350 50 0000 R CNN +F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_EH_B3B-EH-A_1x03_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 6850 13550 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 6850 13550 50 0001 C CNN + 1 6850 13550 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 2800 13750 2800 15000 +Wire Wire Line + 3600 13750 3600 15000 +Wire Wire Line + 4400 13750 4400 15000 +Wire Wire Line + 5150 13750 5150 15000 +Wire Wire Line + 5950 13750 5950 15000 +Wire Wire Line + 6750 13750 6750 15000 +$Comp +L Device:R R41 +U 1 1 5F99C5A6 +P 4500 13950 +F 0 "R41" H 4570 13996 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "1k" H 4570 13905 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 4430 13950 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 4500 13950 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C95781" H 4500 13950 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 4500 13950 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:R R43 +U 1 1 5F99C828 +P 5250 13950 +F 0 "R43" H 5320 13996 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "1k" H 5320 13905 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 5180 13950 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 5250 13950 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C95781" H 5250 13950 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 5250 13950 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:R R45 +U 1 1 5F99CBD3 +P 6050 13950 +F 0 "R45" H 6120 13996 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "1k" H 6120 13905 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 5980 13950 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 6050 13950 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C95781" H 6050 13950 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 6050 13950 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:R R49 +U 1 1 5F99CEF5 +P 6850 13950 +F 0 "R49" H 6920 13996 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "1k" H 6920 13905 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 6780 13950 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 6850 13950 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C95781" H 6850 13950 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 6850 13950 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:C C3 +U 1 1 5F9A17B3 +P 2250 15000 +F 0 "C3" H 2135 14954 50 0000 R CNN +F 1 "100n" H 2135 15045 50 0000 R CNN +F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 2288 14850 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 2250 15000 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C49678" H 2250 15000 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 2250 15000 + -1 0 0 1 +$EndComp +Connection ~ 2150 14850 +Wire Wire Line + 2150 14850 2150 15000 +Wire Wire Line + 2150 14850 2250 14850 +Wire Wire Line + 2150 13750 2150 13800 +Wire Wire Line + 2250 13750 2250 13800 +Wire Wire Line + 2050 13750 2050 15000 +Wire Wire Line + 2900 13750 2900 13800 +Wire Wire Line + 3700 13750 3700 13800 +Wire Wire Line + 4500 13750 4500 13800 +Wire Wire Line + 5250 13750 5250 13800 +Wire Wire Line + 6050 13750 6050 13800 +Wire Wire Line + 6850 13750 6850 13800 +Wire Wire Line + 3000 13750 3000 13800 +Wire Wire Line + 3800 13750 3800 13800 +Wire Wire Line + 4600 13750 4600 13800 +Wire Wire Line + 5350 13750 5350 13800 +Wire Wire Line + 6950 13750 6950 13800 +Wire Wire Line + 6150 13750 6150 13800 +$Comp +L Device:C C4 +U 1 1 5FAEAFAD +P 3000 15000 +F 0 "C4" H 2885 14954 50 0000 R CNN +F 1 "100n" H 2885 15045 50 0000 R CNN +F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 3038 14850 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 3000 15000 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C49678" H 3000 15000 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 3000 15000 + -1 0 0 1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:C C5 +U 1 1 5FAEB37F +P 3800 15000 +F 0 "C5" H 3685 14954 50 0000 R CNN +F 1 "100n" H 3685 15045 50 0000 R CNN +F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 3838 14850 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 3800 15000 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C49678" H 3800 15000 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 3800 15000 + -1 0 0 1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:C C6 +U 1 1 5FAEB847 +P 4600 15000 +F 0 "C6" H 4485 14954 50 0000 R CNN +F 1 "100n" H 4485 15045 50 0000 R CNN +F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 4638 14850 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 4600 15000 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C49678" H 4600 15000 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 4600 15000 + -1 0 0 1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:C C7 +U 1 1 5FAEBD5A +P 5350 15000 +F 0 "C7" H 5235 14954 50 0000 R CNN +F 1 "100n" H 5235 15045 50 0000 R CNN +F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 5388 14850 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 5350 15000 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C49678" H 5350 15000 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 5350 15000 + -1 0 0 1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:C C8 +U 1 1 5FAEC21A +P 6150 15000 +F 0 "C8" H 6035 14954 50 0000 R CNN +F 1 "100n" H 6035 15045 50 0000 R CNN +F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 6188 14850 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 6150 15000 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C49678" H 6150 15000 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 6150 15000 + -1 0 0 1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:C C9 +U 1 1 5FAEC671 +P 6950 15000 +F 0 "C9" H 6835 14954 50 0000 R CNN +F 1 "100n" H 6835 15045 50 0000 R CNN +F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 6988 14850 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 6950 15000 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C49678" H 6950 15000 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 6950 15000 + -1 0 0 1 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 2900 14850 3000 14850 +Connection ~ 2900 14850 +Wire Wire Line + 2900 14850 2900 15000 +Wire Wire Line + 3700 14850 3800 14850 +Connection ~ 3700 14850 +Wire Wire Line + 3700 14850 3700 15000 +Wire Wire Line + 4500 14850 4600 14850 +Connection ~ 4500 14850 +Wire Wire Line + 4500 14850 4500 15000 +Wire Wire Line + 5250 14850 5350 14850 +Connection ~ 5250 14850 +Wire Wire Line + 5250 14850 5250 15000 +Wire Wire Line + 6050 14850 6150 14850 +Connection ~ 6050 14850 +Wire Wire Line + 6050 14850 6050 15000 +Wire Wire Line + 6950 14850 6850 14850 +Connection ~ 6850 14850 +Wire Wire Line + 6850 14850 6850 15000 +$Comp +L Device:R R39 +U 1 1 5F99C2BC +P 3700 13950 +F 0 "R39" H 3770 13996 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "1k" H 3770 13905 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 3630 13950 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 3700 13950 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C95781" H 3700 13950 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 3700 13950 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:R R37 +U 1 1 5F99BE26 +P 2900 13950 +F 0 "R37" H 2970 13996 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "1k" H 2970 13905 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 2830 13950 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 2900 13950 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C95781" H 2900 13950 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 2900 13950 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:R R35 +U 1 1 5F993C00 +P 2150 13950 +F 0 "R35" H 2220 13996 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "1k" H 2220 13905 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 2080 13950 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 2150 13950 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C95781" H 2150 13950 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 2150 13950 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 2600 12050 2450 12050 +Wire Wire Line + 6350 12100 6150 12100 +Wire Wire Line + 7650 12100 7450 12100 +Wire Wire Line + 9250 12100 9050 12100 +Wire Wire Line + 1450 12050 1250 12050 +Wire Wire Line + 3800 12050 3600 12050 +Wire Wire Line + 5050 12100 4850 12100 +Text GLabel 15800 7300 0 50 Input ~ 0 +PWR_PUMP_CONVERTER +Connection ~ 9350 11600 +Wire Wire Line + 9350 11600 9350 11550 +Wire Wire Line + 9350 11600 9500 11600 +Connection ~ 7750 11600 +Wire Wire Line + 7900 11600 7750 11600 +Wire Wire Line + 7750 11550 7750 11600 +Connection ~ 6450 11600 +Wire Wire Line + 6450 11600 6600 11600 +Wire Wire Line + 6450 11550 6450 11600 +Connection ~ 5150 11600 +Wire Wire Line + 5150 11600 5300 11600 +Wire Wire Line + 5150 11550 5150 11600 +Connection ~ 3900 11550 +Wire Wire Line + 4050 11550 3900 11550 +Wire Wire Line + 3900 11500 3900 11550 +Connection ~ 2750 11550 +Wire Wire Line + 2750 11550 2750 11500 +Wire Wire Line + 2900 11550 2750 11550 +Connection ~ 1550 11550 +Wire Wire Line + 1550 11500 1550 11550 +Wire Wire Line + 5300 10950 5300 10900 +Wire Wire Line + 5300 11300 5300 11250 +$Comp +L Device:R R15 +U 1 1 5F81F9EF +P 5300 11100 +F 0 "R15" H 5370 11146 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "270" H 5370 11055 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 5230 11100 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 5300 11100 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C17590" H 5300 11100 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 5300 11100 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:LED D6 +U 1 1 5F81F9E9 +P 5300 11450 +F 0 "D6" V 5339 11332 50 0000 R CNN +F 1 "LED" V 5248 11332 50 0000 R CNN +F 2 "LED_SMD:LED_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 5300 11450 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 5300 11450 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C375452" H 5300 11450 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 5300 11450 + 0 -1 -1 0 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 4050 10900 4050 10850 +Wire Wire Line + 4050 11250 4050 11200 +$Comp +L Device:R R11 +U 1 1 5F811EA0 +P 4050 11050 +F 0 "R11" H 4120 11096 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "270" H 4120 11005 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 3980 11050 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 4050 11050 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C17590" H 4050 11050 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 4050 11050 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:LED D4 +U 1 1 5F811E9A +P 4050 11400 +F 0 "D4" V 4089 11282 50 0000 R CNN +F 1 "LED_Blue" V 3998 11282 50 0000 R CNN +F 2 "LED_SMD:LED_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 4050 11400 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 4050 11400 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C205441" H 4050 11400 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 4050 11400 + 0 -1 -1 0 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 2900 10900 2900 10850 +Wire Wire Line + 2900 11250 2900 11200 +$Comp +L Device:R R7 +U 1 1 5F7FA2F0 +P 2900 11050 +F 0 "R7" H 2970 11096 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "270" H 2970 11005 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 2830 11050 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 2900 11050 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C17590" H 2900 11050 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 2900 11050 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:LED D2 +U 1 1 5F7FA2EA +P 2900 11400 +F 0 "D2" V 2939 11282 50 0000 R CNN +F 1 "LED" V 2848 11282 50 0000 R CNN +F 2 "LED_SMD:LED_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 2900 11400 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 2900 11400 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C375452" H 2900 11400 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 2900 11400 + 0 -1 -1 0 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 9500 10950 9500 10900 +Wire Wire Line + 9500 11300 9500 11250 +$Comp +L Device:LED D7 +U 1 1 5F7DC6AB +P 9500 11450 +F 0 "D7" V 9539 11332 50 0000 R CNN +F 1 "LED_Blue" V 9448 11332 50 0000 R CNN +F 2 "LED_SMD:LED_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 9500 11450 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 9500 11450 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C205441" H 9500 11450 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 9500 11450 + 0 -1 -1 0 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 6600 10950 6600 10900 +Wire Wire Line + 6600 11300 6600 11250 +$Comp +L Device:R R9 +U 1 1 5F7D9405 +P 6600 11100 +F 0 "R9" H 6670 11146 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "270" H 6670 11055 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 6530 11100 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 6600 11100 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C17590" H 6600 11100 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 6600 11100 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:LED D3 +U 1 1 5F7D93FF +P 6600 11450 +F 0 "D3" V 6639 11332 50 0000 R CNN +F 1 "LED_Blue" V 6548 11332 50 0000 R CNN +F 2 "LED_SMD:LED_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 6600 11450 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 6600 11450 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C205441" H 6600 11450 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 6600 11450 + 0 -1 -1 0 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 7900 10950 7900 10900 +Wire Wire Line + 7900 11300 7900 11250 +$Comp +L Device:LED D5 +U 1 1 5F795029 +P 7900 11450 +F 0 "D5" V 7939 11332 50 0000 R CNN +F 1 "LED" V 7848 11332 50 0000 R CNN +F 2 "LED_SMD:LED_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 7900 11450 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 7900 11450 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C375452" H 7900 11450 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 7900 11450 + 0 -1 -1 0 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 5050 12000 5050 12100 +Wire Wire Line + 5150 12000 5050 12000 +Wire Wire Line + 3800 11950 3800 12050 +Wire Wire Line + 3900 11950 3800 11950 +Wire Wire Line + 1450 11950 1450 12050 +Wire Wire Line + 1550 11950 1450 11950 +Wire Wire Line + 9250 12000 9250 12100 +Wire Wire Line + 9350 12000 9250 12000 +Wire Wire Line + 7650 12000 7650 12100 +Wire Wire Line + 7750 12000 7650 12000 +Wire Wire Line + 6350 12000 6350 12100 +Wire Wire Line + 6450 12000 6350 12000 +$Comp +L Device:R R19 +U 1 1 5F79B18E +P 9050 11950 +F 0 "R19" H 9120 11996 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "10k" H 9120 11905 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 8980 11950 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 9050 11950 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C212284" H 9050 11950 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 9050 11950 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:R R14 +U 1 1 5F79ABE6 +P 7450 11950 +F 0 "R14" H 7520 11996 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "10k" H 7520 11905 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 7380 11950 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 7450 11950 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C212284" H 7450 11950 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 7450 11950 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:R R10 +U 1 1 5F79A87D +P 6150 11950 +F 0 "R10" H 6220 11996 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "10K" H 6220 11905 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 6080 11950 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 6150 11950 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C212284" H 6150 11950 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 6150 11950 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:R R17 +U 1 1 5F7960A3 +P 4850 11950 +F 0 "R17" H 4920 11996 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "10K" H 4920 11905 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 4780 11950 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 4850 11950 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C212284" H 4850 11950 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 4850 11950 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:R R12 +U 1 1 5F79593C +P 3600 11900 +F 0 "R12" H 3670 11946 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "10k" H 3670 11855 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 3530 11900 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 3600 11900 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C212284" H 3600 11900 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 3600 11900 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L ESP32-DEVKITC-32D:SL2300 Q3 +U 1 1 5F77CB3F +P 6400 11800 +F 0 "Q3" H 6555 11846 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "N-channel 30V 5A" H 6555 11755 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23_Handsoldering" H 6400 11800 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 6400 11800 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C350314" H 6400 11800 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 6400 11800 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Connection ~ 1250 11750 +$Comp +L Device:R R6 +U 1 1 5F795254 +P 1250 11900 +F 0 "R6" H 1320 11946 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "10k" H 1320 11855 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 1180 11900 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 1250 11900 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C212284" H 1250 11900 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 1250 11900 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 2600 11950 2600 12050 +Wire Wire Line + 2750 11950 2600 11950 +$Comp +L Device:R R8 +U 1 1 5F791D01 +P 2450 11900 +F 0 "R8" H 2380 11854 50 0000 R CNN +F 1 "10k" H 2380 11945 50 0000 R CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 2380 11900 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 2450 11900 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C212284" H 2450 11900 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 2450 11900 + -1 0 0 1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L ESP32-DEVKITC-32D:SL2300 Q8 +U 1 1 5F77EC00 +P 9300 11800 +F 0 "Q8" H 9455 11846 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "N-channel 30V 5A" H 9455 11755 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23_Handsoldering" H 9300 11800 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 9300 11800 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C350314" H 9300 11800 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 9300 11800 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L ESP32-DEVKITC-32D:SL2300 Q5 +U 1 1 5F77DFF6 +P 7700 11800 +F 0 "Q5" H 7855 11846 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "N-channel 30V 5A" H 7855 11755 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23_Handsoldering" H 7700 11800 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 7700 11800 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C350314" H 7700 11800 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 7700 11800 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L ESP32-DEVKITC-32D:SL2300 Q1 +U 1 1 5F77AFC2 +P 1500 11750 +F 0 "Q1" H 1655 11796 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "N-channel 30V 5A" H 1655 11705 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23_Handsoldering" H 1500 11750 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 1500 11750 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C350314" H 1500 11750 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 1500 11750 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L ESP32-DEVKITC-32D:SL2300 Q2 +U 1 1 5F77A216 +P 2700 11750 +F 0 "Q2" H 2855 11796 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "N-channel 30V 5A" H 2855 11705 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23_Handsoldering" H 2700 11750 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 2700 11750 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C350314" H 2700 11750 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 2700 11750 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L ESP32-DEVKITC-32D:SL2300 Q4 +U 1 1 5F779588 +P 3850 11750 +F 0 "Q4" H 4005 11796 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "N-channel 30V 5A" H 4005 11705 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23_Handsoldering" H 3850 11750 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 3850 11750 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C350314" H 3850 11750 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 3850 11750 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L ESP32-DEVKITC-32D:SL2300 Q7 +U 1 1 5F7702AA +P 5100 11800 +F 0 "Q7" H 5255 11846 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "N-channel 30V 5A" H 5255 11755 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23_Handsoldering" H 5100 11800 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 5100 11800 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C350314" H 5100 11800 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 5100 11800 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 4850 11450 1 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT_CTRL_PUMP_3 +Text GLabel 5150 11550 1 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT3_PUMP +Text GLabel 3600 11400 1 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT_CTRL_PUMP_2 +Text GLabel 3900 11500 1 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT2_PUMP +Text GLabel 2450 11400 1 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT_CTRL_PUMP_1 +Text GLabel 2750 11500 1 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT1_PUMP +Text GLabel 1550 11500 1 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT0_PUMP +Text GLabel 9050 11450 1 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT_CTRL_PUMP_6 +Text GLabel 9350 11550 1 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT6_PUMP +Text GLabel 7450 11450 1 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT_CTRL_PUMP_5 +Text GLabel 7750 11550 1 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT5_PUMP +Text GLabel 6150 11450 1 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT_CTRL_PUMP_4 +Text GLabel 6450 11550 1 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT4_PUMP +$Comp +L Device:R R34 +U 1 1 5FB60540 +P 1250 11550 +F 0 "R34" H 1320 11596 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "1k" H 1320 11505 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 1180 11550 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 1250 11550 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C95781" H 1250 11550 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 1250 11550 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 1250 11700 1250 11750 +$Comp +L Device:R R36 +U 1 1 5FB62566 +P 2450 11550 +F 0 "R36" H 2520 11596 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "1k" H 2520 11505 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 2380 11550 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 2450 11550 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C95781" H 2450 11550 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 2450 11550 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:R R38 +U 1 1 5FB62A85 +P 3600 11550 +F 0 "R38" H 3670 11596 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "1k" H 3670 11505 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 3530 11550 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 3600 11550 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C95781" H 3600 11550 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 3600 11550 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:R R40 +U 1 1 5FB62F27 +P 4850 11600 +F 0 "R40" H 4920 11646 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "1k" H 4920 11555 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 4780 11600 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 4850 11600 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C95781" H 4850 11600 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 4850 11600 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:R R42 +U 1 1 5FB634A6 +P 6150 11600 +F 0 "R42" H 6220 11646 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "1k" H 6220 11555 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 6080 11600 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 6150 11600 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C95781" H 6150 11600 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 6150 11600 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:R R44 +U 1 1 5FB64320 +P 7450 11600 +F 0 "R44" H 7520 11646 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "1k" H 7520 11555 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 7380 11600 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 7450 11600 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C95781" H 7450 11600 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 7450 11600 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:R R47 +U 1 1 5FB647E5 +P 9050 11600 +F 0 "R47" H 9120 11646 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "1k" H 9120 11555 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 8980 11600 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 9050 11600 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C95781" H 9050 11600 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 9050 11600 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 2450 11700 2450 11750 +Connection ~ 2450 11750 +Wire Wire Line + 3600 11700 3600 11750 +Connection ~ 3600 11750 +Wire Wire Line + 4850 11750 4850 11800 +Connection ~ 4850 11800 +Wire Wire Line + 6150 11750 6150 11800 +Connection ~ 6150 11800 +Wire Wire Line + 7450 11750 7450 11800 +Connection ~ 7450 11800 +Wire Wire Line + 9050 11750 9050 11800 +Connection ~ 9050 11800 +Wire Wire Line + 9500 11600 9600 11600 +Connection ~ 9500 11600 +Wire Wire Line + 7900 11600 8000 11600 +Connection ~ 7900 11600 +Wire Wire Line + 6600 11600 6700 11600 +Connection ~ 6600 11600 +Wire Wire Line + 5300 11600 5400 11600 +Connection ~ 5300 11600 +Wire Wire Line + 4050 11550 4150 11550 +Connection ~ 4050 11550 +Wire Wire Line + 2900 11550 3000 11550 +Connection ~ 2900 11550 +Text GLabel 14950 9300 0 50 Input ~ 0 +PUMP_ENABLE +Text Notes 5300 10200 2 207 ~ 0 +Pumps +Text GLabel 2000 11250 1 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text Notes 16600 8500 2 207 ~ 0 +Power for Pumps +Text Notes 11050 13550 2 207 ~ 0 +Power for Sensors +Text Notes 17050 5450 2 207 ~ 0 +DC / DC Converter +Text GLabel 2000 11850 3 50 Input ~ 0 +PUMP_PWR +$Comp +L Diode:BAS40-04 D17 +U 1 1 6026C1A4 +P 3100 11550 +F 0 "D17" H 3100 11875 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "BAS40-04" H 3100 11784 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23" H 2850 11850 50 0001 L CNN +F 3 "http://www.vishay.com/docs/85701/bas40v.pdf" H 2980 11650 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C397601" H 3100 11550 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 3100 11550 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 3200 11250 1 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 3200 11850 3 50 Input ~ 0 +PUMP_PWR +$Comp +L Diode:BAS40-04 D20 +U 1 1 602A20F5 +P 4250 11550 +F 0 "D20" H 4250 11875 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "BAS40-04" H 4250 11784 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23" H 4000 11850 50 0001 L CNN +F 3 "http://www.vishay.com/docs/85701/bas40v.pdf" H 4130 11650 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C397601" H 4250 11550 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 4250 11550 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 4350 11250 1 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 4350 11850 3 50 Input ~ 0 +PUMP_PWR +Text Notes 6350 13150 2 207 ~ 0 +Sensors +$Comp +L Diode:BAS40-04 D21 +U 1 1 602C1348 +P 5500 11600 +F 0 "D21" H 5500 11925 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "BAS40-04" H 5500 11834 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23" H 5250 11900 50 0001 L CNN +F 3 "http://www.vishay.com/docs/85701/bas40v.pdf" H 5380 11700 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C397601" H 5500 11600 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 5500 11600 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 5600 11300 1 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 5600 11900 3 50 Input ~ 0 +PUMP_PWR +$Comp +L Diode:BAS40-04 D22 +U 1 1 60303415 +P 6800 11600 +F 0 "D22" H 6800 11925 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "BAS40-04" H 6800 11834 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23" H 6550 11900 50 0001 L CNN +F 3 "http://www.vishay.com/docs/85701/bas40v.pdf" H 6680 11700 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C397601" H 6800 11600 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 6800 11600 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 6900 11300 1 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 6900 11900 3 50 Input ~ 0 +PUMP_PWR +$Comp +L Diode:BAS40-04 D23 +U 1 1 603230D8 +P 8100 11600 +F 0 "D23" H 8100 11925 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "BAS40-04" H 8100 11834 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23" H 7850 11900 50 0001 L CNN +F 3 "http://www.vishay.com/docs/85701/bas40v.pdf" H 7980 11700 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C397601" H 8100 11600 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 8100 11600 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 8200 11300 1 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 8200 11900 3 50 Input ~ 0 +PUMP_PWR +$Comp +L Diode:BAS40-04 D24 +U 1 1 603441E6 +P 9700 11600 +F 0 "D24" H 9700 11925 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "BAS40-04" H 9700 11834 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23" H 9450 11900 50 0001 L CNN +F 3 "http://www.vishay.com/docs/85701/bas40v.pdf" H 9580 11700 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C397601" H 9700 11600 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 9700 11600 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 9800 11300 1 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 9800 11900 3 50 Input ~ 0 +PUMP_PWR +$Comp +L Diode:BAS40-04 D14 +U 1 1 6017AD7A +P 1900 11550 +F 0 "D14" H 1900 11875 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "BAS40-04" H 1900 11784 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23" H 1650 11850 50 0001 L CNN +F 3 "http://www.vishay.com/docs/85701/bas40v.pdf" H 1780 11650 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C397601" H 1900 11550 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 1900 11550 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 8600 1750 9500 1750 +Connection ~ 8250 1750 +Wire Wire Line + 7850 1750 8250 1750 +Wire Wire Line + 8300 1750 8250 1750 +Wire Wire Line + 8550 1550 8600 1550 +$Comp +L Diode:BAS40-04 D16 +U 1 1 605F7078 +P 8250 1650 +F 0 "D16" H 8250 1975 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "BAS40-04" H 8250 1884 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23" H 8000 1950 50 0001 L CNN +F 3 "http://www.vishay.com/docs/85701/bas40v.pdf" H 8130 1750 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C397601" H 8250 1650 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 8250 1650 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 7900 1550 0 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 8600 1550 1 50 Input ~ 0 +3_3V +Wire Wire Line + 10600 13900 10650 13900 +$Comp +L Diode:BAS40-04 D25 +U 1 1 5FC8E1C3 +P 10950 14000 +F 0 "D25" H 10950 14325 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "BAS40-04" H 10950 14234 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23" H 10700 14300 50 0001 L CNN +F 3 "http://www.vishay.com/docs/85701/bas40v.pdf" H 10830 14100 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C397601" H 10950 14000 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 10950 14000 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 10600 13900 0 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Wire Wire Line + 10300 14150 10300 14250 +Text GLabel 11250 13900 3 50 Input ~ 0 +VCC +Wire Wire Line + 10950 14100 10650 14100 +Wire Wire Line + 10650 14100 10650 14250 +Wire Wire Line + 10650 14250 10300 14250 +Connection ~ 10300 14250 +Wire Wire Line + 10300 14250 10300 14400 +Wire Notes Line + 13500 1000 22550 1000 +Wire Notes Line + 22550 1000 22550 10500 +Wire Notes Line + 22600 12950 13550 12950 +Wire Notes Line + 13500 4000 22550 4000 +Wire Notes Line + 13500 1000 13500 10500 +Text GLabel 1500 5650 1 50 Input ~ 0 +3_3V +Text GLabel 1500 5950 3 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +$Comp +L Device:D D26 +U 1 1 5FE69CB9 +P 17200 5750 +F 0 "D26" H 17200 5533 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "40V >2A" H 17200 5624 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Diode_SMD:D_SOD-123F" H 17200 5750 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 17200 5750 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C496544" H 17200 5750 50 0000 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 17200 5750 + -1 0 0 1 +$EndComp +Text Notes 7600 1100 0 105 ~ 0 +Custom extension connector +$Comp +L Transistor_FET:BSS84 Q_PWR3 +U 1 1 5FFD58C5 +P 18900 7400 +F 0 "Q_PWR3" H 19104 7446 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "P-channel 50v 4A" H 19104 7355 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23_Handsoldering" H 19100 7325 50 0001 L CIN +F 3 "" H 18900 7400 50 0001 L CNN +F 4 "C344010" H 18900 7400 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 18900 7400 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:R R58 +U 1 1 5FFD69D9 +P 18450 7400 +F 0 "R58" V 18243 7400 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "10k" V 18334 7400 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 18380 7400 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 18450 7400 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C212284" H 18450 7400 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 18450 7400 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:R R59 +U 1 1 5FFD6F58 +P 18650 7550 +F 0 "R59" H 18720 7596 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "10k" H 18720 7505 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 18580 7550 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 18650 7550 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C212284" H 18650 7550 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 18650 7550 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 18600 7400 18650 7400 +Connection ~ 18650 7400 +Wire Wire Line + 18650 7400 18700 7400 +Wire Wire Line + 18900 7100 19000 7100 +Wire Wire Line + 19000 7100 19000 7200 +Text GLabel 18100 7400 0 50 Input ~ 0 +enable_all +Wire Wire Line + 18100 7400 18300 7400 +Text GLabel 19200 8850 0 50 Input ~ 0 +enable_all +Wire Wire Line + 19200 8850 19250 8850 +Wire Wire Line + 20450 6700 20500 6700 +Wire Wire Line + 20500 6700 20550 6700 +Connection ~ 20500 6700 +Text GLabel 20500 7100 3 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Wire Wire Line + 20550 6700 21500 6700 +Wire Wire Line + 21500 6700 21500 6900 +Wire Wire Line + 21500 6900 21650 6900 +Connection ~ 20550 6700 +Text GLabel 21950 6900 2 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text Notes 21350 6600 0 50 ~ 0 +Overloading protection +Text Notes 18000 7000 0 50 ~ 0 +activate VCC everywhere \nonly when lipo is charged enough +Text Notes 22000 5550 2 207 ~ 0 +Solar Charger\nLipo Protection +Wire Wire Line + 20450 6150 20450 6700 +Wire Wire Line + 20550 6150 20550 6700 +Wire Wire Line + 20650 6150 20650 6400 +Text GLabel 750 2700 1 50 Input ~ 0 +PUMP_PWR +Text GLabel 750 3000 3 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +$Comp +L Device:C C14 +U 1 1 60378F84 +P 750 2850 +F 0 "C14" H 865 2896 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "22uf" H 865 2805 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 788 2700 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 750 2850 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C45783" H 750 2850 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 750 2850 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 1150 2700 1 50 Input ~ 0 +PUMP_PWR +Text GLabel 1150 3000 3 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +$Comp +L Device:C C16 +U 1 1 60397250 +P 1150 2850 +F 0 "C16" H 1265 2896 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "22uf" H 1265 2805 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 1188 2700 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 1150 2850 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C45783" H 1150 2850 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 1150 2850 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:C C15 +U 1 1 603B01EC +P 1000 5800 +F 0 "C15" H 1115 5846 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "22uf" H 1115 5755 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 1038 5650 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 1000 5800 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C45783" H 1000 5800 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 1000 5800 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 1000 5650 1 50 Input ~ 0 +3_3V +Text GLabel 1000 5950 3 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +$Comp +L Device:C C17 +U 1 1 603D3402 +P 1500 5800 +F 0 "C17" H 1385 5754 50 0000 R CNN +F 1 "100n" H 1385 5845 50 0000 R CNN +F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 1538 5650 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 1500 5800 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C49678" H 1500 5800 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 1500 5800 + -1 0 0 1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L RF_Module:ESP32-WROOM-32D U5 +U 1 1 603DC366 +P 4700 6500 +F 0 "U5" H 4700 8081 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "ESP32-WROOM-32D" H 4700 7990 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "RF_Module:ESP32-WROOM-32" H 4700 5000 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "https://www.espressif.com/sites/default/files/documentation/esp32-wroom-32d_esp32-wroom-32u_datasheet_en.pdf" H 4400 6550 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C529578" H 4700 6500 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 4700 6500 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Switch:SW_Push SW1 +U 1 1 603DF238 +P 2950 5300 +F 0 "SW1" H 2950 5585 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "SW_Push" H 2950 5494 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Button_Switch_SMD:SW_Push_1P1T_NO_CK_KMR2" H 2950 5500 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 2950 5500 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C72443" H 2950 5300 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 2950 5300 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:R R32 +U 1 1 603DFA42 +P 3600 5300 +F 0 "R32" V 3393 5300 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "1k" V 3484 5300 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 3530 5300 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 3600 5300 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C95781" H 3600 5300 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 3600 5300 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:C C18 +U 1 1 603E007D +P 2950 5450 +F 0 "C18" H 2835 5404 50 0000 R CNN +F 1 "100n" H 2835 5495 50 0000 R CNN +F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 2988 5300 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 2950 5450 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C49678" H 2950 5450 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 2950 5450 + 0 -1 -1 0 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 2550 5300 0 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Wire Wire Line + 4700 5100 4700 4950 +Wire Wire Line + 3150 5300 3250 5300 +Wire Wire Line + 3100 5450 3250 5450 +Wire Wire Line + 3250 5450 3250 5300 +Connection ~ 3250 5300 +Wire Wire Line + 3250 5300 3450 5300 +Wire Wire Line + 2550 5300 2700 5300 +Wire Wire Line + 2800 5450 2700 5450 +Wire Wire Line + 2700 5450 2700 5300 +Connection ~ 2700 5300 +Wire Wire Line + 2700 5300 2750 5300 +Text GLabel 4700 8000 3 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Wire Wire Line + 4700 8000 4700 7900 +$Comp +L Device:C C19 +U 1 1 6053DAD5 +P 3800 5450 +F 0 "C19" H 3915 5496 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "22uf" H 3915 5405 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 3838 5300 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 3800 5450 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C45783" H 3800 5450 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 3800 5450 + -1 0 0 1 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 3800 5600 3 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Wire Wire Line + 6750 5400 6750 5500 +Wire Wire Line + 6750 5800 6750 6000 +Text GLabel 6750 6000 2 50 Input ~ 0 +PWR_SENSORS +$Comp +L Connector_Generic:Conn_01x04 Hall1 +U 1 1 5F9D6D22 +P 6950 5600 +F 0 "Hall1" H 7030 5592 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "Conn_01x04" H 6750 5300 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "ESP32:SR04M-2PinHeader_1x04_P2.54mm_Vertical" H 6950 5600 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 6950 5600 50 0001 C CNN + 1 6950 5600 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 6750 5400 1 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Wire Wire Line + 5300 5600 6400 5600 +Wire Wire Line + 6700 5600 6750 5600 +Wire Wire Line + 6650 5700 6750 5700 +Wire Wire Line + 5300 5400 6300 5400 +Wire Wire Line + 6300 5400 6300 5700 +Wire Wire Line + 6300 5700 6350 5700 +Text Notes 6900 5350 0 102 ~ 0 +or Flashing +$Comp +L Device:R R33 +U 1 1 606EF146 +P 3800 5150 +F 0 "R33" V 3593 5150 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "10k" V 3684 5150 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 3730 5150 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 3800 5150 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C212284" H 3800 5150 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 3800 5150 + -1 0 0 1 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 3750 5300 3800 5300 +Connection ~ 3800 5300 +Wire Wire Line + 3800 5300 4100 5300 +Wire Wire Line + 3800 5000 3800 4900 +Text GLabel 5400 5900 2 50 Input ~ 0 +Temp +Text GLabel 5400 5700 2 50 Input ~ 0 +CUSTOM_GPIO +Text GLabel 5400 5800 2 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT_CTRL_PUMP_1 +Text GLabel 3950 5500 3 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT6_MOIST +Text GLabel 5400 6000 2 50 Input ~ 0 +PUMP_ENABLE +Text GLabel 4100 5700 3 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT5_MOIST +Text GLabel 5400 6400 2 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT_CTRL_PUMP_0 +Text GLabel 5400 6300 2 50 Input ~ 0 +SENSORS_ENABLE +Text GLabel 7700 6200 0 50 Input ~ 0 +PWR_SENSORS +$Comp +L Connector:Conn_01x05_Female GPIO1 +U 1 1 6079FFD7 +P 7900 6400 +F 0 "GPIO1" H 7928 6426 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "Conn_01x05_Female" H 7928 6335 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_EH_B5B-EH-A_1x05_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 7900 6400 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 7900 6400 50 0001 C CNN + 1 7900 6400 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 5400 6500 2 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT_CTRL_PUMP_2 +Text GLabel 5400 6600 2 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT_CTRL_PUMP_3 +Text GLabel 5400 6700 2 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT_CTRL_PUMP_4 +Text GLabel 5400 6800 2 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT_CTRL_PUMP_5 +Text GLabel 5400 6900 2 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT_CTRL_PUMP_6 +Text GLabel 5400 7000 2 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT2_MOIST +Text GLabel 5400 7100 2 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT3_MOIST +Text GLabel 5400 7200 2 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT4_MOIST +Text GLabel 5400 7300 2 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT0_MOIST +Text GLabel 5400 7400 2 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT1_MOIST +Text GLabel 18950 11100 0 50 Input ~ 0 +SOLAR_IN +Text GLabel 4700 4950 1 50 Input ~ 0 +3_3V +Text GLabel 3800 4900 1 50 Input ~ 0 +3_3V +$Comp +L Switch:SW_Push SW2 +U 1 1 60983DAC +P 5650 4150 +F 0 "SW2" H 5650 4435 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "SW_Push" H 5650 4344 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Button_Switch_SMD:SW_Push_1P1T_NO_CK_KMR2" H 5650 4350 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 5650 4350 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C72443" H 5650 4150 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 5650 4150 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:R R1 +U 1 1 60983DB3 +P 5650 4800 +F 0 "R1" V 5443 4800 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "1k" V 5534 4800 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 5580 4800 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 5650 4800 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C95781" H 5650 4800 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 5650 4800 + -1 0 0 1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:C C1 +U 1 1 60983DBA +P 5500 4150 +F 0 "C1" H 5385 4104 50 0000 R CNN +F 1 "100n" H 5385 4195 50 0000 R CNN +F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 5538 4000 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 5500 4150 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C49678" H 5500 4150 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 5500 4150 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 5650 3750 1 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Wire Wire Line + 5650 4350 5650 4450 +Wire Wire Line + 5500 4300 5500 4450 +Wire Wire Line + 5500 4450 5650 4450 +Connection ~ 5650 4450 +Wire Wire Line + 5650 4450 5650 4650 +Wire Wire Line + 5650 3750 5650 3900 +Wire Wire Line + 5500 4000 5500 3900 +Wire Wire Line + 5500 3900 5650 3900 +Connection ~ 5650 3900 +Wire Wire Line + 5650 3900 5650 3950 +$Comp +L Device:C C2 +U 1 1 60983DCC +P 5500 5000 +F 0 "C2" H 5615 5046 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "22uf" H 5615 4955 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 5538 4850 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 5500 5000 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C45783" H 5500 5000 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 5500 5000 + 0 -1 -1 0 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 5350 5000 0 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +$Comp +L Device:R R2 +U 1 1 60983DD4 +P 5800 5000 +F 0 "R2" V 5593 5000 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "10k" V 5684 5000 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 5730 5000 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 5800 5000 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C212284" H 5800 5000 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 5800 5000 + 0 -1 -1 0 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 5650 4950 5650 5000 +Connection ~ 5650 5000 +Wire Wire Line + 5650 5000 5650 5300 +Wire Wire Line + 5950 5000 6050 5000 +Text GLabel 6050 5000 2 50 Input ~ 0 +3_3V +NoConn ~ 4100 6700 +NoConn ~ 4100 6800 +NoConn ~ 4100 7000 +NoConn ~ 4100 6600 +NoConn ~ 4100 6500 +NoConn ~ 4100 6900 +Wire Wire Line + 5300 5700 5400 5700 +Wire Wire Line + 5300 5800 5400 5800 +Wire Wire Line + 5300 6000 5400 6000 +Wire Wire Line + 5300 6300 5400 6300 +Wire Wire Line + 5300 6500 5400 6500 +Wire Wire Line + 5300 6600 5400 6600 +Wire Wire Line + 5300 6700 5400 6700 +Wire Wire Line + 5300 6800 5400 6800 +Wire Wire Line + 5300 6900 5400 6900 +Wire Wire Line + 5300 7000 5400 7000 +Wire Wire Line + 5300 7100 5400 7100 +Wire Wire Line + 5300 7200 5400 7200 +Wire Wire Line + 5300 7300 5400 7300 +Wire Wire Line + 5300 7400 5400 7400 +Wire Wire Line + 5300 6400 5400 6400 +Wire Wire Line + 5300 6200 6450 6200 +Wire Wire Line + 21150 9300 21050 9300 +$Comp +L Connector:Conn_01x02_Female LIPO1 +U 1 1 5F8D742C +P 22050 7600 +F 0 "LIPO1" H 22078 7576 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "Conn_01x02_Female" H 21450 7400 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "misc_footprints:BatteryHolder_Keystone_1042_1x18650" H 22050 7600 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 22050 7600 50 0001 C CNN + 1 22050 7600 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Text Notes 21500 7500 0 50 ~ 0 +LIPO mount +Text GLabel 18250 2600 0 50 Input ~ 0 +PUMP_PWR +Text Notes 17150 4650 0 1012 ~ 202 +XOR +Wire Wire Line + 8900 1850 9500 1850 +Text GLabel 17650 6400 3 50 Input ~ 0 +SOLAR_IN +$Comp +L Device:D D18 +U 1 1 60026D9A +P 17650 5900 +F 0 "D18" H 17650 5683 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "40V >2A" H 17650 5774 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Diode_SMD:D_SOD-123F" H 17650 5900 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 17650 5900 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C496544" H 17650 5800 50 0000 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 17650 5900 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 17650 6400 17650 6350 +Text GLabel 1250 11400 1 50 Input ~ 0 +PLANT_CTRL_PUMP_0 +Connection ~ 1700 11550 +Wire Wire Line + 1700 11550 1800 11550 +Wire Wire Line + 1550 11550 1700 11550 +$Comp +L Device:LED D1 +U 1 1 5F7E5EE6 +P 1700 11400 +F 0 "D1" V 1739 11282 50 0000 R CNN +F 1 "LED_Blue" V 1648 11282 50 0000 R CNN +F 2 "LED_SMD:LED_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 1700 11400 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 1700 11400 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C205441" H 1700 11400 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 1700 11400 + 0 -1 -1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:R R5 +U 1 1 5F7E5EEC +P 1700 11050 +F 0 "R5" H 1770 11096 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "270" H 1770 11005 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 1630 11050 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 1700 11050 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C17590" H 1700 11050 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 1700 11050 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 1700 11250 1700 11200 +Wire Wire Line + 1700 10900 1700 10850 +Wire Wire Line + 17350 5750 17650 5750 +Connection ~ 17650 5750 +Wire Wire Line + 17650 5750 17700 5750 +Text GLabel 20350 6200 3 50 Input ~ 0 +VCC_BAT_FUSED +Text GLabel 19050 7650 2 50 Input ~ 0 +VCC_BAT_FUSED +Wire Wire Line + 18650 7700 19000 7700 +Wire Wire Line + 19000 7700 19000 7650 +Text GLabel 21150 9300 2 50 Input ~ 0 +VCC_BAT_FUSED +Wire Wire Line + 19050 7650 19000 7650 +Connection ~ 19000 7650 +Wire Wire Line + 19000 7650 19000 7600 +Wire Wire Line + 20350 6200 20350 6150 +Wire Wire Line + 20450 8850 20450 9000 +Wire Wire Line + 19650 8850 20450 8850 +Connection ~ 20450 9000 +Text GLabel 22000 10800 2 50 Input ~ 0 +VCC +Text GLabel 22000 10500 2 50 Input ~ 0 +Temp +$Comp +L Device:R Shunt1 +U 1 1 602ABE39 +P 21150 7700 +F 0 "Shunt1" V 20943 7700 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "0.100" V 21034 7700 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_2512_6332Metric" V 21080 7700 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 21150 7700 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C163067" H 21150 7700 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 21150 7700 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 21300 7750 3 50 Input ~ 0 +Rsense+ +Text GLabel 21000 7750 3 50 Input ~ 0 +Rsense- +Text GLabel 19000 10500 0 50 Input ~ 0 +Rsense+ +Text GLabel 19000 10800 0 50 Input ~ 0 +Rsense- +Connection ~ 20350 6150 +Wire Wire Line + 21300 7750 21300 7700 +Connection ~ 21300 7700 +Wire Wire Line + 21000 7750 21000 7700 +Wire Wire Line + 21000 7700 20950 7700 +Connection ~ 21000 7700 +Text GLabel 19150 9300 0 50 Input ~ 0 +SOLAR_GND +Text GLabel 20550 6600 2 50 Input ~ 0 +SOLAR_GND +Text GLabel 19450 10300 0 50 Input ~ 0 +Rsense- +Wire Wire Line + 19450 10550 19400 10550 +Wire Wire Line + 19400 10550 19400 10500 +$Comp +L Device:R R3 +U 1 1 6056B7D1 +P 19150 10800 +F 0 "R3" H 19080 10754 50 0000 R CNN +F 1 "100k" H 19080 10845 50 0000 R CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 19080 10800 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 19150 10800 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C702859" H 19150 10800 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 19150 10800 + 0 -1 -1 0 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 19000 10500 19350 10500 +$Comp +L Device:C C20 +U 1 1 6056CF4C +P 19350 10650 +F 0 "C20" H 19235 10604 50 0000 R CNN +F 1 "100n" H 19235 10695 50 0000 R CNN +F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 19388 10500 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 19350 10650 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C49678" H 19350 10650 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 19350 10650 + -1 0 0 1 +$EndComp +Connection ~ 19350 10800 +Wire Wire Line + 19350 10800 19300 10800 +Connection ~ 19350 10500 +Wire Wire Line + 19350 10500 19400 10500 +Text GLabel 3650 900 0 50 Input ~ 0 +3_3V +Text GLabel 5000 1050 2 50 Input ~ 0 +3_3V +$Comp +L Device:R R4 +U 1 1 60591E82 +P 19000 11250 +F 0 "R4" V 18793 11250 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "10k" V 18884 11250 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 18930 11250 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 19000 11250 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C212284" H 19000 11250 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 19000 11250 + -1 0 0 1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:R R48 +U 1 1 60592B8B +P 19000 11550 +F 0 "R48" V 18793 11550 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "10k" V 18884 11550 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 18930 11550 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 19000 11550 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C212284" H 19000 11550 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 19000 11550 + -1 0 0 1 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 18950 11700 0 50 Input ~ 0 +Rsense+ +Wire Wire Line + 18950 11100 19000 11100 +Wire Wire Line + 18950 11700 19000 11700 +Wire Wire Line + 3950 5500 4100 5500 +Wire Wire Line + 4100 5600 4100 5700 +Wire Wire Line + 5300 5300 5650 5300 +$Comp +L Connector:Conn_01x04_Female I2C1 +U 1 1 607BAC29 +P 6550 7500 +F 0 "I2C1" H 6578 7476 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "Conn_01x04_Female" H 6578 7385 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_EH_B4B-EH-A_1x04_P2.50mm_Vertical" H 6550 7500 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 6550 7500 50 0001 C CNN + 1 6550 7500 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Text GLabel 6350 7400 0 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Text GLabel 6350 7700 0 50 Input ~ 0 +3_3V +Wire Wire Line + 5300 7500 6350 7500 +Wire Wire Line + 6350 7600 5300 7600 +Text GLabel 7050 6600 0 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Wire Wire Line + 7700 6500 6450 6500 +Wire Wire Line + 6450 6200 6450 6500 +Wire Wire Line + 5300 6100 6500 6100 +Wire Wire Line + 6500 6100 6500 6400 +Wire Wire Line + 6500 6400 7700 6400 +Wire Wire Line + 9300 15250 9600 15250 +Wire Wire Line + 9600 15250 9600 15150 +Text GLabel 9600 15300 3 50 Input ~ 0 +GND +Wire Wire Line + 9600 15250 9600 15300 +Connection ~ 9600 15250 +Wire Wire Line + 3900 14200 3900 14150 +Wire Wire Line + 7950 1550 7900 1550 +Wire Wire Line + 8500 2500 8800 2500 +Wire Wire Line + 8800 2500 8800 2400 +Wire Wire Line + 8800 2400 8900 2400 +Wire Wire Line + 8900 2450 8900 2400 +Connection ~ 8900 2400 +$Comp +L ds2438:ds2438az+ U2 +U 1 1 609FCF0F +P 19600 10500 +F 0 "U2" H 20800 10887 60 0000 C CNN +F 1 "ds2438az+" H 20800 10781 60 0000 C CNN +F 2 "misc_footprints:ds2438az&plus_" H 20800 10740 60 0001 C CNN +F 3 "" H 19600 10500 60 0000 C CNN + 1 19600 10500 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 19600 10600 19450 10600 +Wire Wire Line + 19450 10600 19450 10550 +Wire Wire Line + 19500 10800 19500 10700 +Wire Wire Line + 19500 10700 19600 10700 +Wire Wire Line + 19350 10800 19500 10800 +Wire Wire Line + 19600 10500 19500 10500 +Wire Wire Line + 19500 10500 19500 10300 +Wire Wire Line + 19500 10300 19450 10300 +$Comp +L Device:R R54 +U 1 1 60B3E4F0 +P 19300 11400 +F 0 "R54" H 19230 11354 50 0000 R CNN +F 1 "100k" H 19230 11445 50 0000 R CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 19230 11400 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 19300 11400 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C702859" H 19300 11400 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 19300 11400 + 0 -1 -1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Device:C C21 +U 1 1 60B3E4F7 +P 19750 11150 +F 0 "C21" H 19635 11104 50 0000 R CNN +F 1 "100n" H 19635 11195 50 0000 R CNN +F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" H 19788 11000 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 19750 11150 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C49678" H 19750 11150 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 19750 11150 + 0 -1 -1 0 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 19000 11400 19150 11400 +Connection ~ 19000 11400 +Wire Wire Line + 19450 11400 19600 11400 +Wire Wire Line + 19600 11400 19600 11150 +Wire Wire Line + 19600 11150 19600 10800 +Connection ~ 19600 11150 +Text GLabel 19900 11150 2 50 Input ~ 0 +Rsense- +$Comp +L Jumper:SolderJumper_2_Bridged SOLAR_PWR1 +U 1 1 60C8802B +P 17650 6200 +F 0 "SOLAR_PWR1" H 17650 6350 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "NC" H 17650 6000 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Jumper:SolderJumper-2_P1.3mm_Bridged_Pad1.0x1.5mm" H 17650 6200 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 17650 6200 50 0001 C CNN + 1 17650 6200 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L Connector:Conn_01x02_Female LIPO2 +U 1 1 60014214 +P 22100 7250 +F 0 "LIPO2" H 22128 7226 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "Conn_01x02_Female" H 22128 7135 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Connector_Wire:SolderWirePad_1x02_P5.08mm_Drill1.5mm" H 22100 7250 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 22100 7250 50 0001 C CNN + 1 22100 7250 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 21700 7600 21850 7600 +Wire Wire Line + 21300 7700 21850 7700 +Wire Wire Line + 21850 7600 21850 7250 +Wire Wire Line + 21850 7250 21900 7250 +Connection ~ 21850 7600 +Wire Wire Line + 21900 7350 21900 7700 +Wire Wire Line + 21900 7700 21850 7700 +Connection ~ 21850 7700 +Text Notes 4900 1400 0 50 ~ 0 +todo: Add DIODEs for onewire +Wire Wire Line + 5300 5900 5400 5900 +Wire Wire Line + 7700 6300 7300 6300 +Wire Wire Line + 6600 6300 6600 6000 +Wire Wire Line + 6600 6000 6250 6000 +Wire Wire Line + 6250 6000 6250 5500 +Wire Wire Line + 5300 5500 6250 5500 +$Comp +L Device:R R55 +U 1 1 60231A96 +P 7300 6450 +F 0 "R55" V 7093 6450 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "10k" V 7184 6450 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric_Pad1.15x1.40mm_HandSolder" V 7230 6450 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 7300 6450 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C212284" H 7300 6450 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 7300 6450 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Connection ~ 7300 6300 +Wire Wire Line + 7300 6300 6600 6300 +Wire Wire Line + 7050 6600 7300 6600 +Connection ~ 7300 6600 +Wire Wire Line + 7300 6600 7700 6600 +Connection ~ 3700 900 +Wire Wire Line + 3700 900 4150 900 +Text GLabel 1700 10850 1 50 Input ~ 0 +PWR_PUMP_CONVERTER +Text GLabel 2900 10850 1 50 Input ~ 0 +PWR_PUMP_CONVERTER +Text GLabel 4050 10850 1 50 Input ~ 0 +PWR_PUMP_CONVERTER +Text GLabel 5300 10900 1 50 Input ~ 0 +PWR_PUMP_CONVERTER +Text GLabel 6600 10900 1 50 Input ~ 0 +PWR_PUMP_CONVERTER +Text GLabel 7900 10900 1 50 Input ~ 0 +PWR_PUMP_CONVERTER +Text GLabel 9500 10900 1 50 Input ~ 0 +PWR_PUMP_CONVERTER +$Comp +L Device:CP C? +U 1 1 6020DE75 +P 14500 6450 +F 0 "C?" H 14615 6496 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "1000uF" H 14615 6405 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Capacitor_THT:CP_Radial_D10.0mm_P5.00mm" H 14538 6300 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 14500 6450 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C503217" H 14500 6450 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 14500 6450 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Wire Wire Line + 17000 6150 17000 5750 +Connection ~ 17000 5750 +Wire Wire Line + 17000 5750 17050 5750 +Wire Wire Line + 17000 6450 17000 7000 +Wire Wire Line + 17000 7000 16800 7000 +Connection ~ 16800 7000 +Wire Wire Line + 14500 6300 14750 6300 +Connection ~ 14750 6300 +Wire Wire Line + 14500 6600 14750 6600 +Connection ~ 14750 6600 +$Comp +L Device:CP C? +U 1 1 603177C6 +P 17000 6300 +F 0 "C?" H 17115 6346 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "1000uF" H 17115 6255 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "Capacitor_THT:CP_Radial_D10.0mm_P5.00mm" H 17038 6150 50 0001 C CNN +F 3 "~" H 17000 6300 50 0001 C CNN +F 4 "C503217" H 17000 6300 50 0001 C CNN "LCSC_PART_NUMBER" + 1 17000 6300 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$EndSCHEMATC